Chapter 220 Nu Wa Becomes Holy
When the other ancestral witches heard this, several of them also showed emotions on their faces, but Zhu Jiuyin said: "Don't think about it, there is no chance, let's not say that Nuwa is now enlightening, and she may become a monk at any time." Holy, but even that Di Jun would probably not stand by and let us do this, when we face the pincer attack of Di Jun and Nu Wa, even if we summon Pan Gu's true body, it may be of no avail."

When Gonggong heard this, he said solemnly: "Could it be that we just sit and wait for death? If Nuwa becomes a saint, plus God Jun, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and Zhou Tianxing, after a million years, we will fight with the Yaozu again." In the decisive battle, I am afraid that it is more ominous than good, once defeated, even if the clan is not exterminated, I am afraid that it will end up like the dragon, phoenix and unicorn clan."

After hearing this, Di Jiang's face became extremely serious. He naturally understood these reasons, but as Zhu Jiuyin said, they really have no chance now, not only because of Di Jun, but also because of Hongjun's decree. The demon is not allowed to fight anymore, and those who violate it will be punished by heaven. He can only say: "We should still refine the Dutian God and Demon Banner with peace of mind, and then step up our cultivation. After a million years, we will fight to the death."

At this time, Zhu Jiuyin said: "Actually, the situation is not as bad as you imagined. Don't forget, even if there are Dijun and Nuwa in the monster clan, even if Taiyi is also sanctified, there are only three people, and there are only three of them. Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti are also likely to prove the Dao, even if they won't help our witch clan, they will definitely not sit back and watch the monster clan win easily."

When Di Jiang heard it, his eyes lit up immediately, but then his expression changed, and he said in a deep voice: "Second brother, what you said is indeed reasonable, but don't forget, these people probably won't let us Victory, as long as the Lich suffers from both sides, it seems to be in their best interest, and the Yaozu has Di Jun and Nuwa, even if they really suffer from both sides, I am afraid the situation will be better than our Wuzu."

As soon as Dijiang said this, the faces of all the ancestor witches changed drastically. After thinking about it, it seems that they, the witch clan and the demon clan, might really follow in the footsteps of the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans. With Nuwa here, the saints will not kill them all, but their witch clan is different, and this time, Houtu, the youngest of the twelve ancestor witches, has a strange idea in his heart.

In a valley in the prehistoric area, Nuwa's aura continued to swell, and even directly blocked the huge aura of Emperor Jun's proof of Hunyuan. At this moment, as if the way of heaven descended here, Nuwa's aura became more ethereal and mysterious, As the clay figurines were squeezed out one by one, Nuwa's aura became stronger and stronger.

After pinching for a long time, seeing that only a few hundred were made, Nuwa couldn't help frowning, and when she stretched out her hand, a rattan appeared in her hand. The gourd fairy vine of the treasure embryo has the spirit of good fortune. After being sacrificed by Nuwa, it has become a top-quality acquired spiritual treasure.

With this fairy vine, Nuwa merged the laws of good fortune, and after being contaminated with the innate breath soil, she waved her jade hand, and the breath soil flew up with the fairy vine, evolving the form of the innate Taoist body in the air, and after landing, it was all fabricated by Nuwa just now. Like clay figurines, with such a great increase in speed, the soil will be consumed in a short time, and 12 new races will be created, which is exactly the number of yuan in one session.

Nu Wa looked at these new races in front of her, her eyes were a bit complicated, but she still said softly: "Now I understand the way of good fortune, create a race, take the shape of the innate Taoist body, born extraordinary, my chance to become a saint has come, You were created by me as a sage, go to the sage and become a human, from now on, you will be a human race!"

When the human race was born, the heaven and the earth shook, and above the nine heavens, thunder suddenly rolled, and a golden light of merit shot straight at Nuwa. Two, [-]% of it fell into Nuwa's body, and the remaining [-]% fell on the gourd fairy vine, making it the ultimate acquired merit and virtue. At the same time, it also has a new name, Beating People Whip, which can control the world's human race.

When the merit entered the body, Nuwa's aura immediately began to expand rapidly, and her cultivation base also increased sharply all the way. In an instant, she crossed the Hunyuan threshold and became the lord of the saint. They merged into the body together and helped Nuwa, and her cultivation didn't stop until she broke through to the mid-sage stage.

Nuwa became a saint, and the coercion of a huge saint immediately spread across the prehistoric world, far more terrifying than when Emperor Jun proved the Hunyuan. In the prehistoric world, countless rare birds and animals, plants, trees, bamboos and stones have been enlightened, and since then embarked on the road of demon cultivation, and some even took the opportunity to transcend the vulgarity.

The birth of the second sage in the prehistoric world also reveals that the era of the prehistoric sages is coming, and Tai Yi, San Qing, Jie Yin, and Zhun Ti also felt great pressure in their hearts, especially Tai Yi, who left the three The method of proving the way of the corpse, now kills both good and evil, but obsession is difficult to understand. Fortunately, Taiyi is resolute in nature and will not be moved by external things. Even if he becomes a saint later, he will never change.

After a long time, Nvwa's aura was hidden all over her body, and her whole body seemed to be beyond the five elements. The aura seemed to be something, mysterious and mysterious. All saints are ants, this is not only a gap in strength, but also a gap in realm.

But at this time, a cry came from the sky, and a colorful golden phoenix landed in front of Nuwa with all the auspiciousness in the sky. With a hint of a smile, he said softly, "You are destined to be with me, so you will be my mount and name it Jin Ning."

The colorful golden phoenix said: "Thank you for your kindness, Jin Ning would rather be your mount."

Nuwa sat on the back of the colorful golden phoenix, glanced at the human race who bowed to her all over the ground and shouted "Holy Mother", a complex look flashed in her eyes, and then drove Jin Ning to fly towards the sky. As for the human race, Everything can only depend on themselves. Even though Nuwa understands that the future of the human race is limitless, she cannot intervene in it.

Nuwa created the human race, so she naturally understood the potential of the human race. When the human race was born, she felt the luck of the human race like a potential dragon. Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti are all sanctified, so naturally they couldn't find out, but Di Junfa didn't find out, so Nuwa's heart was at a loss.

As the protagonists of the future world, the human race naturally needs to experience wind and rain. Even if Nuwa can't bear it, she can't interfere with the development of the human race. If the human race blindly relies on Nuwa, how can they become the protagonists of the future heaven and earth? Heaven will never allow Nuwa to do this , Nuwa created the human race, but fell into the shelter of the human race, so there is nothing to do with Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhun.

As for whether Emperor Jun has discovered the extraordinaryness of the human race, and whether he will take action against the human race, Nuwa has no way of knowing. She is a sage of the monster race, but she personally created the protagonist of the future world. The mood at this time is naturally extremely complicated and contradictory. The monster race has always been strong, but it seems that the way of heaven will not allow such a thing to happen. If the monster race lasts for a long time, why does the human race become the protagonist of the world.

Nuwa looked at the Heavenly Court on the top of Buzhou Mountain, her expression changed slightly, she sighed slightly, she had already made a decision in her heart, and said, "Now that I have become the venerable saint, I will go to Chaos to open up Wahuangtian as a dojo. Anyone can come to watch the ceremony, and then I will give a lecture on the way of good fortune in the Wahuang Heaven, and anyone who is destined can come to listen to it."

(End of this chapter)

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