Chapter 170 Dilemma
Writing is the inheritance of a clan. Only with your own writing can the inheritance of a clan be passed on for a long time, and gradually develop the culture belonging to that clan. As long as the clan is not extinct, there is a possibility of prosperity again In addition to writing, inheritance can also be continuously enriched, innovated, and gradually become more perfect.

Nowadays, among the monster races, the inheritance skills are all written in Taoist script. Although the Taoist script is understood by the prehistoric creatures, not all creatures understand this kind of writing, especially for those newborn monster clans, it usually takes a long time To guide them on the road of practice, this is very bad for the future of the Yaozu. Once the Yaozu goes through a catastrophe, the inheritance of the Yaozu will inevitably lack a lot.

That being the case, Di Jun must of course create the demon text as soon as possible, especially before Kunpeng, such merits, naturally cannot be given to a person who is unwilling to join the demon court, and this matter will undoubtedly be added by the party concerned among the demon clan. More prestige, although Di Jun is now the demon emperor and the only master of the demon court, how could he think he has more prestige!

Today, although Emperor Jun has not encountered a bottleneck in his practice, but if he wants to comprehend the Dao of Hunyuan, he must have great luck, great luck, and great perseverance. Luck, Di Jun's own luck is already amazing, and he has [-]% of the luck of the monster race, which can definitely be regarded as great luck.

The monster race is now the number one race in the prehistoric world, and their luck is unimaginably huge. Dijun alone occupies [-]%, which is indeed terrifying. However, although Taiyi, Fuxi, and Nuwa were named emperors of the monster race by Dijun, they still Each person's share of the monster clan's luck is even more unequal, Taiyi accounts for [-]%, and Nuwa and Fuxi each account for half.

But this is only temporary. Once Nu Wa becomes a saint, she will inevitably occupy more of the demon clan's luck. At that time, Dijun's supreme coercion will naturally be challenged, although it will not weaken his luck to occupy the demon clan. But it will also affect his rule over the monster clan. The demon emperor is the supreme ruler of the monster clan. If there is an extra monster saint, the situation will naturally be different.

Unless he can step into the realm of chaos, there will always be a feeling of inferiority when facing saints. Even though Nuwa may not interfere with the affairs of the monster clan in the future, the people of the monster clan don't think so. They would all involuntarily think of Nuwa, even though in fact the matter of the Yaozu was still decided by Di Jun, but at that time, the situation was naturally different.

There is really not much time left for Dijun, so Dijun naturally has to start preparations, making preparations early, the first step is to create a demon text, and there will be a second step, a third step, etc., and now Hongjun The second sermon has ended, the three methods of sanctification have been made public, and the first two methods of sanctification are almost unfeasible, so sanctification through merit will naturally become the pursuit of most people.

Although Di Jun didn't know when Kunpeng would create the demon script, he didn't dare to procrastinate any longer. If Kunpeng started to try to create the demon script for the sake of merit, then there was indeed not much time left for Di Jun, but Emperor Jun has Hetu Luoshu in his hand, and he can deduce Yaowen in the acceleration of time. He is fully confident that he can create Yaowen in a very short period of time.

Penglai Xiandao, in a cave, all the quasi-sages and Daluo Jinxians of the Wanxian Temple gathered here. The nineteen quasi-sages and nearly [-] Daluo Jinxians are going here at this moment. Discuss one thing, this matter is very important to them, it can almost determine their future, so it is natural to be very cautious.

The nineteen quasi-sages in the Hall of Ten Thousand Immortals were all promoted when they first preached, and no one has advanced to the realm of quasi-sages since then, not only in the Hall of Ten Thousand Immortals, but also in the prehistoric period. After the first sermon, with the help of Hongjun, these talents were lucky enough to advance to the quasi-sage realm, but without the help of Hongjun, there were only two paths before them.

The first way is to derive quasi-sage realm exercises by yourself, but in fact, this way is not very feasible. When Dijun Yuanshen stepped into the early stage of quasi-sages, and Hetu Luoshu was in his hand, it took a lot of time. I haven't deduced quasi-sage-level exercises for a long time. It was only in the middle of the quasi-sages that I successfully comprehended the mystery of the quasi-sacred realm and derived the quasi-sacred realm exercises.

The aptitude of these people is basically not as handsome as God, and there is no magic weapon such as Hetu Luoshu. The possibility of deriving quasi-sage-level exercises in the early days of quasi-sages is very small, even if they succeed by chance. I don't know how long it will take. Of course, they can also raise the primordial spirit to the middle quasi-sage stage first, and then deduce quasi-sage realm skills.

But it also takes a lot of time. It may take no less than millions of years for Yuanshen to step into the middle stage of quasi-sage, and it may take thousands of years to deduce the skills. It has been ten thousand years. After all, after reaching the quasi-sage realm, it is too difficult to improve one's cultivation, especially the improvement of one's soul.

And the second way is a shortcut, that is the way of the three corpses created by Hongjun. Killing the three corpses can not only make the Daluo Jinxian step into the quasi-sage realm, but also enable the quasi-sage to improve his cultivation, but the only one The problem is that they don't have suitable things to kill corpses, or in other words, they are extremely scarce, which makes it very difficult for them to advance.

The Duke of the East and the Queen Mother of the West called everyone together to discuss this matter. Only when the Temple of Ten Thousand Immortals has stronger strength can it truly control the prehistoric male fairies and subdue the two clans of liches. Only ambition can be truly realized, and they will naturally work harder for the goals in their hearts.

But the Temple of Ten Thousand Immortals has only just been established, and has no background at all. The innate things in the hands of the members that can be used to behead corpses are pitifully small, and they are quasi-sages, some of whom don't even have innate spiritual treasures. Cutting a corpse is almost impossible. In contrast, the Liches and Demons don't have such a problem.

The witch clan does not cultivate the primordial spirit, but only cultivates the physical body, and does not need to cut corpses, but the monster clan has a profound background, and in the treasure house of the demon court, there are innate things and innate spiritual treasures, and Dijun even holds the innate treasure The Qiankun Cauldron can refine innate spiritual treasures, so the monster clan does not lack objects for beheading corpses, which is incomparable to the Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals.

In the long run, the strength of the Lich and Demon clans will increase, but the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace will not move forward, so the current good situation of the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace will no longer exist. This is obviously what the Eastern Prince and the Western Queen Mother do not want to see. The future of the palace, and for the ambitions in their hearts, the East Prince and West Queen Mother will obviously not give up easily.

(End of this chapter)

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