Chapter 121

In Buzhou Mountain, in the Wanling Pavilion, Taiyi, Fuxi and Nuwa gathered together to observe the situation of the three prehistoric tribes, their faces were involuntarily solemn. The three tribes had already begun to raise troops before the calamity broke out completely. Accelerating the evolution of the amount of calamity, and looking at the posture of the three clans, a war that swept across the prehistoric world may be inevitable.

Seeing this, Tai Yi said solemnly: "Three tribes are raising troops, and the calamity is about to break out. I don't know when the big brother will be able to complete the breakthrough. If the opportunity of the big brother's breakthrough is destroyed because of this big war, it will be terrible. Can't they wait?" Will the calamity evolve on its own before going to war?"

After hearing this, Fuxi said with a serious face: "The war among the three clans is inevitable. Now the descendants of Zulong, Fengzhu and Linzu have all been killed, and the spearheads are directed at each other. This is the best time for an excuse to launch a big war, but it seems strange that the third ancestor's heir was killed, and Pindao always feels that there is something wrong."

Nuwa practiced the law of good fortune, and her character was considered kind-hearted among those who practiced Taoism. She showed a look of impatience, and said, "Hey! No matter what, the war between the three clans is inevitable. When the war is together, the calamity will break out, and I don't know How many souls will fall in this calamity, and the prehistoric world will also be devastated."

Tai Yi said in a cold voice: "Since the three clans can't help but want to compete for the position of Lord of Heaven and Earth, let them fight! As long as it doesn't affect our Wanling Temple, then they can fight whatever they want. The dragon clan is the strongest among the three clans. The strongest, but with one against two, I'm afraid it won't be able to take advantage of it, and if we lose all three, it will just take advantage of our Wanling Hall."

After Fuxi and Nuwa heard this, they also nodded slightly. If the three clans were really wounded, then it would be an easy task for Dijun to clean up the mess. With Dijun's strength, I am afraid The three of Zulong, Fengzhu and Linzu couldn't resist at all. It's not certain who will be the master of the wild world by then!

On the coast of the East China Sea, the dragon, phoenix, and kylin races gather here. Dragons, phoenixes, and kylins can be seen everywhere in the world. In addition, there are countless creatures from the scales, birds, and beasts. , and this is just a scene in a certain place in the wilderness. The dragon clan dominates the world, and the four seas surround the wilderness. Any place near the sea may become a battlefield.

It's just that this shore of the East China Sea is a little special. At this time, Zulong, Fengzhu and Linzu are all gathered here, and the three quasi-sages are here. All gathered here, this battle will be an ancient decisive battle, the winner will become the master of the wild, and the loser is doomed to perish in the long river of time.

The base camp of the Dragon Clan is located on an island. After Zulong learned that the Phoenix Clan and the Qilin Clan wanted to join forces, he did not act rashly. If the two clans join hands, the dragon clan will not have any advantage, and may even be at a disadvantage.

The dragon clan occupies the four seas, and all the scale clans in the four seas all belong to the dragon clan, but the Phoenix clan and the Qilin clan are different. There is also a hall of all souls in a large area of ​​land. When hundreds of clans are fighting for hegemony, some races have taken refuge in the hall of all souls. Therefore, the strength of the Phoenix and Qilin clans is naturally weaker than that of the dragon clan.

But Zulong is not afraid, even if he fights alone, he will not back down, he will launch a war only when some follow-up troops arrive, and now the pain of losing his son in his heart has become irrelevant, although he loves Sixth Prince, but in the current situation, Zu Long naturally needs to be calm, if he is not careful, he will lose everything.

On a fairy mountain between the Phoenix Clan and the Qilin Clan, the Phoenix Lord and the Linzu gathered here. Facing the powerful Dragon Clan and the Linjia Clan, they naturally ran away from the rift between the two clans and joined hands to deal with the Dragon Clan. After defeating the Dragon Clan, the two clans will have another showdown. For this reason, they even made an oath to ensure the sincerity of cooperation.

Linzu looked in the direction of the sea, his face was gloomy, and he said to Phoenix Lord: "The Linjia clan is powerful, Phoenix Lord, I know that even if there is an oath of heaven, we may not be able to cooperate with each other, but I hope you know , if we don't do our best, if we are defeated by the Dragon Clan, then the consequences will be unbearable for us."

Phoenix Lord said in a deep voice: "Linzu, of course I understand what you said. Since I have agreed to join hands with you to deal with the Dragon Clan, I will naturally do my best. If the Dragon Clan kills my daughter, this feud cannot be shared, so naturally I will not take it lightly." Let them go."

Speaking of this, the face of the Phoenix Lord showed infinite killing intent. Zulong and Linzu could look down on the death of their children, but the Phoenix Lord could not, because that was her only daughter. The Phoenix family is different from the dragon and Qilin. The inheritance was very difficult, so the Phoenix Lord naturally couldn't let it go, and as a mother, she was obviously more saddened by the death of her son.

Linzu was silent for a while after hearing this, and then said: "Phoenix Lord, don't you feel that there is something strange at this time, you, me, and Zulong's heirs died at the same time, it is really strange, it seems that someone It’s as if we want to provoke our three clans to fight, if our three clans fight and lose all three, the people behind the scenes will be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman.”

After hearing this, Phoenix Master put away the killing intent on his body, and said in a cold voice: "I know what you want to say, you suspect that this matter was planned by the Hall of All Souls, and Emperor Jun Xiang used this to provoke a war among the three clans, and wait for the three clans to fight." After the family suffered three defeats, he is coming out to clean up the mess, right?"

Lin Zu nodded, and said solemnly: "That's true. It seems that you, Phoenix Master, have the same suspicion. If it is true, then we have to guard against it. If we fight to the death, but in the end it is in vain to take advantage of others, That's not the ending we want."

After hearing this, Lord Feng sneered and said: "What you said is indeed somewhat reasonable, but have you ever thought that if Di Jun really wants to attack us, why bother? If you want to kill us, are you sure we can stop it? Although I don’t know why he has been standing still, it is very unlikely that he did this.”

Linzu's face changed slightly, he nodded, and then he didn't say anything more. Indeed, what Phoenix Lord said was very reasonable. If Di Jun took action against him, Phoenix Lord and Zulong, get rid of them first, and the rest The three tribes of scales, beasts, and birds are naturally self-defeating. When the time comes, the Hall of All Souls will be dispatched. It is not difficult to unify the prehistoric, and it really doesn't take so much trouble.

 First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone, the last single update before it was put on the shelves, and then the normal double update, also, the time setting of the automatic update is wrong, I just found out.

(End of this chapter)

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