Chapter 158 Support
Seeing those dozens of people break through to the realm of quasi-sages, Di Jun's eyes showed a hint of a smile. Hongjun helped so many people break through the realm of Daluo at this time, and the rest of them went back to retreat for a period of time, maybe There will still be breakthroughs to the realm of quasi-sages. In this way, the situation in the prehistoric world may change because of this.

Although Di Jun doesn't pay much attention to these quasi-sages who have just broken through, but if there are too many or get together, it will be a bit troublesome for Di Jun. Now the monster clan is still recuperating, and the witch clan It is developing with all its strength, and now that there are so many quasi-sages, this may be no different to the tranquility of the prehistoric.

Moreover, the breakthroughs of these people are obviously something that Hongjun can make, and there must be some intentions, but why is this so, Di Jun is also a little puzzled, is it to contain him, after all, there are only two people left in the prehistoric Quasi-sage, now that Hongjun has been sanctified, and with his character, he will not interfere in the prehistoric affairs, so Dijun obviously lost his suppression. If Dijun takes the opportunity to dominate the prehistoric, it will not be a good thing for Hongjun.

Di Jun didn't care too much about this. Although there are many quasi-sages, they are not of one mind, and they don't pose much threat to the monster race. What's more, Di Jun still has the two great formations of Zhou Tianxing Dou and Zhuxian Sword Formation in his hands. Qizhen, if they really interfered with Di Jun's plan, Di Jun wouldn't mind killing him so that his blood would flow like a river.

After 3 years, Hongjun stopped preaching, and everyone came back to their senses. The faces of those who had broken through to the realm of quasi-sages showed a gleam of joy. Among those people, Di Jun fell He also found two familiar figures, Xi He and Chang Xi on the Lunar Star. The two of them have the luck of the Lunar Star and have extraordinary aptitude. It is not surprising that they have broken through to the realm of quasi-sages.

What's more, after Dijun deduced the quasi-sage exercises of "Xuanyin Heart Sutra" on Taiyin, he told sister Xihe about the exercises. After reaching the quasi-sacred realm, the breakthrough will naturally go smoothly. In comparison, Taiyi's situation is a bit special.

Di Jun's innate inheritance is "Fen Tian Di Jue", while Tai Yi's innate inheritance is "Fen Tian Ba ​​Jue", the difference of one letter made Di Jun spend some more time helping Tai Yi deduce the skills. As for Nuwa and Fuxi Therefore, Di Jun could do nothing to help him. Tai Yi was willing to tell Di Jun about his innate inheritance, but the two of them might not be willing, so Di Jun didn't open his mouth to avoid unnecessary unpleasantness.

After Hongjun saw that everyone was awake, he said: "This sermon has ended, and the next one will be a million years later. In addition, the situation in the prehistoric world is uneasy, which is not conducive to the development of the prehistoric, so today I want to Choose two people to manage Honghuang, to calm Honghuang's turmoil, and to calm the hearts of hundreds of millions of people in Honghuang."

When everyone present heard this, they all showed different expressions on their faces, such as doubt, excitement, expectation, etc. Obviously, many people were very excited about the candidate Hongjun said. Big, that can definitely quickly become the third most powerful force in the prehistoric world, and with Hongjun's order in hand, even Dijun may not dare to do it easily.

When Di Jun heard this, he suddenly understood. He finally understood why Hongjun had created so many quasi-sages in this sermon. , That undoubtedly gave Dijun a grandiose excuse to dominate the prehistoric world, which was not of any benefit to Hongjun.

Obviously, the two candidates that Hongjun mentioned are definitely not Dijun or any of the seven people in the front seat, and in order to be qualified for this position, at least one must have quasi-sage cultivation, otherwise it is only the case of Da Luo Jinxian, that is A joke will not play any role at all, and it will not achieve Hongjun's goal of balancing the prehistoric situation.

Many people showed anticipation in their eyes. Everyone hoped that this great opportunity would fall on their own heads. After all, with the canonization of Hongjun, a saint, no one in the prehistoric world would dare to defy him. Luck, that is very helpful to practice, I saw Hongjun put his eyes on the two of them, and said: "East Prince, West Queen Mother..."

The Duke of East and Queen Mother of the West, whose names were called by Hongjun, couldn't help being excited, they stood up immediately, and replied, "Taozu, I'll wait here."

Hongjun said indifferently: "Prince Dong, you have great luck, you can be the first male immortal in the world, rule the male immortals in the prehistoric world, and give you a dragon head Zen staff, Queen Mother West, you also have great luck, you can be the first female immortal in the world , rule the prehistoric female fairy, and bestow gold, phoenix and silver hairpins, the two of you must take the stability of the prehistoric as your duty, and don't slack off!"

After the Duke of East and Queen Mother of the West took over the treasures, their faces couldn't help showing joy, and they all thanked each other. , seems to have been tempered by the power of a saint, and its power is absolutely astonishing, no worse than any top-level innate spirit treasure.

This made everyone see it, and they couldn't help being a little envious. Even the seven people in the front were quite jealous. After all, not everyone has the innate spirit treasure, not to mention that this is the best innate spirit treasure bestowed by Hongjun. , that is even more extraordinary, and they are also envious and jealous of Hongjun's selection of these two people, after all, this is tantamount to having Hongjun as a backer.

As soon as Hongjun said this, there were also some people who looked different. The expression of Sanqing in the front changed slightly, but then returned to normal. His complexion changed, Hongjun made such an appointment, where to put Yaoting, where to put Dijun, but when he saw that Dijun was unmoved, Taiyi and the others restrained slightly The look on the face.

Of course Di Jun wouldn't care about this, it seemed like a great opportunity, but many people didn't see the danger in it, if the Prince of the East and the Queen Mother of the West touched the reason of the two clans of Liches, what the hell is going on with you Emperor Jun and the Twelve Ancestral Witches will definitely not keep their hands on the appointment, and Hongjun may not be involved at that time.

Moreover, Hongjun's arrangement is probably not just to balance the prehistoric situation. Now that the monster clan is powerful and the witch clan is still developing, if there is another force, the two clans of the lich and demon will obviously not fight easily. But in Di Jun's view, Hongjun's purpose of doing this may not be just for this, he may have another deep meaning.

Seeing the expressions on the faces of some people who listened to the Tao, Di Jun already had a guess in his heart that Hong Jun was indeed a big hand, and this seemed to be just the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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