Chapter 234

After hearing this, Emperor Jun opened his mouth and said: "This matter is not difficult. The poor Taoist Jinwu Taoist has gone to the South China Sea, where there lives a prehistoric black turtle of a different species. Xiao, but it is not a fierce beast, and it happens to use its limbs as pillars to support the sky, and it will surely stabilize the sky and the earth."

After hearing this, Lao Tzu also nodded his head, but the eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Ersheng each had a strange look. This move is no different from gaining merit, but it happened to be snatched by Di Jun first. Thoughts, especially Zhunti, because of the karma of heaven and earth, his cultivation base is now even falling to the middle stage of a saint, and he urgently needs merit to stabilize his cultivation base.

In the South China Sea, Taoist Jinwu looked at the mysterious tortoise that looked like a huge island, and couldn't help but sighed slightly in his heart. Unfortunately, this mysterious tortoise was contaminated with the evil spirit of opening the sky. Although it did not turn into a fierce beast, it also lost its good fortune. Those who can cultivate will surely become great powers in the prehistoric world. Da Luo Jinxian is still stable if he dare not say that he has achieved the position of quasi-sage.

As soon as the Taoist Jinwu raised his hand, the Rijin Wheel was sacrificed directly, and the Changhong flashed, and the mysterious tortoise was directly beheaded, and its limbs were also cut off. Taoist Jinwu sacrificed the limbs of the mysterious tortoise, and said in a deep voice: "The way of heaven is above, don't Zhou Shan fell, and there is no master in the world, today I use the four limbs of the mysterious tortoise to support the sky, to consolidate the prehistoric world, and learn from the way of heaven!"

As soon as the words fell, the limbs of the mysterious tortoise turned into four mysterious lights and fled away. Not long after, four huge pillars of heaven appeared at the four poles of the prehistoric world, propping up the sky and the earth, turning them into pillars supporting the sky, and then disappeared No, even saints can no longer find their existence. After all, if the Tianzhu is destroyed again, there will be no second mysterious turtle to transform the Tianzhu.

At this moment, Nuwa has also melted all the five-colored god stones, leaving only the last unresponsive five-colored god stone, which was thrown by Nuwa casually, and fell directly into the prehistoric wilderness, disappearing, but it's a pity that Nuwa Didn't know that she threw it casually, but the person who threw it was a person who should be robbed in the calamity.

Nuwa used her magic power to drag away the solution made by the five-colored god stone, and then went retrograde with supreme mana, against the water of the river that day, forcefully sent the solution made by the five-colored god's stone into the gap between heaven and earth, and then The law of good fortune constantly fills up the gap between heaven and earth, and after a long time, the gap between heaven and earth is finally completely filled.

After the work of repairing the sky is completed, the way of heaven will immediately send merits and virtues, divide them into several shares, and come straight to everyone. Complete, and the last half-complete, this is chasing the five-colored sacred stone that fell into the prehistoric, after all, the five-colored sacred stone is the last five-colored sacred stone in the prehistoric.

And Zhunti obtained half of the merit of mending the sky, and his unstable cultivation finally stabilized, but it was slightly worse than when he became a saint, but he was already very happy to be able to do so, and now, his thoughts But it was placed on the Five-Colored Divine Stone that had obtained half of the sky-replenishing merit. Unfortunately, the heavens were out of order, and he couldn't figure out where the Five-colored Divine Stone fell, so he had to give up.

The catastrophe was over, and the saints were about to leave. The Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the Buzhou Mountain that had been broken into several pieces, and with a flick of his mind, he waved his sleeves and wanted to take them all away. In front of him, the largest piece of Buzhou Mountain was directly taken away by Di Jun, and Yuanshi Tianzun only took away two smaller pieces.

Di Jun looked at the half of Mount Buzhou in his hand. It was transformed from Pan Gu's spine, which is definitely the top refining material. How could Di Jun miss it? I don't care, but Zhunti saw this scene with a regretful expression on his face, obviously he didn't think of it.

After everything was over, Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Master Tongtian, Jieyin, and Zhunti left one after another. As for the Gonggong who hit Buzhou Mountain, they completely forgot about it, and no one mentioned it , It's a bit strange, seeing this, Nu Wa didn't say much, just glanced at Di Jun, and left directly.

Seeing this, Di Jun smiled coldly. He had expected this kind of result a long time ago. If the monsters were weak and the witches were strong, they might open their mouths to mention the punishment of Gong Gong, but now it is obvious that the monsters are strong, how could they target Wu Clan, that doesn't mean they are helping Di Jun. If the Yao Clan really wiped out the Wu Clan, it would be of no benefit to the saints except Nu Wa.

Di Jun glanced in the direction of the Pangu Palace, his eyes turned cold, this time, the Wu Clan played this trick really desperately, the Heavenly Court Monster Clan suffered countless casualties, but the Wu Clan was well prepared and did not lose much at all. And the human and demon races on the prehistoric land also suffered heavy casualties, especially the human race. First, the Jiuyao Hengkong, and then the flood from the sky, it can be said that the vitality was seriously injured.

But it is a pity that the main purpose of the witch clan has not been realized. Dijun still refined the witch-slaying sword. Di Jun must use the Twelve Ancestral Witches to test the sharpness of the Witch-Slaying Sword, so that they will pay the price for what they did today.

As soon as Di Jun flicked his sleeves, he returned directly to the Heavenly Court. Looking at the heavily damaged Heavenly Court 33 and the demon creatures, with a wave of his hand, countless three-light divine water sprinkled the Heavenly Court, constantly restoring those damaged places. Nourishing those injured monster creatures, but the Heavenly Court could not recover to the time when it was just born.

After all, the Sanguang Shenshui is a divine object, and Di Jun is not inexhaustible. He just recovered briefly, and then stopped. With a movement of his body, he came directly to the Lingxiao Palace. At this moment, Taiyi, Fuxi, Kunpeng and other high-level monster clans gathered here, with angry and dignified expressions on their faces.

It can be said that Dijun suffered a lot this time, not only the casualties in Tianting, but even the Jiuyao beast was refined in advance because of Zhunti's attack. Since Dijun was born, he has never suffered such a big loss. Di Jun is naturally not in a good mood at the moment, and the only thing that makes him gratified is that the Wu Tu Sword was refined as scheduled.

It is worthy of being the killing sword refined by Di Jun with a lot of painstaking efforts. Even if no one controls it, the killing spirit exuded by the witch-slaying sword is amazing. Although the sword is only of the highest grade of innate spiritual treasures, its power has completely exceeded the category of the best innate spiritual treasures, possessing some of the power of innate treasures.

With the witch-slaying sword in his hand, Di Jun believed that even if he could not participate in the Lich decisive battle, letting one of his three corpses hold this sword would be better than suppressing the ancestral witch. Became Dijun's soul under the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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