Chapter 123
Di Jun originally made a breakthrough in an open and honest manner, in order to frighten all living beings in the prehistoric world, but now he suddenly entered the picture, which seemed a little strange. Luo Hu is now playing a big game of chess, so naturally he can't let go of any subtle place However, if Di Jun really breaks through to the middle stage of quasi-sage, coupled with the Qiankun Ding and Chaos Clock in his hands, it may become an unplanned threat.

A quasi-sage mid-term master holding two innate treasures can indeed make Luo Hu feel a little threatened, not to mention that Dijun not only has these two innate treasures in his hands, but also a formation that seems to be comparable to the Zhuxian Sword Formation, but it is even more impressive. What Luo Hu was worried about was that Di Jun seemed to want to hide some secret now that he had suddenly entered the celestial chart.

Luo Hu glanced at the battle between the three clans in the wilderness, then stared in the direction of Buzhou Mountain, and said coldly: "Di Jun, what are you hiding? Could it be that you have some bigger secret about you? Anyway, if You have become a stumbling block in my way forward, and I will definitely kill you with my own hands, then it will not be as simple as the previous two temptations."

In Yujing Mountain, Hongjun also paid attention to Dijun's abnormal behavior, but contrary to Luo Hu, there was a faint smile on his face, and he muttered to himself: "It seems that this Dijun still has some big secrets. Existence, but it’s okay, he will also be a good helper when it comes to critical times, but Luo Hu’s layout is very big this time, it seems that Pindao has to prepare for it.”

Hongjun was naturally aware of Luo Hu's actions, but he didn't intervene. He could feel that his chance to become enlightened was in this calamity. He also turned a blind eye to Luo Hu's calculation of the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn. One glance, let him develop freely, now is not a good time for him to make a move, just like the time when a fierce beast measured its calamity.

At that time, the four fierce beasts took action, and Hongjun obviously had the strength to kill them, but he just kept watching from the sidelines, and did not take action until the measurement calamity was completed. In fact, he used the hands of the four fierce beasts to complete the measurement calamity, but now, the measurement calamity broke out Naturally, someone has to fill in the calamity, and the three clans are obviously the best candidates, so how could Hongjun interfere.

At the stage of Hongjun, Luohu, and Dijun's practice, they have long since disregarded life and death. If they can complete the calamity with the lives of hundreds of millions of souls, they will not care at all. Take Dijun as an example. Because the Hall of All Souls is useful to him, if the Hall of All Souls hinders Dijun's pursuit of Hunyuan Dao, he will definitely give it up without hesitation.

The same is true for Hongjun, the three clans are nothing to him at all, the final opponent he believes is only Luo Hu, of course, there is also Yangmei who has been living in seclusion, and Dijun is not a threat to him, although he is not Knowing how Di Jun broke through, but he could feel that there was something weird about Di Jun.

Now that Luo Hu provoked a war among the three clans, and he acted secretly, Hongjun saw all this. He was waiting for the perfect opportunity at the last moment to come, and in order to keep his integrity, Hongjun did not plan to fight Luo Hu alone. Among them, there are still a few people who have broken through to the quasi-sage realm. These people are all helpers in Hongjun's eyes, and Dijun is one of them.

Hongjun got up and stared at the prehistoric world, a look of determination flashed in his eyes. Now that he has felt the opportunity to prove the Tao, he will not give up. If he misses this opportunity, he may never have the chance to prove the Tao again. For this reason, Hongjun can give everything.

In Zhou Tian's star map, Di Jun naturally didn't know that he was being targeted by Hongjun and Luo Hu at the same time. At this moment, his breakthrough is still in progress. It is really beyond Dijun's imagination, and it may take some time to make a complete breakthrough.

Not only that, but a breakthrough in power alone will cause some problems. Naturally, Di Jun can't let his primordial spirit continue to stay in the state of the quasi-sage in the early stage, comprehending the way of heaven, comprehending the laws, and improving the realm of the primordial spirit will naturally become the top priority The most important thing is, as for how long it will take, Di Jun has no idea, after all, it is not predictable to comprehend the laws of heaven.

As for the war between the three clans, Di Jun is not interested at all. As long as it does not affect the Hall of All Souls, they can fight whatever they want. Anyway, it has nothing to do with him. Only Luo Hu's Demon Race and his Hall of All Souls are completely good for him, so why should he care about it!
Compared with the three tribes, Di Jun was more worried about Luo Hu. It was not the first time that Luo Hu had tried him. With the strength and means he has shown now, I believe that Luo Hu should already be able to feel a little threat. If Luo Hu attacked him again, Di Jun He didn't have enough confidence to deal with it at all. Fortunately, there was still a Hongjun who could restrain Luo Hu, so Di Jun could rest assured.

Of course, Di Jun naturally hopes to survive this calamity safely, there is no avoiding it, and he is not afraid, at worst, he will fight to the death, if he is in a hurry, at worst, he will die together, so why should Di Jun be afraid!
In the prehistoric battlefield, the war between the three clans has lasted for hundreds of years, and more and more prehistoric creatures have participated in this ancient war. The battlefield has also spread from the original seaside to the prehistoric continent and the four seas. The scope of the impact is getting bigger and bigger, and the number of casualties is also increasing. In many places, it can be said that blood is flowing like a river.

You must know that the current prehistoric era is not complete, there is no existence of the six realms of reincarnation, and if a living being dies, it is basically really dead. There is no such thing as reincarnation and rebirth. I am afraid that the road ahead will be very difficult if I get down, this kind of behavior is close to the way of magic.

Seeing the death of the creatures of the three races, Zulong, Fengzhu and Linzu were not moved at all. Compared with this casualty, it is obvious that the position of the master of the wild world is more important to them. As long as they can win, they are considered to be very energetic So what about the injury, as long as you win, you can definitely return to the top, and even become stronger, so what about sacrificing a little now?

Moreover, it is now a life-and-death battle between the three clans, and there is no room for them to show any kindness. They can only do their best to defeat each other, otherwise, no one can bear the price of failure. After all, they represent the three clans As long as there is a chance to win, they will not hesitate to use any means.

This is the prehistoric, a prehistoric that fully demonstrates the law of the jungle.

(End of this chapter)

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