Chapter 188 He Dao
Seeing this scene, Dijun couldn't help but smile a little. This was just Hongjun's deliberate intention. If he really didn't want to accept the introduction, Zhunti would become his apprentice, and he wouldn't accept the introduction. Zhunti agreed as soon as he opened his mouth. In the end, Hongjun owed a lot of karma to the West, and he was just repaying it through the current method.

Zhunti looked at Hongjun who was not moving, and felt depressed for a while, but he immediately began to cry: "Teacher, my west was destroyed in the last calamity, and although it has recovered, it has changed. The land is very barren, not only are there few creatures, but there are no treasures, please ask the teacher to take pity on my two senior brothers and give me spiritual treasures to protect me."

Hongjun looked at Jieyin and Zhunti, and was silent for a moment. When he raised his hand, the three innate treasures appeared in his hand, and then he said, "Jieyin, Zhunti, both of you have great perseverance. , great luck, and you will have your own chances in the future, and today I will bestow upon you the Golden Lotus of the Twelve Grades of Merit, the Holy Pestle of Blessing, and the Pool of Eight Treasures of Merit.”

The twelfth-grade golden lotus of merit fell into the hands of Yingying, while the blessing pestle and the eight-treasure merit pool belonged to Zhunti. However, the blessed divine pestle and the eight-treasure merit pool are only top-grade innate spiritual treasures, and they are too poor compared with the magic weapons Hongjun bestowed on others. Even so, Jieying and Zhunti were very happy .

When everyone saw that Zhunti had obtained a magic weapon for their two senior brothers, their eyes immediately lit up. The magic weapons in Hongjun's hands were definitely more than these, and there must be more. They all followed Zhunti's example and bowed in unison: "Please ask the Taoist ancestor to take pity on us, and give me some magic weapons to protect me!"

Seeing this, Hongjun could only say: "All the predestined magic treasures in my hands have returned to their owners, but there are still some spiritual treasures left over. Since you are all looking for treasures, I will give them to you. All the magic treasures collected are placed on the Fenbao Rock in the southeast outside Zixiao Palace, you take it yourself, each according to fate, go!"

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up immediately, and they all flew away together, towards the southeast outside Zixiao Palace. Seeing this, Di Jun did not neglect at all. The magic weapon, why not, transformed into Changhong, and was the first one to arrive in front of Fenbaoyan in no time.

Looking at the glowing aura on Fenbaoyan, Di Jun couldn't help but be speechless. Are these some spiritual treasures?In terms of quantity alone, there are at least two or three hundred pieces. Although most of them are low-grade Xiantian spirit treasures and middle-grade Xiantian spirit treasures, and there are even those that were refined and auctioned by Emperor Jun earlier, there are still a small number of high-grade Xiantian spirit treasures among them. Treasures, even top-grade innate spirit treasures.

Dijun was the first to arrive, so naturally he would not be polite, and directly sacrificed the Qiankun Ding. The mouth of the tripod was facing Fenbaoyan directly, and a huge suction directly enveloped the entire Fenbaoyan. Qi disappeared into the Qiankun Cauldron, and then there was no reaction anymore. It seems that Hongjun has placed a restriction on this precious rock, no wonder he would say that it depends on fate.

Then Taiyi, Sanqing, Nuwa, Fuxi, Jieyin, Zhunti, Hongyun, Zhenyuanzi, Kunpeng, Minghe and many others arrived one after another, showing their magical powers, and frantically collecting magic weapons on Fenbaoyan. The rest of the people felt that there were not many magic treasures left on Fenbaoyan, and they began to scramble to collect them one after another, but there were too many monks, and most people were destined to be disappointed.

Taiyi sacrificed the Chaos Clock, but collected a few innate treasures, while Nuwa was lucky and collected more than a dozen pieces, while Fuxi was relatively poor, only collected a few three or four pieces, and Lao Tzu sacrificed Taiji Diagram, scrolling A dozen or so pieces were gone, Yuanshi sacrificed Pangu banners, and fixed twenty or thirty pieces, and the one who harvested the most was probably the leader of Tongtian, who collected dozens of pieces by himself, and received a few of them, and received some of them. From the expression on his face, he knew that he had gained a lot.

After everyone tried to collect the magic weapon of Fenbaoyan, there were still twenty or thirty items left on Fenbaoyan. Before those unwilling people could react, all the restrictions on Fenbaoyan were lifted. The remaining spirit treasures pierced through the chaos and flew towards Hong Huang. Obviously, these magic weapons of Hong Huang had no chance with them.

Seeing this, many people who listened to the Tao fled into the chaos one after another, looking for those spiritual treasures, obviously unwilling. In a blink of an eye, there were only a few dozens of people left in front of this treasure rock, and they did not leave in a hurry. Only Dijun, Taiyi, Nuwa, Fuxi, Sanqing, Jieyin and Zhunti went there, but those people forgot that Hongjun has been preaching for 3 years, and now only 7000 years have passed.

With 3000 years left, Hongjun obviously wanted to continue preaching. Sanqing and others flew towards Zixiao Palace again. The rock was also included in the Qiankun Ding, which surprised everyone and regretted it. How could Fenbaoyan, which was favored by Dijun and used by Hongjun to house many spiritual treasures, be an ordinary thing.

Of course, this precious rock is not a treasure, but a piece of chaotic rough stone. Di Jun has seen it in the memory of the Chaos Demon God. Many Chaos Demon Gods use it to refine their weapons, and Di Jun just wants to Refining a weapon, the countless innate evil spirits he collected before have still been preserved.

After returning to Zixiao Palace, Dijun, Sanqing, Taiyi and the others sat down again. Hongjun looked at the only remaining people and said, "After this sermon is over, I will follow the Tao with my body. Jun is the way of heaven, the way of heaven is not prehistoric, the general trend of the way of heaven does not change, but the small situation can be changed, I hope you can do it yourself, and now calmly understand the mystery of the way of heaven."

After all, I saw a very mysterious aura erupting from Hongjun. Behind him, there seemed to be thousands of avenues, which made everyone present involuntarily obsessed with it. This is Hongjun's last sermon. Once, Hongjun directly let them feel the existence of the Dao of Heaven at close range, and he seemed to be preparing for the Dao with his body.

As soon as the 3000 years came, Di Jun and others woke up from the state of enlightenment, and Hongjun also arrived at the time to join the Tao, and saw a jade butterfly flying out of his head, with a defect on it, but as Hongjun With a soft chant of 'combination', ten thousand rays of light shrouded Hongjun, and Hongjun's figure slowly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Everyone bowed to the place where Hongjun disappeared, and then left Zixiao Palace one after another. When they left, everyone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Without the saint Hongjun pressing on top of their heads, they were naturally much more relaxed. Before Jun left, he glanced at Zixiao Palace and couldn't help but sighed slightly in his heart. As for what he was sighing, only Di Jun himself knew.

(End of this chapter)

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