Chapter 132
This is the second prehistoric book written by Fanchen. Although I don’t know how you feel, Fanchen thinks it’s better than the first book. The plot and characters will be written in more detail. I hope everyone can continue to support Fanchen.

It will be released tomorrow, and Fan Chen is very confused. He just hopes that the results will not be too ugly. There are five updates guaranteed on the shelves, one chapter for a hall master, five chapters for a leader, and one chapter for two hundred monthly tickets.

Fan Chen is writing novels full-time now, and he is dual-reading. Although he is a bit lazy and doesn’t like to save manuscripts, he will pay back if he owes it. It’s just a matter of spending more time writing. It doesn’t matter. It’s up to everyone. Thank you in advance Thank you for your support, please order first!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!

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(End of this chapter)

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