Chapter 177

Holding [-]% of the demon clan's luck in his hand, Di Jun felt extremely refreshed at the moment. Some of the incomprehensible principles and laws of the heavens seemed no longer so difficult to comprehend. It won't be long before he will step into the pinnacle of quasi-sage, and this is the benefit of having great luck.

The greater one's own luck, the more beneficial it is to understand the way of heaven and practice, even for the saints in the future, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the Battle of the Conferred Gods, Journey to the West, etc., what are these for, not for merit and luck , Only by occupying more luck in the human race can the cultivation of the saints go further, this is the importance of luck.

Now Di Jun has not only greatly increased the luck of the monster clan, but also allowed himself to monopolize [-]% of the luck of the monster clan. Such a great luck has been added to his body, which makes Di Jun slightly less interested in comprehending the realm of Hunyuan. Gaining some confidence, of course, the price is not small, especially the last thunderbolt, which directly hit his body and soul severely, and it will take a lot of time to recover.

The so-called risks and rewards coexist. Although this experience of heavenly punishment is extremely dangerous, Di Jun is indeed very satisfied with the harvest. During the punishment, Di Jun had a further understanding of the essence of the Chaos Demon God, and the body training of the God and Demon also made great progress.

Now that the secret technique of the bloodline inheritance of the monster clan has been completed, all the monster clan can seal their own inheritance into the bloodline and pass it on to future generations. It directly joined the "Xing Ling Jue", which mainly cultivated by absorbing the power of Zhou Tianxing and the stars. This was also the first exercise that Di Jun deduced to be suitable for the practice of the monster race.

The Xing Ling Jue is all-encompassing, and uses the power of the sky and the stars as the aura needed for cultivation. Even if the aura of heaven and earth declines in the future, it will not have a great impact on the Yaozu. The monster clan has declined like the monster clan. With this bloodline inheritance, the monster clan still has the hope of rising again. Now it is just a seed of hope planted by Di Jun.

Now that the first step and the second step have been completed, it is time for Di Jun to start the third step. These three parts are to refine the demon clan's luck treasure and recruit demon banners. Although Di Jun and Tai Yi have three innate treasures together , several top-grade congenital spiritual treasures, but these are not the treasures of luck of the demon clan, and the demon clan had the Nine Demon Pagodas back then, and now the witch clan has the Pangu Temple, all of which are treasures of luck, but the monster clan does not have them.

Now that the luck of the monster clan is soaring, it is the best time for the birth of the treasure of luck, and this is not something that Dijun wants to refine, but the evolution of the demon flag. After getting the yellow leather gourd, Dijun then Put it in the demon clan's luck, and be nurtured by the monster clan's luck. Now that the monster clan's luck has suddenly increased, it is time for the demon banner to be born.

I saw the yellow-skinned gourd suddenly fly out of Dijun's body, hovering over Buzhou Mountain, like a storm center. On the ground, one after another innate prohibition is being formed naturally, and the yellow skin gourd is thinking about the evolution of innate spirit treasures.

Such a change has surprised many great powers in the past. Di Jun has already shocked them a lot, and now such a change seems to be conceived and born, except that the yellow skin gourd It can actually attract the luck of the monster clan to add to it. It can be seen that once this treasure is successfully conceived, it is by no means comparable to ordinary innate spirit treasures.

This made everyone look envious and jealous. They were still worrying about finding something to kill the corpse, but Emperor Jun had used many innate spirit treasures, all of which could be used to kill corpses. , It really makes them look a little greedy, but some people have evil intentions but not courage, while some have evil intentions and have courage.

Di Jun looked at the demon banner that was being conceived, with a smile on his face. It can cause such a vision. It can be seen that the grade of the demon banner is definitely not low. Once it is successfully conceived, the demon clan's luck can be condensed. This is not only conducive to the development of the Yaozu, but also more convenient for the suppression of the Yaozu's luck. Otherwise, if it keeps loosening, the Yaozu's luck will continue to be lost.

When the Xiaguang Baoqi erupted from the yellow leather gourd, a Xiantian Lingbao was born in full view, and more importantly, this Xiantian Lingbao was still of the highest grade, which made many prehistoric powers can't help They are jealous, some of them don't even have a low-grade innate spirit treasure, and Di Jun is the best innate spirit treasure at every turn.

But at this time, a flag and streamer spewed out from the mouth of the yellow leather gourd, which was as big as a thread, more than four or five feet high, and the light was divided into five colors, reflecting thousands of auspicious rays. , there seems to be black and white, and in the middle of the black and white, there is a green tadpole Xiaowen swimming back and forth, and the most important thing is a big Taoist word "demon".

Recruit demon flags!
At that moment, the entire prehistoric world seemed to know the name of this innate spiritual treasure, and the demon clan's luck to treasure, Zhao Yaofan, appeared in the world. They all felt that their primordial spirit was throbbing, and a ray of spiritual light shot out, and they all fell into the demon-calling banner.

In an instant, the demon-calling banner was radiant, and the demon clan's luck gathered on it, and the treasure of demon clan's luck was achieved. As soon as Di Jun stretched out his hand, the demon-calling banner sank into the yellow leather gourd, and flew back to Di Jun's hand, holding it in his hand. A smile appeared on Di Jun's face when he raised the demon banner, the demon banner was finally conceived successfully.

Demon Zhao Banner, the ultimate treasure of demon clan luck, the best innate spirit treasure, can control all monster clans below the Daluo Jinxian Realm, and the Daluo Realm and the Quasi-Saint Realm can also be controlled as long as they can accommodate one of their primordial spirits. With such a treasure of good luck, Di Jun naturally had to hold it in his hands, not to mention that the demon-calling banner still occupied [-]% of the demon clan's luck, and holding the demon-calling banner in his hand, Di Jun already occupied [-]% of the demon clan's luck.

Sixty percent of the monster clan's luck, no matter whether it will be reduced in the future, but for Di Jun now, it will definitely become a great help for him. He will improve his cultivation, comprehend the law, and explore the realm of chaos. With such a huge luck to help, It is bound to be able to get twice the result with half the effort, which makes Di Jun a little impatient to start retreating.

Now Di Jun is seriously injured and needs to fully recover in the next period of time, especially the injury of the Yuanshen, otherwise it will not only hinder the breakthrough of the Yuanshen realm, but also be detrimental to the next Zixiao Palace hearing. You know, The next time what Hongjun talked about was the way of a sage of Hunyuan, Di Jun had to listen, whether he could get a glimpse of the mystery of Hunyuan from it would depend on his own good fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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