Chapter 205 Anzi
Coming to such a conclusion, Zhen Yuanzi naturally doesn't care about Di Jun's forcible intrusion into his mountain guard formation. With Di Jun's cultivation base and character, if he really wants to be against him, he can't stop him. Only Daozu Hongjun can save him, but is that possible?Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "Why do you care about small things, I wonder if fellow Daoist Di Jun is here to know what is important?"

As soon as Di Jun raised his hand, the Nine-Nine Scattered Soul Gourd appeared in his hand. As soon as the Nine-Nine Scattered Soul Gourd appeared, Zhen Yuanzi's face changed drastically. Now that Hongyun left Wuzhuang Temple, and the nine-nine scattered soul gourd fell into Dijun's hands, it can be seen that Hongyun is definitely more or less ominous.

When Zhen Yuanzi saw the slightly gloomy Jiujiu Scattered Soul Gourd, his face suddenly showed sadness. He and Hongyun have known each other for thousands of years, and the friendship in this is beyond the comprehension of others. Now that something happened to Hongyun, Zhen Yuanzi Yuanzi was naturally sad, but suddenly there was a sound of "Brother Zhenyuan" in his ear, which surprised Zhenyuanzi.

With a slight movement of Di Jun's hand, the Jiujiu Scattering Soul Gourd flew towards Zhen Yuanzi, and said, "You don't need to be sad, Fellow Daoist Zhenyuan. Although Fellow Daoist Hongyun was forced to blew himself up, he left behind a wisp of soul. There is still a chance, the poor Taoist rescued each other in order to get rid of the cause and effect of the Zixiao Palace seat back then, and killed those loose cultivators, so it should be regarded as the cause and effect of Hongyun Taoist friends."

When Zhen Yuanzi heard Di Jun's words, he was overjoyed immediately, took the gourd of ninety-nine scattered souls, probed into it with his divine sense, and indeed returned Hong Yun's remnant soul, but at this moment, Hong Yun's remnant soul was not in a good state, As soon as Yuanzi moved, he came directly to the back garden of Wuzhuang Temple, and put the nine-nine-scattered soul gourd under the ginseng fruit tree to nourish it.

When he returned to the main hall, there were already nine ginseng fruits in his hand. Zhen Yuanzi looked at Di Jun, offered ginseng fruits, and said with a smile: "Daoist Di Jun, please forgive me for being negligent, poor Daoist!" Seeing the turmoil of Hongyun's remnant soul, so I was eager to place him under the ginseng fruit tree to nourish the remnant soul, and these nine ginseng fruits are just a poor way to thank fellow Taoists for their help."

Di Jun looked at the nine ginseng fruits on the plate in front of him, and put them away with a wave of his sleeves. This ginseng fruit is a rare spiritual fruit, far more powerful than what was mentioned in Journey to the West. Each ginseng fruit has an excellent healing effect. Judging from Di Jun's eyesight, if a mortal can eat such a ginseng fruit, he will definitely be able to achieve the position of Taiyi Xuanxian immediately.

Di Jun looked at Zhen Yuanzi with a grateful look on his face, and then said: "Fellow Zhenyuan, Hongyun only has a remnant soul left, if you want to recover the soul, it is almost impossible under normal circumstances, if you want to It may be even more difficult to recover to the peak state, even if there is a ginseng and fruit tree's Mu Yi essence to nourish the remnant soul, Hong Yun may not know how long it will take to be reborn."

When Zhen Yuanzi heard it, Hong Yun was an innate demon god, and now that he has lost his way, even if he uses the essence of Mu Yi to reshape his physical body, his aptitude is far behind that of the innate demon god. It is very difficult to return to the peak. Seeing Di Jun's calm expression, Zhen Yuanzi's eyes lit up, and he said, "Fellow Daoist Dijun, I think you have a way to make Fellow Daoist Hongyun come back from the catastrophe?"

After hearing this, Emperor Jun said, "There is indeed a way for the poor. In Hongyun's current situation, it is best to reincarnate and recultivate, and then use the great merit to return from the calamity. However, this great merit is not so easy to obtain, and now The catastrophe has already begun, and it is not a good time to reincarnate and rebuild, after this calamity is over, Pindao will discuss this matter with Fellow Daoist Zhenyuan!"

After all, Di Jun had already left Wuzhuang Temple. Zhen Yuanzi looked at the direction where Di Jun was leaving, his expression changed slightly. He naturally understood what Di Jun meant. It will be even more difficult to return to the peak of the past, not to mention the great merit. Di Jun will never give this opportunity to Hongyun for nothing. If he wants to gain something, he must give something.

But at least we have to wait until this calamity is over. If Di Jun can't survive the calamity, everything will be empty talk.

On the top of Buzhou Mountain, Nu Wa couldn't help showing a hint of disappointment on her face after seeing the disappearance of the primordial purple energy, and Fuxi who was at the side saw Nu Wa's expression, and said: "Sister, there is no need to do this, This is God's will, it seems that this primordial purple energy is not destined for me, so why should I force it."

After Nuwa heard this, she sighed slightly. When she asked Di Jun to make a move, Di Jun had already told her clearly, and now the result was exactly as Di Jun said, but she still couldn't help but be disappointed, after all, the relationship On Fuxi's road to enlightenment, now that the primordial purple energy has disappeared without a trace, Fuxi naturally has no possibility of becoming a saint, and can only focus on pursuing the Dao of Hunyuan.

When Di Jun returned to the Lingxiao Palace, he also counted the gains of this trip. Let alone the magic weapons of the fallen casual cultivators, just the memories of the reincarnation of the remnant souls of several Chaos Demon Gods, that would be very convenient for Di Jun. It is a great fortune. After this battle, the reincarnation of the remnant soul of the Chaos Demon God in the prehistoric world is probably extinct.

With the memories of the reincarnation of the remnants of the Chaos Demon God, it will naturally be of great benefit to Di Jun to prove the way of the Chaos Demon God, and the other one who has gained the most is the Heaven Devourer. There are more than a dozen quasi-sages, dozens of quasi-sages' corpses, and even the Great Luo Jinxian who stepped forward. It is absolutely certain that he will be promoted to the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao.

Now the lineage of casual cultivators is basically destroyed, and the remaining small fish and shrimps are nothing to the two tribes of the Lich. Without these hidden dangers, Di Jun can also deal with the Wu Clan with peace of mind. Heavenly Court, the Wu Clan will never sit idly by. Now that the calamity has begun, the Great War is about to start, and it will be another great war that will sweep across the prehistoric world.

And when the great war was approaching, Di Jun took the opportunity to take Kunpeng under his command, increasing the quasi-jihad power of the demon court, which was really good, and he believed that Kunpeng would never dare to obey under him, otherwise some people would end up It will be his fate. I believe that with Kunpeng's intelligence, he will never embark on such a road.

As for the people that Di Jun thought of, they were naturally the people who surrendered in the Temple of Ten Thousand Immortals. Although some of them have completely integrated into the demon court, there are still some who have no sense of recognition for the demon court, and they are obedient to his orders. Jun is not a benevolent king, and no second voice is allowed in the demon court. These people are looking for death, so Di Jun will naturally fulfill them.

However, killing them with his own hands will always cause some bad effects, so Di Jun has already made a decision in his heart, and now is a great opportunity, and death is slowly approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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