Chapter 216
Xi He saw Di Jun staring at him like this, especially when he felt the new life being conceived in his belly, a blush could not help showing on his face. , but now she is also Emperor Jun's Taoist partner, and she is pregnant again, so she is naturally a little embarrassed.

Seeing Xihe's expression, Di Jun said softly, "Xihe, now you and I are Taoist couples, and you are pregnant again, so you can cultivate yourself in the Yaochi, and carefully understand the newly realized law of yin and yang." , and the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Grand Formation also needs your careful comprehension, the child in your belly has your blood and mine, and has absorbed the yin and yang energy of tens of thousands of years, the future is limitless."

Hearing Di Jun's gentle words, Xi He also showed a smile on his face. It's not the first day she knew Di Jun. Di Jun's strength, dominance, and decisiveness in killing and killing are like human beings in the prehistoric world. Everyone knows it, but few people have seen such a gentle side of Di Jun, so they whispered: "I see, my husband."

When Di Jun heard Xihe's "husband", he was also quite emotional. After traveling through the prehistoric times for so long, now he can be regarded as having a family, a house and a career. With the child in his heart, coupled with the foundation of the Yaozu, the fighting spirit in Di Jun's heart suddenly became more high-spirited.

It's just that Dijun felt the breath of the child in Xihe's belly, one yin and one yang, it should be a man and a woman, but not the ten little golden crows in the myth, and the aptitude is not the ten little golden crows in the myth. Jinwu is comparable, these two children not only have the blood of Dijun and Xihe, but also absorbed the origin of the sun and the moon, and more importantly, they also inherited Dijun's origin of the Chaos Demon God.

Once they are born, their qualifications are definitely not inferior to any innate demon gods. If they can seize the opportunity, maybe they can become Chaos Demon Gods in the future. As for their future, Di Jun will naturally protect them, and he will never allow anyone If he dared to plot against his own children, he would not let them end up like the ten little golden crows in the myth.

Di Jun looked at Xi He and said, "I think our child is still in the process of being conceived, and it may take a long time to be born. I am now at the critical moment of comprehending the Hunyuan Dao. I am not by your side, If you are bored staying in Yaochi, you can find your sister or Nu Wa to accompany you, and if you have something to do, you can also find my good corpse to solve it."

After hearing this, Xi He nodded. She is not a little woman and knows what is more important. As the demon emperor, Di Jun is responsible for the future of the entire demon clan, as well as her and her children's future. Only Di Jun They can be better protected if they are certified Hunyuan, otherwise it will be hard to say what will happen if all the saints come out in the future.

After parting with Xihe, Di Jun began to retreat again. After the marriage, he felt more and more clear about the Hunyuan Dao, as if it was within reach, but it seemed that there was something wrong with it. This kind of feeling is really a bit Strangely, this made him have to retreat and meditate, but his heart seemed to be a little unsteady. Could it be that something big is about to happen?

In Wa's palace, Nuwa sat cross-legged on a cloud bed, meditating to realize the Tao. In her sea of ​​consciousness, majestic purple aura floated above her primordial spirit, and a golden light of virtue like a wandering dragon wrapped around her. Youlong is not big, but it can cause the primordial purple energy to tremble, this is something that Nuwa has not experienced for a long time.

Nüwa understands that her road to proving the Tao lies in the sanctification of merit and virtue, but it is extremely difficult to obtain the great merit and virtue enough to become a saint. It is also far from the merits needed to help her become a saint. If she wants to accumulate merits like this to become a saint, it will take a long time.

This made Nuwa really anxious. Now that the development of the monster race has almost reached its peak, it seems that there is nothing good to do, so she can only find another way. As for the other people who have the primordial purple energy There has been no movement. From the current point of view, her Nuwa seems to have taken a little advantage on the road to proving the Tao and becoming a saint.

Although it is almost impossible to prove the three ways of sanctification by force and the way of three corpses, only the way of merit and virtue is still hopeful. I don't know how sure Tai Yi is, but since Di Jun didn't stop him, it can be seen that the hope is not small. It should be that Tai Yi found three corpse-killing objects that can communicate with his own origin.

It's just that there is a threshold standing in front of Tai Yi now, that is obsession, so before Tai Yi cuts off his obsession, sanctification is completely unknown. As for the other people, they didn't make any movement, so it can be seen that they didn't either. After realizing the method of sanctification, Nuwa's heart seemed to be throbbing, as if her chance of sanctification was coming.

This made Nuwa's heart even more anxious. The opportunity is fleeting, and it will never come again. It seems that it is not an option to just stay in the heaven now. After all, her opportunity does not seem to be in the heaven, but in the prehistoric. , So Nu Wa decided to go to the prehistoric world to see if she could meet her chance of becoming a saint.

But Nuwa didn't tell anyone about this, she just announced that she would retreat to enlightenment, but she quietly came to the prehistoric land. She understood that the prehistoric land is now the base of the witch clan. If she goes to the prehistoric land, her brother Fuxi will absolutely She will stop her, but the opportunity cannot be missed, and she can only hide her secrets. With her cultivation base of the late quasi-sage, if she wants to escape, unless the ancestral witches besiege her, they will not be able to keep her.

After returning to the prehistoric land, looking at the current scene on the prehistoric land, Nuwa suddenly felt a tinge of sadness. The monster race moved into the heavenly court, but there are still a large number of wild beasts and those who have not yet become immortals on the prehistoric land. Because the number of monsters is too large, they cannot be taken away at all, so they can only be left on the wild land.

Now on the prehistoric land, the witch clan is respected, and the situation of these monsters and wild beasts is obvious. Fortunately, the witch clan is sparsely populated, and even though it occupies the prehistoric land, the area it occupies is actually not that big, but it is also given to these people. There is a lot of living space for monsters and beasts. The monster clan has a bloodline inheritance, and they are also growing slowly, and the beasts are slowly becoming monsters.

However, even though the number of these monsters is huge, they have no power to resist against the witches, and the witches don't seem to plan to kill them all, but usually hunt these monsters for food, so that in the prehistoric, everywhere is full of monsters. Killing, the evil spirit between the heaven and the earth is getting stronger day by day, all of this is seen by Nu Wa.

(End of this chapter)

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