Chapter 172

On the top of the Buzhou Mountain, Di Jun wrote the demon scripts one by one out of thin air. Whenever he created a demon script, Tianjie would grow stronger. Now there are three thousand Taoist scripts in the prehistoric world, and Di Jun uses the demon script Only by replacing the three thousand can the inheritance of the demon clan be perfectly transitioned. From then on, demons have demon scripts, witches have witch scripts, and Taoist scripts will no longer have the glory of the past.

However, as more and more monsters were created, the catastrophe became more and more terrifying. In the catastrophe cloud, thunder flickered like thunder dragons, and all living beings in the prehistoric and desolate were frightened. Feeling the aura of Heavenly Tribulation, it is the wrath of the sky, the emperor's anger is bloody, not to mention the wrath of the sky!

Between the prehistoric world, no matter where it is, there can be traces of aura of catastrophe floating. This kind of aura of catastrophe is very amazing. Even the prehistoric powers in the quasi-sacred realm feel very afraid. He survived under the heavenly ranks, but watching Dijun write words as if nothing had happened under the catastrophe, his mood was a little complicated, either admiration, or gloating!

But Emperor Jun didn't care, the creation of the Yaowen was for the inheritance of the Yaozu. Although the catastrophe was terrible, it was not a big threat. With the help of the luck of the Yaozu, it was not difficult to overcome the catastrophe. Tribulation isn't that scary either, it's just a way for Heaven to test whether the monster race is qualified to have its own characters.

Now the Yaozu is the largest race in the prehistoric, and all the previous prehistoric races were classified as the Yaozu, even those races that did not join the Yaoting also call themselves the Yaozu. Apart from Shi Da Neng and casual cultivators, there are still those who do not regard themselves as monster clans. I am afraid that there are only three clans of dragon, phoenix and kylin.

And writing is not something that all races can have. For example, the Dragon Clan, they want to create their own characters. Based on their current situation, I am afraid they cannot resist such a catastrophe. Once they fail to overcome the catastrophe, it will definitely damage the Dragon Clan. Luck, so it is not possible for everyone to create characters belonging to a clan.

On Penglai Xiandao, Prince Dong, Queen Mother Xi and others looked at Jieyun on Buzhou Mountain, and their expressions changed. Inheritance of the Yaozu, if this matter fails, it will be fine. If it is done, not only the luck of the Yaozu will increase greatly, but also the way of heaven will bestow merits and virtues.

The people in Wanxian Temple feel that Di Jun is unfathomable. They just said that the merits of heaven are not good, and Di Jun gave them this hand. Originally, Di Jun had the most merits in the prehistoric world. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye In a short time, Di Jun found a way to earn merit, and this merit is definitely not small, which really made them envious.

However, seeing the terrifying catastrophe, Prince Dong had a strange look in his eyes, as if he was thinking of something in his heart.

In Kunlun Mountains, Sanqing could not see the movement of Zhoushan. The head of the Sanqing Lao Tzu was expressionless, as if this didn't make him have any thoughts. A few looks of unknown meaning flashed across her face, but apart from that, there was no other change, but she seemed to be as calm as water.

And Taoist Tongtian looked at Dijun who regarded the heavenly calamity as nothing, and couldn't help shouting: "What a Dijun, what a demon emperor, he has such courage, he is worthy of being a peerless figure who has measured calamity twice. This courage , It is rare in the world, if the Yaozu has the Yaowen, it will definitely increase their luck, and it will definitely surpass the Wuzu and the Temple of Ten Thousand Immortals in one fell swoop, and become the number one in the world."

After Yuanshi Tianzun heard it, he snorted coldly: "Third brother, don't speak too early, the power of this catastrophe is no small matter, if you can't get over it, not only the luck of the monster clan will be damaged, but even Emperor Jun himself will not feel good. Besides, he probably didn't do this for the sake of the demon clan, he probably wanted to use the merits of successfully creating the demon script to prove the Tao and become a saint."

Sanqing, three people, three attitudes, it can be seen that the personalities of the three are very different, and it is also destined that Sanqing will part ways in the future.

Of course, in addition to envy and jealousy, there is also hatred. In the sea of ​​Beiming, Kunpeng looked in the direction of Buzhou Mountain, his face was extremely ugly, and there was a bit of hatred in his eyes. Afterwards, when Kunpeng returned to Beiming, he began to think about how to obtain the merits of the heavenly dao. After a lot of thinking, he finally thought of a way, that is, to create a demon text.

Unfortunately, as soon as Kunpeng had the idea of ​​creating a demon text, Di Jun had already started to create a demon text. In Kunpeng's view, this was tantamount to Di Jun robbing his opportunity. How could Kunpeng not hate Di Jun? In the past, Di Jun sent people to recruit him, which made him very unhappy. With new and old grudges, Kunpeng hated God Jun completely in his heart.

But unfortunately, Kunpeng knew that he was far from Di Jun's opponent, so he could only choose to forbear and wait for the opportunity in forbearance.

On the top of Buzhou Mountain, when Di Jun finished writing the third thousand Yaowen, he said: "The three thousand characters of Yaowen are completed today, and the way of heaven will learn from it!"

As soon as Dijun's words fell, thunder and lightning fell from the crowd of robbery clouds, and three thousand monsters were seen flying into the air, distributed between the heaven and the earth in a very mysterious state, like formations and non-formations, changing inexplicably. On these words, they did not shake them at all, but made their brilliance shine even more.

Under the baptism of Lei Jie, the three thousand demon texts emitted an abnormal light, like the stars in the dark night, shining with brilliance, deeply imprinted in the hearts of all monster races, even though they seemed insignificant, they were insignificant in the sky. Under the catastrophe, it is like a sapling swaying in a storm, which may be broken at any time, but with a root system like the Yaozu, it is like a towering tree, which can be blown by the wind and rain, but it will not be shaken at all.

The heavenly tribulation seemed to be a cutscene, a joke, ninety-nine and 81 thunder calamities, but it failed to shake the three thousand Yao Wen. When the last thunder calamity passed, the Yao Wen stood up!

(End of this chapter)

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