Chapter 117 Zhou Tian Da Luo
But the way of Hunyuan is not so easy to pursue. At least so far, Di Jun has no confidence, and this is not what he should think about now. The way of cultivation should not be too high-spirited. If one breaks through to the realm of quasi-sage, no matter how bad it is, one must raise one's cultivation level again.

Although Emperor Qiankun killed Patriarch Qiankun before, he still had lingering fears in his heart. Although Patriarch Qiankun was not as strong as him, the chaotic sword energy he used was very terrifying. Calculated by the chaotic clock, even if he held the Zhuxian Sword Formation Or the pangu banner, the chaotic sword energy released may not be able to reach this level at all. It can be seen that the cultivation base of the manipulative magic weapon is higher than him, and it is much higher.

Quasi-holy middle term?Or the late quasi-holy?This is something that Dijun cannot be sure of. In the prehistoric world, the three people Dijun fears the most, Hongjun, Luohu, and the white-haired Taoist who appeared earlier, should be the legendary raised eyebrows. One of the most powerful Chaos Demon Gods, now reincarnated in the Great Desolation, is definitely the most powerful existence among the Innate Demon Gods.

Facing them, Di Jun was naturally very afraid. With his current cultivation and methods, if he faced any one of these three alone, his life might be in danger. It would be good to escape his life in their hands. , although they have no reason to deal with him now, Di Jun will not pin his life on this illusory possibility.

Since it is difficult to deduce the exercises of quasi-sacred realm, Di Jun simply began to focus on the improvement of the primordial spirit realm, the comprehension of the laws, and the improvement of strength. Well, after this amount of calamity, Di Jun will naturally have a lot of time to deduce the mystery of the quasi-sage realm and perfect his own skills.

As for the improvement of strength, Di Jun is fully prepared, and the cultivation of Zhou Tian's acupoints has never stopped. However, the hole is enough to break through to the realm of Da Luo. Although this breakthrough is not the overall breakthrough of Zhou Tian's points, the movement is probably not small.

[-] Zhoutian sub-acupuncture mana broke through from the peak of Taiyi Jinxian to the early stage of Daluo Jinxian. This movement is naturally not small. You must know that there are only a few hundred Daluo Jinxians in the wilderness, and Dijun alone How terrifying it is to be able to reach ten thousand Luo Jinxians. Such a breakthrough is absolutely earth-shattering.

Fortunately, there are also strengths and weaknesses among Da Luo Jinxian, just like a top-level innate demon god and an ordinary innate demon god. Even though they are both Da Luo Jinxian's initial cultivation base, their mana will definitely not be the same. Jun uses the Zhoutian acupoint to cultivate mana, but the Zhoutian acupoint is not the dantian after all, and the mana he cultivated may not even be comparable to ordinary innate demon gods.

Among the Zhoutian acupoints in Dijun's body, the five Zhoutianzhu acupoints at 360 are the most powerful, but the mana stored in each of the main acupoints is probably at most comparable to that of ordinary innate demon gods, and such acupoints There are very few, and I am afraid that only the sun, lunar and crape myrtle star positions can be compared, and the others may need to be compared with two or three together.

And Zhou Tian's deputy acupoints are not bad, otherwise, if there is no gap, Di Jun may be able to show his Hunyuan strength once he breaks through. The gods and demons in the two capitals are rivaled by a large formation, and they really have the power to exert their mixed power.

After all, even if the monster race develops to the extreme, I am afraid that tens of thousands of Da Luo Jinxian will not appear, but even so, the superimposed power of tens of thousands of Zhoutian deputy acupoints breaking through together is very terrifying. Di Jun is confident that he can use it to go further In this way, he can be more confident in facing the crisis that may arise during this calamity. After all, there are still heavy mountains like Luo Hu and Hongjun on his head.

But this time, Di Jun doesn't plan to go to the depths of the ancient starry sky to break through silently. He wants to break through openly in this prehistoric wilderness, so as to frighten the prehistoric creatures. With his own strength, this can also make him restrain himself and not dare to act rashly.

After leaving the Wanling Pavilion, Di Jun flew directly towards the top of Buzhou Mountain. The higher he went, the stronger the Pangu legacy left by Buzhou Mountain. When he reached the peak, the pressure here was completely gone. Reaching the state of quasi-sage, and it is not as simple as the initial period of quasi-sage, but more like the peak of quasi-sage, with a unique charm in it, which made Di Jun feel extremely strong pressure.

Sitting cross-legged on the top of Buzhou Mountain, the map of Zhoutian and stars flew out above his head. With Dijun's urging, he immediately attracted infinite starlight. With the power of Zhoutian and stars entering his body, Dijun began this time to surpass An ordinary breakthrough, above the nine heavens, all the Zhoutian stars resonated with the Zhoutian star array in Dijun's body, and the power of countless Zhoutian stars hung down, just like the Milky Way falling into the nine heavens, it was very spectacular.

As soon as the vision appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of countless prehistoric beings. They could all clearly see that on the top of Buzhou Mountain, Dijun absorbed the power of Zhoutian and stars, and the breath in his body continued to rise. They had seen such a vision before. Once, it was when Dijun broke through the realm of Daluo during the calamity of fierce beasts, and it was the same scene.

It's just that this time the vision is even more terrifying. The power of the stars in the sky seems to be attracted by Di Jun. Obviously, Di Jun has made a big breakthrough again, which shocked many prehistoric powers. Di Jun broke through the quasi-sage It's only been a long time since he was in the state of mind, and he has made a breakthrough again. Could it be that he realized something in the battle with the ancestor of Qiankun?

Mysterious, terrifying, and not to be provoked, this is the common evaluation of Dijun by many great powers, especially Zulong, Fengzhu and Linzu, who are even more afraid of Dijun. They broke through again, which made them feel even more pressure. After all, they really couldn't figure out Dijun's intentions, so they were even more afraid.

In the Western Devil's Cave, Luo Hu had just ordered the demons under him to take action. At this time, Di Jun began to break through, which surprised Luo Hu. He carefully observed the scene when Di Jun broke through, but he couldn't see through it. This is also the most mysterious part of Di Jun's body. There is no omission in the sky, and it is difficult to see the wonders.

(End of this chapter)

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