Chapter 110
Seeing Dijun take out a set of middle-grade Xiantian Lingbao-level formation flags, Qiankun Patriarch felt his chest was tight, and then looked at his two top-grade Houtian Lingbao-level formation flags. It's not small, it's a pity that he devoted himself to cultivation and didn't delve into the way of refining weapons. Otherwise, if he had many magic weapons, how could he be easily taken away by the emperor.

The Jiuyaoxing flag was suspended in the palm of his hand, and Di Jun couldn't help showing a smile on his face. Although the original Jiuyaoxing flag was destroyed, it is not difficult for Di Jun to refine a set of Jiuyaoxing flag , and the Jiuyaoxing Banner only has nine rods, so it is not a problem to spend some precious refining materials to refine them into innate spirit treasures.

I saw the Jiuyaoxing flag moved with Dijun's urging, and immediately, a Jiuyao burning sky formation appeared in front of Dijun. The formation has not yet been activated, but its power is already amazing. Nine poles of Jiuyaoxing flag Burning with the real fire of the raging sun, nine three-legged golden crow figures evolved, and the aura of each three-legged golden crow figure is enough to make any Daluo Jinxian feel frightened.

And as Emperor Jun urged the formation, the power of the nine three-legged Golden Crow Dharma became even more astonishing. Under the urging of the law of fire, the power of the three-legged Golden Crow Dharma rose even more, and the power of the real fire of the sun was obtained. If you give full play to it and feel it quietly, it is as if the sun star has really descended on the world. If Dijun could not control it, the surroundings would have been roasted into scorched earth long ago.

This is the boundary of Buzhou Mountain, where the living beings of the Hall of All Souls are located. As soon as the ancestor of Qiankun appeared, Di Jun immediately began to evacuate the living beings from the nearby Hall of All Souls. Even if it was the aftermath of the quasi-sage war, ordinary Da Luo Jinxian might not dare to bear it , let alone those weak creatures, if it weren't for the estimates of the creatures in the Hall of All Souls, how could Di Jun and the ancestor of Qiankun spend time here slowly.

Di Jun looked at the Qiankun Patriarch, smiled lightly, without any sense of tension, and asked softly: "Qiankun, I don't know what you think of my Jiuyao Burning Heaven Formation, but it's a pity that the refining materials are limited, otherwise I can still use it. It's a pity that the formation flag was refined into a top-grade innate spirit treasure."

When Qiankun Patriarch heard this, he immediately felt an arrow shot in his heart, and the same was true for those powerful spectators.No, Di Jun has already gone to heaven, and Di Jun is the only one who can refine innate spiritual treasures in the wild, and only he has the capital to say such things!
Patriarch Qiankun let out a cold snort, and saw that he directly activated the formation, and saw that the two formation flags merged into one, turned into a long sword, and shot straight at Dijun, the aura of Qiankun on the sword was surging , the power of heaven and earth is added to it, and it is controlled by Qiankun Patriarch, a quasi-sage who is proficient in the laws of Qiankun, so the power is naturally extraordinary.

Seeing this, Emperor Jun smiled faintly and activated the formation. The nine golden crows flew towards the sword of Qiankun formed by the great formation of Qiankun. The sword was completely surrounded in the middle, as if it wanted to use the real fire of the sun to directly burn the sword of heaven and earth formed by this great formation.

However, the power of the sword of Qiankun formed by the great formation of Qiankun is indeed extraordinary. When a sword is cut out, it is like dividing the sky and the earth. The sea of ​​fire is raging, and it can be cut open with a single sword. No matter how it was burned, it didn't have much impact, and the blue light was still shining, with extraordinary power.

Cut through the sea of ​​fire with one sword, and shoot at the Golden Crow with one breath. The sword of the universe released the infinite power of the universe in an instant, gathered the power of the heaven and the earth, and transformed into a giant sword in an instant, directly towards the nine three-legged golden crows. Yao Fentian shot at the big formation, slashed out with a sword, the Jiuyao Fentian big formation was actually shaken, the real fire of the sun was raging, and the formation was unstable. If there were a few more sword strikes, it might really be able to break the formation.

