Chapter 119
Of course, going out is not an easy task. The sixth prince looked at the elder of the dragon clan who was meditating not far away. Suddenly, he felt a wave emanating from the elder of the dragon clan, as if he was about to break through, so he opened his mouth Said to those servants: "You all retreat! The elder is breaking through, don't disturb him."

When the servants heard this, they retreated one after another. Seeing this, the Sixth Prince couldn't help showing a smile on his face. With a seal in his hand, he directly sealed off the hall, as if he was going to protect the elders of the Dragon Clan. I slipped out of the hall quietly, activated the magic weapon, and left the Crystal Palace without a sound.

After the sixth prince left, the elders of the Dragon clan who were breaking through suddenly opened their eyes. However, there was a look of disdain and murderous intent. It was obvious that the Sixth Prince's departure was indulged by him. What was his purpose?
The main hall was sealed off, the elders broke through, and no one would notice him leaving the Crystal Palace for a while. The sixth prince happily urged the magic treasure water yuanzhu given to him by his father Zulong, and soon went straight out of the sea and came to the On an island, looking at the scenery above the sea, the sixth prince couldn't help but feel overjoyed, and finally escaped.

However, when he saw that there was already a person standing on the island, the Sixth Prince's face suddenly collapsed, and he said with embarrassment: "Elder Long Yuan, aren't you breaking through? Why did you leave the barrier so quickly? Still thinking about..."

Standing in front of the sixth prince was the guardian elder of the dragon clan. After hearing this, the elder Longyuan smiled and said, "What are you thinking? Do you want to sneak out to play while I break through? During the catastrophe, our dragon clan, phoenix, and unicorn clan are in conflict, it is very dangerous for you to go out alone."

Hearing this, the sixth prince showed a proud expression on his face, and said, "Elder Longyuan, don't worry, my dragon clan dominates all over the world, and now my father has broken through and entered the realm of quasi-sage, which is the largest in the prehistoric world." Even if I meet people from the Phoenix and Qilin clans, they don’t dare to do anything to me, don’t they want to start a big war?”

After Elder Longyuan heard this, a smile appeared on his face. Although the sixth prince was a little mischievous, he understood the situation a little bit. What he said was correct. For the beast and bird clans, as long as the sixth prince reveals his identity, they dare not attack him lightly. After all, once they do, they will provoke a war among the three clans. This is no joke.

It's just that the smile of Elder Longyuan fell in the eyes of the sixth prince, but it felt weird. The sixth prince's heart was a little hairy, and he always felt that something was wrong. The sixth prince couldn't help asking: "Elder Longyuan, what are you laughing at?" , am I wrong?"

After hearing this, Elder Longyuan said, "You are right or wrong. The dragon clan dominates all over the world, and it is indeed the most powerful force in the prehistoric world, but your father's breakthrough into quasi-sage is nothing. There are people who are stronger than him, have you seen the starry galaxy over there? There is a person who is stronger than your father."

Hearing this, the sixth prince followed the direction Elder Longyuan pointed, and saw a Milky Way composed of stars hanging down to the sky, which was very spectacular. He asked in shock, "Elder Longyuan, do you think there is really something special there?" Is my father a stronger person?"

Elder Long Yuan nodded and said, "Of course, if that person wants to kill your father, it doesn't take much effort, and if he has the heart to fight for the prehistoric world, I'm afraid there won't be any scales, beasts, or beasts in the prehistoric world today." There are three clans of birds."

After the sixth prince heard this, his face showed surprise. He didn't expect there to be such a powerful person, but he also had doubts in his heart, so he asked, "Since he is so powerful, why didn't he fight for the prehistoric?"

After hearing this, Elder Long Yuan said with a smile: "Today's Honghuang is like a huge game, and the dragon, phoenix and kylin clans are all in the game, and he should have seen through this, so he didn't act rashly," he said , Elder Long Yuan suddenly looked at the sixth prince, and said with a sneer: "Sixth prince, you have also entered the game, and you will be the beginning of the war between the three clans."

Before the Sixth Prince could react, Elder Longyuan shot directly. With Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base, he was able to sneak attack a Golden Immortal. The two communication jade talismans should be contacting someone, it seems that he has premeditated.

Not long after, two figures appeared on this island close to the Great Desolate Continent. These two turned out to be the elders of the Phoenix Clan and the Qilin Clan. If Zulong, Phoenix Lord and Linzu were here, they would definitely It was discovered that these three people were actually the elders of the three tribes who advised them to pray for the way of heaven and ruled the three tribes of scale armor, beasts and birds.

When the three of them gathered together, the elder of the Phoenix Clan said: "Long Yuan, you are too slow to start! We have already succeeded for a long time, and we have been waiting for you. If you delay the important event of the Lord, you will not be able to atone for your sin by death. "

After hearing this, Elder Long Yuan sighed: "Chi Yu, Mo Xuan, I can't help it, Zu Long is too close to this little guy, I finally found a chance to let him sneak out by himself, after all You have to make it leak-free, otherwise it will be bad if something goes wrong.”

Akabane is the elder of the Phoenix Clan, and Mo Xuan is the elder of the Qilin Clan, but the three of them have a common identity, that is, they are all members of the Demon Clan, and it is precisely by relying on the skills passed down by Luo Hu that they stepped into the Dalai Lama. Luo Jinxian has become the elder of the dragon, phoenix and kylin clan, so it is naturally easier to handle things.

I saw Chi Yu and Mo Xuan waved their sleeves, and two figures appeared on the ground together, a man and a woman, they were the children of Linzu and Fengzhu respectively, plus the sixth prince of Zulong, obviously, they wanted to lend them The three of them made some fuss in order to provoke a war among the dragon, phoenix, and kylin clans. This is why they have been lurking among the dragon, phoenix, and kylin clans.

Under the control of Longyuan, Chiyu and Moxuan, the sixth prince killed the children of Linzu and Fengzhu, and the children of Linzu and Fengzhu also killed the sixth prince, and the breath of each other was left on the bodies of the three. , Long Yuan and the three looked at each other and smiled, Chi Yu and Mo Xuan took the bodies of Lin Zu and Feng Zhu's children and left, while the body of the sixth prince was left on the island.

As for Long Yuan, of course he rushed back to continue the 'breakthrough', so the game must be perfect. If he escapes now, doesn't it just mean that he has a problem, he is not so stupid, waiting for Zulong, Fengzhu and The discovery of the bodies of Linzu's three children will definitely cause an uproar, and the good show will begin here.

(End of this chapter)

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