Chapter 246 Lich Showdown ([-])

After hearing this, Di Jun opened his mouth and said: "In this case, let me see the power of a saint, but in this prehistoric world, we can't stand the fight between you and me, and the damage is too great. How about we go to Chaos? In the chaos, you and I can also use our full strength, hehe... It's been a long time since I did anything, so let's have a good fight!"

After hearing this, Houtu nodded slightly. The power of saints and Hunyuan is too powerful, and the mountains can collapse and the ground can be cracked with a light movement. If she and Dijun fight in the prehistoric, it will inevitably affect the battle between the two tribes of liches. Seeing that Houtu agreed, Dijun took a step forward and headed directly towards the chaos, and Houtu sent Dijun to the chaos, and then flew to catch up.

Dijun and Houtu went to the chaos, which naturally attracted the attention of the saints. This was the first battle in the primordial realm in the prehistoric world, so it naturally attracted attention, and the saints were no exception. Fighting, knowing the strength of Dijun and Houtu, knowing yourself and the enemy, although you can't win a hundred battles, but you can avoid being caught off guard.

At the original location of Buzhou Mountain, Di Jun and other ancestral witches led the main army of the witch clan to gather here to face the main army of the monster clan. As for the battle between the other lich forces, it was a battle that swept across the entire prehistoric land. , but the victory or defeat of the battle mainly depends on the victory or defeat between Dijun and Houtu and the main force of Lich.

Among the main force of the witch clan, apart from the twelve ancestral witches such as Di Jiang, even several top wizards of the monster clan gathered here. Xing Tian, ​​Houyi, Kuafu, Feng Bo, Yu Shi, etc. But it is very luxurious. After all, this time is related to the future of the Wu Clan. The Wu Clan will naturally do their best, and this is the same for the Yao Clan.

I saw above the sky, the main force of the monster race came by the clouds, and the people at the head were the three corpses of Dijun, Taiyi, Xihe, Fuxi and others. Besides, Bai Ze, Ji Meng, Yingzhao and other monsters All the demon saints and demon gods appeared here, obviously they also understood that the victory of the Lich decisive battle was obviously here, so all the masters of the demon clan gathered here.

But at this moment, the faces of Di Jun and the ancestor witches changed. The three corpses of Di Jun in the lead had similar auras, and each of them had the cultivation base of the quasi-sage peak. This reminded them of Di Jun. No one expected that , Di Jun actually cut out his own corpse quietly. You must know that among the three corpses, his own corpse is the most difficult to cut. Apart from Hongjun, Di Jun is also the first powerful person to do this.

Of course, it wasn't just Dijun's three corpses that caused Dijun and his group a headache. They looked around and saw that one of Dijun's three corpses, the Evil Corpse Cheating Heaven Taoist, was holding a long black sword in his hand. But the sword energy is already looming, and more importantly, on that sword, Di Jun and the other twelve ancestor witches all felt the mortal danger.

Taoist Devourer seemed to sense the gazes of Di Jiang and the other twelve ancestor witches. He waved his hand lightly, held the witch-butcher sword in front of his chest, flicked his fingers lightly, and the sound of sword chant spread throughout the battlefield, and then softly He smiled and said, "Why, Di Jiang, are you disappointed? Your plan is indeed unexpected, but it's a pity that you underestimated this deity too much."

I saw the Heaven Devourer Daoist gently waving the Tu Wu sword, and then pointing the sword at the entire Wu Clan, with an air of infinite killing, he laughed wildly and said: "Hahaha... the sword is named Tu Wu, this is the one I personally took The name, it was originally refined to deal with your twelve ancestor witches. I thought that there was one less descendant, but I didn't expect you to create a new ancestor witch. That's just right, use the blood of your twelve ancestor witches Let it strike!"

The Witch-Slaying Sword pointed directly at the Wu Clan's camp. After all the Witch-Clans felt the killing spirit of the Witch-Tujian Sword, there was a trace of excitement in the blood in their bodies. , The aura of the witch clan has already weakened a little, even Di Jiang and other ancestor witches are quite palpitating when they look at the witch-slaying sword in the hands of Taoist Devourer.

Di Jiang and other ancestral witches were also very surprised. In order to interrupt Di Jun's refining of the witch-slaying sword, they even bumped into Buzhou Mountain, which was transformed from Pangu's spine. But what made them puzzled was that when the accident happened, Di Jun acted in time, why the Wu Tu sword was still successfully refined.

But no matter what, it is a fact that the sword of killing witches has been refined. No matter how confused or annoyed they are, it is useless. Now they can only fight with all their strength. They have no way out. How, I, my son of the Wu clan, fights against all living beings, why should I be afraid of your broken sword, at worst, return to the arms of the Father God, life is endless, fighting is endless, kill!"

In the chaos, Dijun and Houtu came one after another, and the breath of the two of them was surging, isolating the chaos from the outside. For a saint, letting the chaos into the body is not a good thing, but Dijun is It doesn't matter, but in order to conceal the secret of his stepping on the path of the Chaos Demon God, he still isolated the Chaos Qi.

Houtu sensed the killing spirit coming from the prehistoric world, and felt it slightly, his expression changed slightly. The three corpses of Emperor Jun came out, and the witch-slaying sword appeared. Houtu couldn't help but worry about the situation of Di Jiang and other ancestor witches and the entire witch clan, but unfortunately he is powerless now.

While Hou Tu was blocking Di Jun, she was held back by Di Jun. At this moment, she was powerless to help the Wu Clan. Now all she can do is to restrain Di Jun completely, so that He didn't have the slightest chance to help the Witch Clan, all she could hope for was Pan Gu's real body's all-out blow, if he could hit the Monster Clan hard in one fell swoop, then the Witch Clan still had room to maneuver.

Hou Tu looked at the relaxed Di Jun, his expression returned to normal immediately, and then said softly: "Di Jun, you are really talented, you have cut out your obsession, and in the original situation, you still let you It is really amazing to refine the witch-slaying sword, but my witch clan will not be defeated easily, and the result is still unknown until the last moment."

After hearing this, Di Jun said with a smile: "Indeed, until the last moment, the result is really unknown, but the battle in the prehistoric world is not what you and I should worry about. You should worry about yourself. I hope you won't be The first saint to fall in the prehistoric world."

(End of this chapter)

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