Chapter 180 Arrives in Penglai
In Buzhou Mountain, in Wanling Pavilion, Taiyi, Fuxi, Nuwa and Wanling gathered together, the faces of the four were very gloomy, Tai was furious, and said in a cold voice: "Damn Wanxian Palace, they really thought Is what I made watertight? If you dare to attack my Yaoting, then don’t blame us for being rude.”

Hearing Taiyi's words, Nuwa showed a trace of worry on her face, and said, "Friend Taiyi, the Eastern Prince dared to do this, obviously he was prepared, and the strength of the Ten Thousand Immortal Palace should not be underestimated, let alone him and the Queen Mother of the West. I still received the order of Daozu Hongjun, if I attack them rashly, I am afraid I will offend Daozu Hongjun."

Fuxi said in a deep voice: "That's true. It must be because of this that Dong Wanggong dared to be so rampant. He must be prepared. Now Wanxian Palace has obtained a lot of innate spirit treasures refined by the emperor's Taoist friends from my demon court. If If they succeeded in beheading the corpse, the strength of the Ten Thousand Immortals Hall would be greatly increased, not to mention that there are witches watching, so we can't be careless."

And Wan Ling said: "But now my Demon Court has lost so many Da Luo Jinxians. If we ignore it, all living beings in the wild will despise my Demon Court, and the prestige of the Demon Court established by the master will also be destroyed. Luo Jinxian has been recalled, if nothing is done, won't people laugh at my Demon Court for being afraid of the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace?"

After Taiyi heard it, he said in a cold voice: "Wan Ling is right, what is the Wanxian Temple, even if it is Hongjun's order, since they dare to attack my demon court, they must prepare to be destroyed by my demon court Get ready, it just so happens that our Zhou Tian Xing Dou Grand Formation has been practiced, and we can use the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace to test its power, and at the same time remove the hidden danger of the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace."

"well said!"

At this time, two figures suddenly appeared in the Wanling Pavilion. Taiyi, Fuxi, Nuwa and Wanlingdian looked at the coming people with a hint of joy on their faces. The ones who came down from the top floor of Wanling Pavilion should be the two corpses that Di Jun beheaded.

Taoist Devourer looked at the crowd, and said with a smile: "The Hall of Ten Thousand Immortals is indeed a hidden danger. Originally, the deity planned to do it after Hongjun's third sermon, but I didn't expect them to dare to treat us first when the deity was injured. If the Demon Court makes a move, it will be a good opportunity to destroy them, but my Sky Devouring Gourd is already impatient."

And Taoist Shanshi Jinwu said: "Everyone, the poor Taoist is the Taoist Jinwu of the good corpse, and he is the Taoist of the evil corpse devouring the heavens of the deity. This deity has known about this, and I specially asked the two of us to come to help you. This time, I want to make the Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals disappear from the prehistoric world, and let the prehistoric creatures see the power of my demon court."

Fuxi and Nuwa saw that Emperor Jun had sent his good and evil corpses, and they obviously made up their minds to attack the Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals, so Fuxi asked, "Taoist Jinwu, if we want to destroy the Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals, how can we use Zhou Tian?" The power of the Star Dou Great Formation can indeed do it, but Daozu Hongjun will explain it to him, after all, the East Prince and West Queen Mother were appointed by him."

Taoist Jin Wu smiled lightly: "So what, do you think Hongjun will protect the Duke of the East and the Queen Mother of the West? He won't, he has been contaminated with a lot of karma from the world in the last calamity, how can he easily interfere in the prehistoric affairs now?" , not to mention, this time it was the Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals who made the first move, which just gave us a reason to attack them."

Seeing this, Fuxi and Nuwa no longer had any objections, so Taoist Jinwu, Taoist Cheating Heaven, Taiyi, Fuxi, and Nuwa set off from Buzhou Mountain, driving all the way to Penglai Immortal Island. The monster races used to set up the formation are all in Taiyi's Qiankun map, and they have practiced the Zhoutian Star Fighting formation all year round, and now it is time to use it.

On Penglai Xiandao, in the cave of the Eastern Prince, the Eastern Prince is in seclusion. This attack on the demon clan really brought a lot to the Hall of Ten Thousand Immortals. He obtained 23 innate treasures. As the leader of the Hall of Ten Thousand Immortals, he and the Queen Mother of the West each got Two pieces, and one piece for each of the rest, but the fly in the ointment is that these innate spirit treasures are all low-grade innate spirit treasures, which makes Dong Wanggong a little strange.

The demon clan Daluo Jinxians that can be found seem to be only at the early and mid-term level, and most of the demon clan Daluo Jinxians seem to have gathered in Buzhou Mountain, making it impossible for them to start. Almost half of them have Xiantian Lingbao, and the quality is not very good. The power is only stronger than the top-grade Houtian Lingbao.

In fact, Duke Dong did not know that the low-grade Xiantian spirit treasures they snatched were all defective products of the low-grade Xiantian spirit treasures refined by Emperor Jun back then. It is a real low-grade innate spirit treasure, but it must not be wasted, so it was put into Wanling Pavilion by Di Jun to be exchanged by the demon clan Da Luo Jinxian.

In fact, most of the innate spirit treasures owned by Daluo Jinxian of the Yaozu are defective products refined by Emperor Jun. After all, if you want to refine real innate spirit treasures, even low-grade innate spirit treasures, the materials needed are very Precious, there are so many Da Luo Jinxians in the demon court, Di Jun can't refine them at all, and can only use the inferior innate spirit treasures of defective products to offset them. As long as they are cultivated for a long time, their power can still be improved.

This time, the low-grade innate spirit treasures that Dong Wanggong and the others snatched are all defective products. In fact, the Daluo Jinxian who owns the real innate spirit treasures of the monster race are practicing formations in Taiyi's Qiankun diagram, but even so, Dong Wanggong Obviously also very excited, with these two innate spirit treasures, he will be able to kill the corpse.

Dong Wanggong had already realized the evil thoughts in his heart, and now is a good time to cut off the corpse. The evil thoughts are pinned on the innate spirit treasure. Dong Wang Gong gave a soft shout of 'cut', and then a figure jumped out of the three flowers of Dong Wang Gong, and Dong Wanggong's cultivation base has also been directly raised from the early stage of the quasi-sage to the middle stage of the quasi-sage, and the state of the evil corpse is a bit strange. Although it is in the early stage of the quasi-sage, it seems to be in an unstable state.

But Dong Wanggong doesn't care about this, he is completely immersed in the joy of successfully beheading the corpse now, the evil thoughts have been cut, and the next step is to kill the good thoughts, when he understands the good thoughts and successfully cuts the corpse, when the time comes He will be a master of the late quasi-sage, and the ambition in his heart seems to be within reach. However, his dream was interrupted by a sudden change.

On Penglai Immortal Island, hundreds of millions of demon races suddenly appeared, and in an instant, a shocking formation was formed. This formation linked the stars in the sky, shining like stars, and the formation covered the sky and the sun, directly killing Penglai fairy The entire island was sealed off, and the Zhoutian Star Dou Array showed its true power for the first time in front of all sentient beings.

(End of this chapter)

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