Chapter 243 The Last Tranquility
Looking at the two little golden crows, Di Jun also had this indescribable joy in his heart. Although he had practiced Taoism for hundreds of millions of years, he thought that he had become indifferent to some things, but when it really appeared in front of him, he found that it was not the case at all. With joy in his heart, Di Jun said: "My son is called Lu Ya, and my daughter is called Wang Shu!"

In the myths and legends, there are two versions about Lu Ya, one is that there is Hongjun first and then there is heaven, and Lu Ya is more Taoist, and the other is that the only sun left after Hou Yi shot the sun, Di Jun The youngest son, the difference between the two is as big as heaven.

First there is Hongjun and then there is heaven, and Taoist Lu Ya is even more advanced. If this is the case, then Taoist Lu Ya is definitely the reincarnation of the remnant soul of the Chaos Demon God. They were all dead, and none of them was named Taoist Lu Ya. Unless this Taoist Lu Ya had never been born until now, it is impossible for Di Jun not to know.

That being the case, Di Jun simply agreed with the latter statement. His son was named Lu Ya. As for his daughter Wang Shu, Wang Shu was the moon in ancient mythology. Although Wang Shu had the body of a three-legged golden crow, What she inherited was the origin of the Taiyin, so Di Jun named her Wangshu, so that she could inherit the position of her mother Xi and the Lord of the Taiyin Star in the future.

Now Dijun is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Although he can't follow the law, he can also be recognized by the prehistoric people. As soon as the names of Luya and Wangshu came out, they were recognized by the heavens. The rays of light spread all over, as if celebrating the birth of Lu Ya and Wang Shu. From then on, Lu Ya and Wang Shu were the god names of these two little Golden Crows.

This god name is not an ordinary name, it is unique to the innate demon gods. All innate demon gods already have their own unique god names when they are born. The god name cannot be changed, and no one else can take it. The same name, otherwise it would be a cause and effect with the innate demon god, that is no joke.

With the dawn of the sky, Lu Ya and Wang Shu both opened their eyes, and then the brilliance flickered, and they turned into five or six-year-old boys and girls in a blink of an eye, and they were so cute. The two little guys looked at Di Jun and Xi And, with joy in his eyes, he yelled crisply: "Daddy, mother!"

Seeing Lu Ya and Wang Shu rushing towards him, Di Jun held them in his arms as soon as he stretched out his hand. The feeling of being connected by blood is so cordial. Since then, two more responsibilities have been placed on his shoulders. Before, he only In pursuit of strength, he was responsible for the rise and fall of the entire monster clan, and now he has Xi He and a pair of sons and daughters, which also gave Di Jun a stronger motivation.

After Lu Ya and Wang Shu were born, Di Jun withdrew from the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation above Yaochi Wonderland, and then Xi He hugged Lu Ya and Wang Shu. At this moment, Tai Yi, Fu Xi and others came to congratulate them one after another. Even Nuwa, who has been staying in Wahuangtian, has come, and Dijun has a queen, which is also a great happy event for the entire monster clan.

Dijun proves Hunyuan, although he can live the same life as the sun and the moon, but he may not always bear the name of the demon emperor. If Dijun retires in the future, then Dijun's heirs can take over the position of the demon emperor and continue to live. Commanding the monster clan, after all, the three-legged Jinwu clan is the royal clan of the monster clan, and all the monsters bow their heads. As long as the emperor does not forget, the three-legged Jinwu's position in the monster clan will not be shaken.

As soon as Lu Ya and Wang Shu were born, it can be said that they were born with titanium alloy spoons in their mouths. As soon as Nuwa made a move, they presented two middle-grade congenital treasures, which were the gifts given by Di Jun when he invited Nuwa and Fuxi out of the mountain. Bingxiansuo and Biyuxiao were back to Di Jun, Bingxiansuo returned to Luya, and Biyuxiao returned to Wangshu.

Of course, Nu Wa is not the most magnanimous, there is someone more magnanimous than him, that is Tai Yi, with two top-grade innate spirit treasures, and what is given to Lu Ya is the mighty Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife in the future, It was the golden gourd that Taiyi picked at the beginning, and it was refined by Dijun's Qiankun cauldron, and its power is extraordinary.

As for what Wang Shu got was the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Jinfeng and Silver Hairpin that Hongjun bestowed on Taiyi back then, and it was also a rare offensive innate spiritual treasure. In addition, there are two low-grade innate spirit treasures presented by Fuxi, and some acquired spirit treasures or treasures presented by the high-ranking demon clan in the heavenly court.

Since they were born, they got so many treasures. Even Sanqing did not receive such treatment. After receiving so many gifts, Lu Ya and Wang Shu were naturally very happy. A banquet was held to celebrate the birth of Lu Ya and Wang Shu. For this reason, Di Jun also took out a lot of Zhoutian Star Fruits to share with everyone.

The entire Heavenly Court celebrated this for a few days, and after the celebration was over, Di Jun was not in a hurry to retreat, but began to teach Lu Ya and Wang Shu how to practice. The natal supernatural power is in him, but he can't fully control it at all, so Di Jun is naturally worried, he doesn't want his children to end up like the ten little golden crows in the myth.

Lu Ya inherited Dijun's sun origin, and Wang Shu inherited Xihe's Taiyin origin. They can naturally practice the innate inheritance of Dijun and Xihe. There is no plan to let them practice, this method is too dangerous, without enough Sanguang Shenshui, good luck and firm will, it is easy to explode and die.

Of course, in addition to teaching them how to practice, Di Jun also set up a phantom formation using Hetu Luoshu to train their minds. Although this will make them lose their childhood innocence and brilliance, it will allow them to better understand In this world, after all, strength is the most respected in the prehistoric world. As the children of Emperor Jun, their natural height is different from other creatures. First of all, they have to learn how to protect themselves.

Although Lu Ya and Wang Shu are just born now, they are mature in mind. While enjoying the transcendent status brought by Di Jun, they also bear the danger that may come at any time because of Di Jun. It is impossible to be foolproof, so Di Jun must let them grow into qualified monster princes and princesses as soon as possible.

Di Jun's time with them was not too long. After Lu Ya and Wang Shu had fully mastered the power of their Golden Immortal Realm, he continued to retreat, and Lu Ya and Wang Shu were handed over to Xi He to teach them. The good corpse Jinwu Taoist will also teach Lu Ya to practice from time to time. The two exercises have the same origin. With Jinwu Taoist, a quasi-sage peak master, personally teaching, Lu Ya's growth is naturally very rapid.

And for the following tens of thousands of years, Di Jun has been in a state of seclusion. His calamity of life and death has dissipated the moment he proved Hunyuan, but the catastrophe of Taiyi, Fuxi and the entire Yaozu has not yet ended. , when the period of a million years comes, when the Lich will fight the decisive battle, everything will be decided, and now, it will be the last peace before the Lich's catastrophe completely breaks out!

(End of this chapter)

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