The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 232 1 wave flat, 1 wave up

Chapter 232
Jiuyao ferocious beasts ravaged the prehistoric land, all the Lich people on the prehistoric land were damaged, and countless mountains and rivers were destroyed as a result, and the karma generated by this naturally fell on Zhun Ti, and the disaster continued The longer it is, the more karma Zhunti will have to bear, so Zhunti wants to end this disaster as soon as possible.

This is also to blame for Zhunti's own carelessness. If he went to the sun star in person, even if the current situation happened, he could easily solve all this with the help of a saint, but he only let the Taoist Shanshi Bodhi go there, so that the middle-term quasi-sage It is really impossible for someone with a cultivation base to deal with the Jiuyao beast that can arrange the Jiuyao Burning Heaven Formation.

It's just that before Zhunti made a move, someone had already made a move in front of him. Between the sky and the earth, nine sharp arrows pierced the sky, shooting straight at the Jiuyao beast with an indomitable killing spirit. In just a split second, the nine long arrows shot directly at the head of the Jiuyao beast, and the blood of the beast sprinkled all over the sky.

In just an instant, the Jiuyao Burning Heaven Formation formed by the Jiuyao Fierce Beast collapsed, and they were also severely injured because of this, but the Jiuyao Fierce Beast is now at the middle stage of quasi-sage cultivation, so how can it To die so easily, on the contrary, this aroused their ferocity even more, and firmly fixed the man holding the bow and archery on a mountain in the distance.

This person holds a longbow and carries a quiver on his back, but there is only the last arrow left in the quiver. He is Houyi, the great witch of the Wu tribe, who is good at archery Because, it is definitely a great feat to be able to severely injure nine ferocious beasts in the middle stage of quasi-sage in one fell swoop, but after one bow and nine arrows, Hou Yi also seemed a little weak.

The Jiuyao Beast looked at Hou Yi and roared to the sky. Its ferocious aura surged immediately. When it opened its mouth, nine real fires of the sun gushed out and burned towards Hou Yi, as if it wanted to burn Hou Yi to ashes in one fell swoop. It was so fierce, under the real fire that filled the sky, even Zu Wu dared not underestimate it, not to mention that Hou Yi was just a great witch, and he was still weak now.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared beside Hou Yi. This witch was holding a peach wood crutch. He was Hou Yi's good friend, the great witch Kuafu. Kuafu stuck the peach wood crutch into the ground, and the energy of the infinite earth veins gushed out. It came out and turned into a barrier, directly blocking the real fire of the sun that filled the sky, but depending on the situation, Kuafu couldn't last long.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky above the Jiuyao beast. Seeing this, Houyi and Kuafu couldn't help but change their expressions, because the person who came was not from the Wu clan, but the Jinwu Taoist with the corpse of Emperor Junshan. The Jiuyao beast is owned by Emperor Jun, and everyone knows it. Now that the Jiuyao beast is raging in the prehistoric world, and Jinwu Taoist appears here again, it is inevitable that people will be linked together.

Hou Yi looked at Taoist Jinwu, his face was slightly pale, but he had no fear, and shouted loudly: "Taoist Jinwu, do you Yaozu want to restart the war? You let Jiuyao beasts wreak havoc on the prehistoric world, causing countless deaths and injuries to my people! , This is a provocation to our witch clan, if your monster clan wants to fight, our witch clan will accompany you to the end."

Taoist Jinwu glanced at Houyi and Kuafu, and said calmly: "Provocation? You don't have the qualifications, and if I want to deal with you, why use this method? This Jiuyao beast was originally sealed in the sun star, but I never thought that someone would release them while I was refining the weapons to cause such a disaster, and I came here to end this matter."

After all, as soon as Taoist Jinwu stretched out his hand, nine poles of the Jiuyao Star Flag flew out and landed directly on the head of the Jiuyao Beast. With a seal in his hand, the Jiuyao Star Flag immediately began to swallow everything about the Jiuyao Beast. No matter how the Jiuyao fierce beast resisted, there was no effect, and he could only watch himself integrate into the Jiuyao Star Banner step by step.

As early as when Dijun discovered the Jiuyao Beast, he planned to train the Jiuyao Beast into the Jiuyao Star Banner, but in order to let the Jiuyao Beast play the greatest effect, he kept them sealed in the Sun Star Banner. Among them, they were originally intended to be integrated into the Jiuyaoxing Banner when they had reached the pinnacle of quasi-sages, but they did not think of this matter now.

In the body of the Jiuyao beast, Di Jun has already set up restrictions, just for today, Taoist Jin Wu controls the Jiuyao Star Banner and directly swallows the Jiuyao beast completely. Once the tripod is re-refined, the grade of the Jiuyao Star Banner will definitely be improved again, and its power will also increase greatly by then.

As soon as the Jiuyao Beast died, a virtuous golden light descended immediately from the sky. When it fell, one part was divided into two, and [-]% went to Hou Yi, which was regarded as a reward for severely injuring the Jiuyao Beast, while the remaining [-]% went to Hou Yi. Taoist Jinwu, after all, he was the one who dealt with the Jiuyao beast, and the most unlucky thing is probably Zhunti.

Although Hong Huang Da Neng didn't understand the reason, the saints knew it clearly. Zhunti suffered a big loss this time. He originally wanted to subdue the Jiuyao beast, but in the end he not only had a cause and effect with Di Jun, but also Contaminated with a lot of karma, and also let Taoist Jin Wu and Hou Yi gain merit, and even lose face in front of the saints, it is naturally a big loss.

In Western Lingshan, Zhunti's face was extremely ugly. This time he suffered from being dumb, and he also suffered a lot of karma. What's more, these karma actually melted the merits of his sanctification, making his cultivation level change. Unsteady, there were faint signs of falling into the mid-term cultivation of a saint, which naturally shocked Zhunti.

And just when everyone thought it was calm, something unexpected happened. Buzhou Mountain broke down. As if there was an extra hole, countless waters from the Tianhe River fell directly. Not only that, but even the heavens and the earth seemed to be showing signs of turmoil.

What is even more surprising is that the instigator of all this turned out to be the Wu Clan, which made everyone a little confused. The Wu Clan has always respected Pangu, but now they have personally broken the Buzhou Mountain that supports the sky. What to do, when they saw the water of the Tianhe River pouring into the prehistoric world, they also gradually understood the mind of the Wu Clan.

The water of the Tianhe River poured into the prehistoric world. The first unlucky one was the Heavenly Court. The Tianhe River is located in the Heavenly Court. Now there is such a big hole. It's not ordinary water, but weak water, extremely poisonous, even Jinxian can't resist it.

This move by the witch clan undoubtedly has the opportunity to severely damage the demon clan in the heavenly court, and it can also interrupt Dijun's plan to refine the witch-slaying sword. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone, but this move is really too crazy. Entering the Heavenly Court, but also falling into the prehistoric, this will be an unprecedented disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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