Seeing this, Di Jun's eyes flashed brightly, and with a seal in his hand, he said softly: "Nine yuan returns to one!"

I saw nine three-legged Golden Crows crying in unison, then gathered in one place, merged with each other, and turned into a huge three-legged Golden Crow in a blink of an eye. Released, like the sun hanging in the sky, it flew directly towards the giant sword of Qiankun. The sharp claws and beaks wrapped in the real fire of the sun, and launched a brazen attack on the giant sword of Qiankun.

The three-legged Golden Crow and the giant sword of Qiankun collided constantly between heaven and earth, and they were evenly matched for a while. Today's earth-shattering battle has also opened the eyes of many Da Luo Jinxian and others who watched the battle. Seeing it for the first time among them also gave them a deep understanding of the power of the Quasi-Saint Realm.

It's a pity that even the innate demon gods, except for a few reincarnations of the remnant souls of the chaotic demon gods, have only the innate inheritance of the Da Luo Jinxian level. If you can improve your skills by yourself, or you can use the merits of heaven to break through like the three of Zulong, Fengzhu and Linzu, otherwise there is basically no hope in a short time.

It is also because of this that they pay so much attention to the battle between Emperor Jun and the ancestor of Qiankun. If they can get a glimpse of the mystery of the quasi-sage realm from them, it is definitely better than their millions of years of hard work and retreat. But it's a pity that none of these spectators even reached the peak of Da Luo Jinxian. It is basically wishful thinking to try to get a glimpse of the mystery of the quasi-sage realm from Di Jun and Qiankun Patriarch.

Jiuyao Burning the Great Formation Fighting Qiankun in one big formation, the two formations showed great power, which made many people realize the power of the formation. Not everyone can have the innate spiritual treasure, but if you can master it A set of powerful formations can also gain some advantages in confronting the enemy. This will lead to the emergence of many formations in the prehistoric future, both strong and weak, which can be regarded as the great prosperity of the formations.

The two formations are fighting each other, Dijun and Qiankun Patriarch are trying their best to control the formation, and although Dijun looks calm, he is not like this in his heart. In terms of formation alone, the Jiuyao Burning Heaven formation and Qiankun's formation are all in one. They are evenly matched, in terms of magic power, Dijun is not weaker than Qiankun Patriarch, in terms of comprehension of laws, Dijun is not inferior to Qiankun Patriarch, and in terms of formation flag level, Dijun is far better than Qiankun Patriarch.

But that's the case, the Jiuyao Burning Formation was only evenly matched with the Qiankun Formation, which made Di Jun have to reflect, the Qiankun Formation relied on the power of heaven and earth, while the Jiuyao Burning Formation relied on the true power of the sun The power of fire, logically speaking, under normal circumstances, it should be that the Jiuyao Burning Heaven Formation is better than the Qiankun Formation.

At this time, Dijun's eyes suddenly lit up, and he finally understood where the problem was. Indeed, Dijun's mana was no worse than that of Qiankun Patriarch, but he ignored one point. The mana of Daluo Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian in the Tianxue hole was pushed up, not the real quasi-sacred mana.

There are also differences in the quality of mana in different realms. For example, a Taiyi Golden Immortal's mana that can exert a full blow from a Taiyi Golden Immortal, and a Daluo Golden Immortal's mana that can also be compared to a Taiyi Golden Immortal's full blow. The same, but there is a difference in quality. When the two collide, the one who wins must be the mana of the Da Luo Jinxian.

Di Jun didn't notice this before, but now when he fought against the ancestor of Qiankun, he discovered this shortcoming of Zhou Tian's Good Fortune Art. Although it is not fatal, it is not a small problem. But in the battle with Zhunsheng, there are always some disadvantages. Fortunately, Di Jun discovered it early. If he encounters an enemy stronger than Qiankun Patriarch in the future, it is likely to become a fatal weakness.

(End of this chapter)

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