Chapter 113 Closing
The law of time is indeed very wonderful. Although Dijun is only comprehending the acceleration of time now, he was able to spy on the future unexpectedly. Although it is very vague, it is very useful. With Patriarch Qiankun and that chaotic sword energy, I am afraid that Di Jun will really suffer a lot in the hands of Patriarch Qiankun this time.

It is not important to suffer losses in the hands of the ancestor Qiankun, what is important is that an injured him is likely to attract the attention of other powerful people, if someone takes the opportunity to make a move, the consequences will be disastrous, so Dijun can only go to Taiyi, Borrowing the Chaos Clock from him, and holding the two innate treasures of the Qiankun Ding and the Chaos Clock in his hand, he was very sure to deal with the situation in front of him.

There were three muffled sounds, and the three chaotic sword qi were all annihilated by the attack of the chaotic clock. Although the power of this chaotic sword qi was astonishing, much stronger than that displayed by Di Jun urging the chaotic clock, it was not an innate treasure after all. Di Jun directly wiped it out with Chaos Clock's continuous attacks. This time, Di Jun won by quantity.

Seeing this, Patriarch Qiankun's expression changed drastically. The appearance of the Chaos Clock was beyond his expectation, and the power of the Chaos Clock in Dijun's hands was completely different from that in Taiyi's hands. The attack power launched by Di Jun with the Chaos Clock is not as powerful as the Chaos Sword Qi, but dozens of attacks in an instant are enough to shatter the Chaos Sword Qi.

Now that the hole card is broken, the ancestor of Qiankun naturally lost his previous composure. Luo Hu only gave him nine Chaos Sword Qi in total, and now he has to use five. Judging from the current situation, with the remaining four Chaos Sword Qi Qi can't hurt Di Jun at all, let alone regain the Qiankun Cauldron. It seems that this revenge has completely failed.

Patriarch Qiankun's eyes were fixed, and he had already made a decision in his heart. He waved his sleeves, and three chaotic sword qi shot out again, but he himself turned into a blue light and fled directly to the distance, which made everyone feel uneasy. Surprised, he left resolutely when he saw that he was invincible. This Qiankun Patriarch really didn't care about his face at all, but it's also true, face is nothing in the face of life and death.

But when Di Jun saw this, he couldn't help snorting. Last time he let the ancestor of Qiankun escape, this time he would definitely not let the tiger go back to the mountain. I saw him urging the Chaos Clock with all his strength, and there was a melodious and ancient bell When it sounded, the three chaotic sword qi and the ancestor of Qiankun were all fixed in the air for a short time. Although it was only a moment, it was enough.

"Zhou Tian Xing Dou, Feng Tian pardons the earth!"

I saw the Zhoutian star map flying out of Dijun's head, and the Zhoutian star banners flew out of the Zhoutian star map, forming a Zhoutian star battle formation in an instant, covering Dijun and Qiankun Patriarch directly, Completely isolated from everyone's investigation, no one knew what happened inside, but they all knew that the Qiankun Patriarch might be doomed this time.

In the Western Devil's Cave, when Luo Hu saw the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, a trace of solemnity flashed across his face. He held the most precious innate treasure, the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, which was infinitely powerful. The nine chaotic sword qi were driven by him fully The condensed sword formation of Zhuxian even contains a trace of the original energy of the sword formation of Zhuxian, so it is very powerful. Of course, it is also because of Luo Hu's advanced cultivation.

But now, with Luo Hu's knowledge, how could it be possible for Dijun to fail to see the profoundness of the Zhoutian Xingdou formation formed by Dijun, and the formation is formed according to the way of the circulation of the Zhoutian stars. At this time, Dijun is still the main formation alone. With such power, if there are many people in the main formation, what kind of power should it show? Luo Hu was startled and came to a general conclusion, which is comparable to the Zhuxian sword formation.

Luo Hu suddenly laughed and said: "Hahaha... What a handsome emperor, he still hides such a formation. It is really extraordinary. If you were born in chaos, I am afraid that you will have a place in chaos, and you will definitely be able to compete with him today." I'm waiting for the opportunity to compete for Hunyuan, it's a pity, it's a pity."

The demon general on the side said: "My lord, if you don't save this ancestor of Qiankun, he is still a quasi-sage and powerful. He has agreed to cooperate with the lord, and it is still of great use value. After all, what we have planned The matter is very involved, once it is exposed, I am afraid we will become the target of Honghuang, with his help, at least it can relieve our pressure a little."

Luo Hu shook his head slightly, and said with a light smile: "There is no chance. Di Jun must have guessed that there is someone behind the scenes to help the ancestor of Qiankun. He could kill the ancestor of Qiankun with the Chaos Clock, but why did he not hesitate to expose this formation?" , It’s not just to prevent someone from intervening, this kind of formation, even if I make a move, I’m afraid it will be difficult to break through it for a while, the ancestor of Qiankun has no life.”

The demon general on the side sighed: "Hey, it's really a pity that a quasi-sage and great power has just fallen."

Luo Hu smiled and said: "It's not a pity, at least he helped me try out some of Dijun, and let me get to know this Dijun again, but it's a pity that my nine chaotic sword qi are not easy to condense." ah!"

I only heard a sudden loud noise between heaven and earth, which originally came from the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, followed by this loud noise, and this burst of wailing: "Thousands of years, I lost my life in So, I am not reconciled! Di Jun, you want to pry into my secrets, don’t even think about it, even if I die, I will not fulfill you, hahahaha..."

The formation was withdrawn, revealing Di Jun's figure, and I saw that Di Jun's face was extremely ugly. The ancestor of Qiankun finally chose to blew himself up, which made him fall short. How could Di Jun be reconciled? West finally entered Buzhou Mountain and disappeared from everyone's eyes, and a world-shattering war came to an end.

The fall of the Qiankun Patriarch made all living beings realize the power of Di Jun, and shocked many people's greed. Originally, they wanted to take advantage of Dijun and Qiankun Patriarch's defeat, and reap the benefits of the fisherman, but they did not expect Qiankun Patriarch It didn't hurt Di Jun at all, but he was forced by Di Jun to the point where he blew himself up, which is really surprising.

Since then, if they are not very sure, no one would dare to take action against the Hall of All Souls.

Luo Hu looked at Dijun's eyes at the end, and smiled faintly: "Oh? Did you discover the existence of this seat? It seems that he had already aroused his suspicion when I sent Taotie there last time. Is the last look really warning me? Interesting ,interesting!"

(End of this chapter)

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