Chapter 127
Dijun stayed on the top of Buzhou Mountain to practice with peace of mind, and the Hall of All Souls developed with peace of mind in the ancient starry sky. Everything in the wild seemed to have nothing to do with them. The three clans were fighting like a raging fire, namely Zulong, Fengzhu and Lin The three of Zu couldn't bear it anymore, and they would fight each other from time to time, but it was just a test, after all, it wasn't really time for the decisive battle.

The war lasted tens of thousands of years, and the casualties of the three races were extremely heavy. Although the total number of creatures of the three races exceeded trillions, in just a few tens of thousands of years, hundreds of billions of creatures fell, which shows how tragic the war is , The endless karma of this miserable life fell on the dragon, phoenix, and kylin tribes, but because of the tyrannical luck of the three tribes, they were suppressed forcefully.

But this is just a temporary solution, not the root cause. Zulong, Fengzhu and Linzu didn't realize this at all. The karma of the world is not a joke. Weakening may even bring about catastrophe, and for a race, karma may even affect the rise and fall of the race. When the karma is huge enough, it can even cause a race to perish.

However, the so-called three clans of success and defeat, the dragon, phoenix, and kylin control the three clans of scales, birds, and beasts, and enjoy the great fortune of the three clans of scales, birds, and beasts, so they prosper. The karma caused by the killing and the destruction of the prehistoric lands is naturally also responsible for the bulk of the dragon, phoenix and unicorn clans. Now that the luck of the three clans is flourishing, and the karma is forcibly suppressed, there will be no problems for the time being.

Once the luck of the three clans declines, the accumulated karma will completely explode. At that time, the dragon, phoenix, and kylin clans will naturally be unable to please them. Decline will happen sooner or later. If the karma cannot be repaid, it may even lead to the extinction of the race. And repaying karma is not a simple matter. It must be repaid with merit, but merit is especially easy to earn.

Just when the three clans were fighting in full swing, there was good news in the Western Devil's Nest. One race after another was quietly demonized and brought under Rahu's command. The power of the demon clan was growing stronger day by day. What is even more shocking is that within a short period of tens of thousands of years, almost all of the West has fallen into the hands of Rahu.

Since ancient times, Honghuang has only been divided into east and west. Compared with the east, the west seems a bit remote. The dragon, phoenix, and kylin tribes did not pay much attention. This also gave Rahu an opportunity to occupy the west. If it is successful, then you only need to continue to demonize the three clans and weaken the strength of the three clans. By the time they find out, it may be too late.

Hearing the words of congratulations from the Four Great Demon Generals, Luo Hu was not overly happy. This was just part of his plan. He said in a deep voice, "It is indeed good news that the West is under his command, but it cannot be agreed. You still have to do what you do, don’t let the three clans find out too early, otherwise it will have a great impact on this seat’s plan.”

A demon general said: "Please rest assured, my lord, those demonized races are still maintaining the appearance of three clans fighting each other, so as to confuse the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans, and my demon clan has always respected the strong and the survival of the fittest. , Weakness is the original sin, I heard that although killing will reduce the number of my demons, but it can increase the strength of the demons, killing two birds with one stone."

After hearing this, Luo Hu nodded: "Okay, now that the west is under my command, the next step is to continue to infiltrate the wild east and the four seas, and in addition, the degree of war between the three clans will continue to intensify. Only the three clans become The weaker they are, the less threat they pose to this seat's plan, so we must be careful not to expose them prematurely."

"Yes, my lord!"

In the middle of the sea, in a resident of the Scaled Armor Clan, the warriors of the Alligator Clan repaired here. After repeated battles, the Clan Alligator Clan suffered heavy losses. The Xuanxian and above clansmen sent by the clan lost more than Thirty percent, if not for other scale armor clans coming to replace them, I'm afraid they would have lost even more, but this kind of repair won't last too long, and they will still have to go to the battlefield sooner or later.

The ancestor of the crocodile clan was a monk in the mid-stage of Daluo Jinxian, and he was considered a master in the scale armor clan. At this time, he was already full of sadness. The war lasted for so long, and the clansmen were killed and injured. What worried him was , I don't know how long this kind of war will last, maybe one day, the tribesmen who fight may even be killed or injured.

But together with the war, the crocodile clan also had to fight, not only because they surrendered to the dragon clan, but also for the future of the race. The three clans of scale armor, beasts, and birds fight, and whichever clan wins, the future of the wild will naturally belong to Although the three clans are headed by the dragon, phoenix, and kylin clans, the dragon, phoenix, and kylin clans cannot manage the entire prehistoric region, so naturally they have to rely heavily on the clan they rule.

In this way, among the three clans of scales, beasts, and birds, one clan will inevitably prosper, while the other two clans will decline. No one wants to become the weak clan, so naturally they have to fight hard, not just for themselves, It is also for the blessing of future generations, and for the inheritance of the race. The ancestor of the crocodile has seen many tragedies of genocide, and he does not want the crocodile family to become the next one.

At this time, a member of the crocodile clan flew to the ancestor of the crocodile crocodile, and said, "Patriarch, the elder Longyuan of the dragon clan has come, and he has brought some healing medicines, magic weapons, and formation flags."

Hearing this, the Ao Crocodile Ancestor felt a little joy in his heart. After many battles, most of the surviving tribesmen were injured, and their magic weapons and formation flags were also lost. Now the arrival of the elders of the Dragon Clan is undoubtedly a timely help, but he Little did they know, this was actually a trick hidden in a smile.

Not long after, the entire camp of the crocodile clan was enveloped by a large formation, and countless black demonic energy continuously invaded the bodies of the crocodile clan members. Long Yuan gritted his teeth and said, "Yong Yuan, you... who are you? What do you want to do to us?"

Long Yuan smiled lightly: "Who am I? You will know soon, don't worry, I didn't intend to kill you, I just wanted to turn you into the same kind, what kind of scales, beasts, and birds, the prehistoric future It will belong to our demon clan, and the lord will lead us to dominate the prehistoric world and dominate the world!"

Of course, this scene didn't just happen here. Among the three clans, the same thing continued to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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