The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 203 Kunpeng Becomes a Demon

Chapter 203 Kunpeng Becomes a Demon
After the war, all the creatures in the prehistoric world were shocked by it. How many people fell into it for a burst of purple energy. In the past, Zixiao's three thousand mortals, except for the monsters, there were very few left. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he went on a killing spree, and almost all the masters among the casual cultivators were killed by him, but in the end, the primordial purple energy they were fighting for disappeared without a trace.

Since the first battle, it can be said that the lineage of casual cultivators can no longer become a climate. Except for a very few quasi-sages, the rest are at most some Daluo Jinxians, and the number is so pitiful that they can't compete with the Liches. In comparison, and the few remaining casual cultivators have also seen the horror of the calamity, if they dare to continue to drill in, they are courting death!
Of course, the prehistoric creatures also really saw the power of Dijun, and killed more than a dozen quasi-sage masters with one palm. With such strength, I am afraid that they are not far from the realm of Hunyuan, not only Dijun himself, but even his evil corpse The Taoist Heaven Devourer is equally powerful, especially his Heaven Devouring Gourd and the Heaven Devouring Spirit Formation, which are even more strange and ferocious, making people fearful.

However, Di Jun beheaded the two corpses. The evil corpse devoured the Taoist priest showing his skills in this battle, but where did his good corpse Jinwu Taoist go?

Between the sky and the earth, a huge Mipeng bird is flying rapidly, the speed is jaw-dropping, as if there is some great terror behind it, it does not dare to stay for a moment, flapping its wings, it brings up gusts of wind, flying After escaping for a long time, he slowed down. With a movement of his body, he turned into a person and landed on the clouds. This person was naturally Kunpeng.

Sitting cross-legged on top of the clouds, Kunpeng was healing his wounds while slowly flying towards Bei Ming. This time he was in great misfortune. It’s fine if he didn’t get the Primordial Purple Qi, and he was seriously injured. I'm afraid he won't get better after a thousand years. Now that he is in the prehistoric land, Kunpeng doesn't feel safe at all. As soon as his injury stabilizes, he will return to Beiming, and he doesn't plan to come out again in a short time.

After a long time, Kunpeng's complexion finally got better. Although he was still seriously injured, the injury had stabilized, at least for the time being. Only then did he deeply feel the terror of Di Jun. Fortunately, Di Jun didn't come after him, otherwise he would definitely not be able to escape.

Kunpeng was about to ride the clouds back to Beiming quickly, when suddenly, a figure appeared on his way. This person was dressed in a golden imperial robe, with a rusty three-legged golden crow appearance. When Kunpeng saw it, his face changed drastically, with a trembling With a voice, he opened his mouth and said, "Taoist Emperor Jinwu, I don't know why Fellow Daoist Dijun let Fellow Daoist block my way?"

Taoist Jinwu looked at Kunpeng with a smile on his face. As soon as he raised his hand, a small banner appeared directly in his palm. This banner was the most precious treasure of the demon race's luck, and its appearance directly made Kunpeng's His heart sank to the bottom all of a sudden, and his face became extremely ugly. Seeing this, Taoist Jin Wu said, "What do you think?"

Kunpeng looked at the smile on Taoist Jinwu's face, and his face became extremely ugly. Di Jun's cultivation base was high, he was no match, and Taoist Jinwu didn't seem to be far behind. Qing and others are even stronger, now that he is seriously injured, and Taoist Jinwu is blocking the way, if he wants to escape, there is no possibility at all.

At this moment, Kunpeng was really depressed to the extreme. First, he lost his chance in Zixiao Palace, and later he was seriously injured after robbing Hongmeng Ziqi. Now Dijun even let his good corpse block the way, which completely cut off his life. There are only two other roads before Kunpeng, one is death, and the other is to surrender a natal soul and join the demon court.

Kunpeng looked at the demon-calling banner in Taoist Jinwu's hand, and his mind was extremely complicated. Once his natal soul entered the demon-calling banner, his life could be said to have completely fallen on Di Jun from now on. Neng said in a deep voice: "Taoist Jinwu, what is the meaning of this, Fellow Daoist Dijun? Is it really impossible to kill them all?"

Taoist Jinwu looked at the unwilling Kunpeng, and said calmly: "Kunpeng, I gave you a chance, but you didn't grasp it yourself, and now you can't help it, but as long as you work for the demon court with peace of mind, I will never treat you badly." Yours, there are quite a few innate spiritual treasures in the demon court, if you have meritorious service, this deity will not be stingy with rewards, life or death, you choose yourself!"

Kunpeng looked at Taoist Jinwu, his expression changed for a while, and finally all kinds of emotions turned into a deep sigh, and his mind moved, a natal soul was split, and then directly submerged into the demon banner, and Kunpeng was seriously injured, All of a sudden, the injury was added to the injury, and the injury that had been stable suddenly deteriorated again.

Seeing this, Taoist Jinwu raised his hand, and a ball of Sanguang Shenshui and several streams of good fortune directly submerged into Kunpeng's body, quickly repairing Kunpeng's injury, and within a short time, most of Kunpeng's injury was healed. It made Kunpeng's original resistance all of a sudden a little bit less, and also let him see Dijun's wealth.

Sanguang Shenshui and Good Fortune Qi are both holy products for healing, which are extremely rare in the prehistoric. Whoever can have a little bit is considered very good, and Taoist Jinwu used dozens of drops of Sanguangshenshui and several Dao The Qi of Good Fortune healed most of his injuries in an instant, and he could fully recover the rest as long as he recuperated for a while.

Most of the injuries were healed, and Kunpeng's complexion completely recovered in an instant, as if he had never been injured at all, but thinking that he would be controlled by Di Jun from now on, Kunpeng's originally good mood suddenly became worse, and he Now they are starting to regret coming out to snatch the primordial purple energy, this is not Hongyun's doom, it is clearly his own doom.

Looking at Kunpeng's expression, Taoist Jinwu could naturally guess what Kunpeng was thinking, so he said, "Kunpeng, you don't have to feel sad, disaster is where blessings lie, and joining the demon court may not be a good thing for you. As long as you contribute enough to the Demon Court, you can get almost everything you want in Wanling Pavilion."

Kunpeng didn't know whether he was happy or sad when he heard Taoist Jinwu's words. He had heard about the system of the demon court a long time ago. Even a Da Luo Jinxian could exchange innate spiritual treasures from Wanling Pavilion. An opportunity, and only thinking like this, can Kunpeng feel a little better.

(End of this chapter)

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