Chapter 240
In the depths of Yaochi Wonderland, Di Jun stared at the direction of the underworld with a slightly dignified expression. Houtu's sanctification was far beyond his expectations. Not only that, Houtu was not completely trapped in the underworld by Hongjun, and even got Obtaining the book of life and death and the judge's pen is equivalent to controlling the underworld and extending luck and blessings for the Wu people.

Such a big change really made Dijun feel a little powerless. He really complied with that sentence, his supernatural powers are no match for the number of days. Dijun worked hard for hundreds of millions of years before he got what he is today. Sanqing, Nuwa, Jieyin, Zhun Mention, and the current Houtu, just because of the chance of heaven, he became a saint all of a sudden, and his cultivation level even surpassed him for a while.

However, Houtu's sanctification did not really affect Di Jun too much. The big deal was that during the Lich decisive battle, Houtu took action to block him and Nuwa, preventing them from participating in the Lich decisive battle, no, In fact, Houtu only needs to block the emperor. As a saint, Nuwa is under the control of heaven, so how can she go against the sky, and it is difficult for her to fight against the lich.

In fact, Di Jun never thought that he would be able to personally participate in the Lich decisive battle. If he participated in the Lich decisive battle, the witch clan would be defeated, even if they had Pan Gu's real body, the difference was that Di Jun wanted to see , Who will stop him? Now it seems that it is unnecessary, and it is most likely the Houtu.

Dijun didn't care much about Houtu. After the Lich's calamity, there was no intersection between Lich and Lich. It was difficult for Houtu alone to confront Dijun. Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti, which three can Houtu invite, and the price of inviting them to help is probably not small, and what Houtu has in his hands can make all the saints look up to him. Only the underworld.

Now the underworld is the most important place for Houtu to extend the luck and blessings of the witch clan, how can Houtu let people interfere easily, and as long as the book of life and death and the judge's pen are in Houtu's hands, the saints will not be able to seize the underworld at all, after all Seizing the underworld is just to accumulate merit and luck. If you screw up, you will also be entangled in karma. That is no joke.

Now that Houtu has been sanctified, Di Jun didn't think too much about it. The only thing he cared about was whether the act of helping Houtu become holy was the will of heaven or Hongjun. The difference between the two is not small, but it is not What he can explore now, but after this incident, Di Jun has an extra mind in his heart to prevent similar things from happening again.

In Wa Palace, Nuwa also frowned when she saw that Houtu became a saint. The original gap between lich and monsters was instantly made up for more than half. With Houtu, the saint, the Wu Clan's status in the prehistoric world would naturally be greater. It's different, what's more important is the location of the underworld, which can extend the luck and blessings for the Wu people, so Nu Wa naturally cares very much.

Among the saints, Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti have all established religions, and are now opening mountains to accept disciples and pass on the orthodoxy, and then the earth controls the underworld, and their luck is naturally not weak. Only Nuwa lives alone in this imperial heaven, Although he is a saint of the demon clan, but the luck of the demon clan he fought is very little, and he can't compare with Di Jun, the demon emperor.

Fortunately, Nuwa is the most indisputable person among the saints, otherwise she would not choose to open a dojo in the chaos. Lao Tzu seems to be doing nothing, but in fact it is an indisputable dispute. The human religion he established has a detached status among the human race. , why bother to fight again, as for Nuwa, she is now concerned about the survival of the monster race, and she can only put them aside for the human race.

But at this time, Kunlun Mountain, the most Sanqing Taoist place, has become extremely lively. At the foot of the mountain and even in the surrounding mountains, countless human races and monster races have come to worship teachers. There were very few people who came to apprentice, which really caused Sanqing some headaches. After all, they had already established a religion, so they naturally needed to accept apprentices.

However, regarding the matter of accepting apprentices, the three of them have different views. Lao Tzu’s human teaching advocates quietness and inaction, and everything follows nature, while Yuanshi Tianzun’s interpretation of teachings advocates that the way of practice is to give priority to talent, not to be gifted or intelligent. Extraordinary and persevering beings are not taught by the interpretation of teachings. As for the teaching of the leader of Tongtian, he advocates that there is no distinction between teaching, seeing the nature and understanding the heart, and intercepting a ray of life under the way of heaven.

The different teachings of the three religions naturally lead to great differences in the acceptance of disciples by Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, and the leader of Tongtian. Laozi established the human religion among the human race, and his disciples are naturally human beings. They are all the Jindan Tao taught by Lao Tzu. It can be said that almost most of the human race are regarded as followers of the human religion.

But this time, there are quite a few human races who came to Kunlun Mountain to learn from their masters, and these people are relatively top-notch people among the human races, and their talents are naturally not bad. Unfortunately, the disciples I want must be those with great wisdom and great perseverance. People, and it depends on fate, one person is enough, and now these people obviously have not yet reached their fate with Lao Tzu.

However, Lao Tzu did not reject all of them, but selected some outstanding ones as registered disciples of the Renjiao. After all, the future Renjiao cannot be just him and his disciples, and some people are still needed to help him manage the affairs of the Renjiao. , After accepting some registered disciples, Lao Tzu left Kunlun Mountain directly, and went to the prehistoric wilderness to find disciples who were destined for him.

Along the way, Lao Tzu stopped in front of a mountain, and saw a human youth in front of the mountain, kneeling facing the mountain, not moving for a long time, and only after asking about it did he find out that this person was asking for immortals, and when he came across the mountain, Worshiping Sanyue, if there is no famous teacher to take him in, he will leave here, and go to the next place. With such great perseverance, I really feel that this person is the disciple he is looking for, and this person is the great master of Xuandu in the future .

And Xuandu's aptitude is also excellent, with perseverance and perseverance, it is a rare piece of jade in the rough. Seeing this, Lao Tzu was overjoyed, and immediately revealed his identity and accepted Xuandu as his apprentice. It is Shouyang Mountain, the head of all the suns in the prehistoric land, an excellent blessed place for immortals, and it will also become the place where Lao Tzu will live in the future.

But in the Kunlun Mountains, there is a lot of trouble at the moment. Yuanshi Tianzun and the leader of Tongtian have a big difference in accepting disciples. Yuanshi Tianzun set up a questioning array to test the disciples. Enter his sect, and the master of Tongtian will not refuse anyone, as long as someone is willing to worship him as a teacher, he will accept him as his sect.

(End of this chapter)

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