Chapter 207 The Lich's First Battle ([-])

In the prehistoric land, the Wu Clan suddenly launched an attack on the Yao Clan, which surprised all parties in the prehistoric land. Although the Yao Clan is busy relocating to the Heavenly Court, this is indeed a great opportunity for the Wu Clan, but After all, in terms of strength, the Yaozu is much stronger than the Wuzu, and there is a star-studded formation in Zhou Tian, ​​so rashly launching a war is not good for the Wuzu.

However, the Wu Clan's offensive is indeed very fast. In addition, nearly half of the Yao Clan has moved into the Heavenly Court. After retreating, the troops have been shrinking, and they are constantly gathering towards Buzhou Mountain, and the Wu Clan took the opportunity to occupy a large area that originally belonged to the Monster Clan.

What made Hong Huang's great powers even more unexpected was that until now, Dijun, Taiyi, Fuxi and Nuwa have not shown up, and the Yaozu suffered a heavy loss, especially the loss of nearly two hundred Daluo Jinxians. It boosted the morale of the Wu clan, but there was always a weirdness in this matter, after all, Di Jun was the master who never suffered.

In the Kunlun Mountains, Sanqing sat watching the battle in the prehistoric, with different expressions. Yuanshi Tianzun also showed a smile on his face when he saw the Yaozu fell into such a passive situation, and said: "It seems that this Dijun is not Everything is predicted like a god, and now the Yaozu have suffered heavy losses, and if they fail to do so, they may be devastated, which is really a pity."

After Tongtian heard this, he said, "I think this is a bit strange. The witch clan attacked so wildly, but Dijun didn't respond. It's really strange. As for the Daluo Jinxians who were killed, it seems that they were the original Wanxians. One of the group of people who joined the demon court, they seem to have been abandoned by the demon court, I don't know what kind of tricks this emperor is playing."

Lao Tzu said calmly: "It is rumored that some of the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace were unwilling to join the Demon Court, and these people must be the ones. It seems that it is difficult for Di Jun to come forward to deal with them, so he used the leader of the Wu Clan to destroy them." These people, apart from these people, the Yaozu actually didn't have any big losses, it seems that Di Jun should have been prepared for a long time."

When Yuanshi Tianzun heard it, he said with some doubts: "Brother, do you mean that Dijun arranged all this? But what good does it do to the Yaozu? There are hundreds of Daluo Jinxians, that is a huge force. It's unbelievable that Di Jun just gave up his combat power like this, if that's the case, then Di Jun is really crazy."

Lao Tzu said softly: "If you give up, you will get something. These people are a hidden danger in Di Jun's eyes. If you don't get rid of them, who knows what bad consequences will happen in the future. Didn't he kill them mercilessly during the Red Cloud Calamity?" There are so many casual cultivators, there are probably some reasons for these people, Di Jun should be afraid of repeating the same mistakes, adding to the anxiety of the monster race!"

Tong Tian heard it, and said with a smile: "What a Dijun, he is decisive in killing and attacking, he is worthy of being the Monster Emperor of the Monster Clan. It seems that the current victory of the Wu Clan is just an illusion. Presumably Di Jun has already prepared for it. Wouldn't the Wu family be in bad luck, the Wu family and I are equally authentic Pangu, should I remind them a thing or two?"

Lao Tzu glanced at Tong Tian, ​​and then said: "No need, now that the calamity is being measured, the Lich is already in the midst of the calamity, we don't want to interfere in it, we should feel at ease to comprehend the primordial purple energy, in order to be able to prove the Tao and become a saint as soon as possible. As for the Witch Clan, since they dare to attack, they should be prepared, after all, they are very clear about the strength of the Monster Clan."

In Western Lingshan, Jieyin and Zhunti naturally also paid attention to the Lich War in the East. Jieyin looked calm and composed, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but Zhunti's eyes were shining brightly, and there was a look of excitement on his face , obviously he understood what was going on in his heart, but when he saw the expression on Jieyin's face, he also calmed down a little.

Zhunti looked at the strange expression of Jieying, and said: "Brother, now the witch clan is attacking the monster clan, the monster clan is in great trouble, and many creatures are facing a desperate situation. Shall we take this opportunity to go to the east to rescue some monster clan creatures and cross them?" Come to the West, this will not only be of great merit, but also revitalize my Western lineage, how about it?"

Jieyin shook his head slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Now that the calamity has started, and the liches are all involved in the calamity, it's better for us not to participate in it, and if we act now, I'm afraid it will be contaminated by the calamity. It will also have an impact on our comprehension of the majestic purple energy and our attainment of Taoism, we still wait for the opportunity, the West will surely have a day of great prosperity.”

Zhunti sighed slightly after hearing the words of the guide. Since the First World War of Demonic Dao, the west has become very barren. There are too many, not only that, even the living beings in the West are very scarce. Compared with the East, they can be said to be a drop in the ocean. Revitalizing the West can be said to be the biggest wish for quasi-promotion and guidance.

Among the army of the witch tribe, the twelve ancestor witches gathered together. After they received the battle reports from the great witches, many of them showed joy on their faces. They can even feel the growth of Wu Clan's luck, such a happy event, how can they not be happy.

But not all the ancestral witches are immersed in joy. Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin's expressions are very normal, and there is even a trace of dignity in them. Don't be too happy too early, although everything is going well, but I always feel a little weird, the reaction of the Yaozu is really weird."

Hearing Di Jiang's words, Zhu Rong couldn't help but said: "Brother, what's so strange, now nearly half of the Yaozu's chassis has fallen into the hands of our Wuzu, and the Yaozu has lost hundreds of Da Luo Jinxians. This can't be Di Junbu's game, if it is really Di Junbu's game, then the price is really too high!"

After hearing this, Zhu Jiuyin said in a deep voice: "The strange thing is that this is the strange thing. The Yaozu suffered such a great loss, but they kept retreating, and Dijun, Taiyi, Fuxi, Nuwa, and the newly joined Kunpeng arrived. He hasn't shown up yet, and that's what worries me the most."

(End of this chapter)

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