Chapter 230 Undercurrent
Lao Tzu stared at the heaven for a long time before he said: "That's true, but even if it is only refined into a top-grade innate spirit treasure, its power may be comparable to that of the innate treasure. At this time, Emperor Jun is refining this killing sword. It's not a temporary idea, it seems that this killing sword should be used to deal with the witch clan."

After hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun and Master Tongtian both nodded their heads. Dijun used to sit in the Hall of All Souls, and now he is the emperor of the demon clan, occupying the heavenly court. There are also many congenital treasures refined, but he has never One can be compared with this time, and after the Yaozu possessed the two Hunyuan combat powers of Dijun and Nuwa, Dijun still refined such a killing sword, which shows that it was not a whim.

Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly frowned and said: "It's just that there is a Pangu aura in this killing sword, which is really weird. The great god Pangu has transformed into everything, and there is nothing left of his body. How can there be a body with a Pangu aura for him to refine treasures?" , there must be something strange in it, but unfortunately, the machine is out of order today, so it is impossible to deduce it, what a pity, what a pity."

After hearing this, Taoist Tongtian's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said: "There is a place where the blood of the Great God Pangu remains, and that is the boundless sea of ​​blood. The filthy atmosphere of heaven and earth, the Styx River is transformed by the sea of ​​blood and the fetus of blood, but, alas, what a pity."

Lao Tzu and Yuanshi Tianzun naturally understand the meaning of Master Tongtian. Pangu's tainted blood is too filthy. Unless there is a treasure like Qiankun Ding, it is worthless, and the sea of ​​​​blood has its own responsibility. Now that they have become holy, of course they know, of course It is also impossible to do anything to the sea of ​​blood. If they are contaminated with karma, even if they are saints, it is not a joke.

In the Western Lingshan, Jieyin and Zhunti stared at the direction of the heaven, with different expressions. Jieyin had a bitter expression on his face, while Zhunti was shocked with a hint of greed. The West had no treasures at all. There were not many treasures in the palace, and the only ones that could be sold were the twelfth-rank golden lotus. Compared with Sanqing, Nuwa, Taiyi and others, it was really far behind.

However, this killing sword was forged by Di Jun, Jieyin and Zhunti naturally knew that there was no hope of getting it, so they could only restrain their thoughts, but a smile suddenly appeared on Zhunti's face, and a gleam flashed in his eyes , he couldn't help looking at the ancient starry sky, and a rather bold idea was born in his heart.

The one that shocked the most was the witch clan. When Dijun was refining the witch-slaying sword, the twelve ancestor witches suddenly felt a chill in their hearts. They could feel that the killing sword that Dijun refined seemed to be With a hint of Pan Gu's aura, it seems to be able to restrain their ancestral witch avatar. If the sword is [-]%, their chances of winning are obviously even smaller.

Zhu Rong was the first one who couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately said: "Brother, you must not let Dijun refine this sword. This sword actually has the breath of the father god. It is definitely a must for us to feel such danger. Di Jun refined it to deal with our twelve ancestor witches, we have no advantage at all, if we let Di Jun refine this sword again, the witch clan will be in danger!"

Gonggong also said: "Brother, what Zhu Rong said is that the Yaozu has the two Hunyuan combat powers of Dijun and Nuwa, and they have the Zhoutian Xingdou array in their hands. The power of the Great Sha Formation has been improved, but I am afraid that it will not be able to deal with these three at the same time, but once the Great Formation is broken, and the Yaozu have such a killer weapon, we will have no hope at all."

Di Jiang frowned when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice: "I know what you said, but Di Jun is refining weapons in the heavenly court, and Hong Jun once said that Liches will not fight again for a million years, and those who violate it will be punished by heaven." , if we attack the Heavenly Court, we don’t have to wait for a million years to come, and the punishment of heaven may destroy us, but if we don’t attack the Heavenly Court, how can we prevent Di Jun from refining such a killer weapon?”

At this time, Zhu Jiuyin suddenly said: "Let's not talk about whether Dijun can be prevented from refining such a murderous weapon, but Dijun's refining such a killing sword is itself a doubt, Nuwa, Zhou Tian With the Star Dou Formation and Di Jun himself, even if we summoned Pan Gu's real body, we would surely be defeated, so why did Di Jun refine such a weapon to target us?"

When the ancestor witches heard this, their expressions changed immediately. This was indeed a question, and they couldn't help turning their eyes to Zhu Jiuyin. Seeing this, Zhu Jiuyin continued to say: "In the prehistoric world, although the Lich is powerful, but All the saints come out together, the power of the lich is not as good as before, the saint establishes a religion, and preaches the orthodoxy, and the two clans of the lich are obviously not suitable for the preaching of the saints, so...the liches are all damaged, that is the most in line with the Sanqing, the introduction , to mention the interests of the five sages."

Hearing Zhu Jiuyin's words, the faces of the ancestor witches suddenly changed drastically. The witch clan only respected Pangu and had no soul, so saints naturally couldn't preach, while the monster clan respected Emperor Jun, and there were Nuwa saints, and there was still a It is obviously not the turn of the Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti Five Sages to intervene in the sanctified Taiyi, and the loss of all the liches is obviously the most suitable for them.

Zhu Jiuyin took a deep breath, and said again: "Why did Dijun choose to refine such a sword of killing at this time? The only possibility is that he and Nuwa might not be able to participate in the Lich decisive battle. If we win, the world will return to the demons, and Di Jun and Nu Wa must be the ultimate beneficiaries, but this is not a situation that the other five sages would like to see."

After hearing this, Di Jiang showed a gleam of joy on his face, and said anxiously: "Could it be that they will help our witch clan stop Dijun and Nuwa? This also explains why Tong Dijun refined the sword of killing and cutting that can restrain us, but if this sword of killing and cutting is refined, I am afraid it will be very bad for us!"

The Twelve Ancestral Witches are the highest combat power of the Wu Clan. If in the decisive battle, Pan Gu's real body and Zhou Tianxing's battle formation are like last time, they will lose both, then Pan Gu's real body will collapse, and they will all be seriously injured. Facing the killing sword specially refined by Di Jun in order to restrain them, he will definitely suffer a big loss. If they are defeated, then the Wu Clan will undoubtedly be defeated.

Seeing the dignified faces of the ancestor witches, Zhu Jiuyin thought for a long time, gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind, and said, "It's not that there is no way to interrupt Di Jun's refinement, but the price is too high."

(End of this chapter)

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