Chapter 248 The Lich Showdown ([-])

In the prehistoric world, most of the prehistoric land is full of killing scenes. The decisive battle between the two lich clans is related to the future fate of the two lich clans. The monster clan above also participated, and the ants killed the elephants, which can be said to have been the best proof in such a shocking battle.

The decisive battle between the two clans of liches can be described as a super chaotic battle. Unless the cultivation base reaches the quasi-sage realm, even Daluo Jinxian can't guarantee that he can survive such a battle, even if he faces It's just that enemies whose cultivation level is lower than their own may also fall due to besieged, injured, serious mana consumption, conspiracy and other reasons.

It can be said that at every moment of the Lich's decisive battle, millions of souls will fall in the prehistoric world. Between the heaven and the earth, bloody aura can be seen everywhere, and countless corpses are piled up on the ground. It is really a real blood flow It has become a river. Of course, this is not without beneficiaries. These blood rivers and evil spirits eventually converged into the boundless sea of ​​​​blood, and the corpses of the liches became the nourishment of the prehistoric.

After the battle, the main force of the Lich launched a desperate duel at the original location of Buzhou Mountain. The battles in other places are fine, but there are only two places that can really determine the outcome of the Liches. One is the Buzhou Mountain ruins The main battlefield of Lich, the second is the battle between Emperor Jun and Houtu in the chaos, and the battle between Hunyuan and Saint will not end for a while, so we still mainly look here.

At the beginning of the battle, both sides obviously did not hold back, but directly attacked with the strongest means. The three corpses of Dijun, Xihe, Fuxi and other demon clans directly arranged the Zhoutian Xingdou array, summoning Zhoutian stars, echoing each other from a distance, It was more powerful than before, and the Wu Clan didn't hesitate, and the Twelve Capitals' gods and gods formed a large array directly, and the evil spirit was soaring into the sky.

Logically speaking, powerful formations like the Zhoutian Xingdou Great Formation and the Twelve Capitals Tianshensha Great Formation can completely block the use of means to suppress the bottom of the box, but in fact it is the most reasonable to use it directly from the beginning. Not to mention the consumption of power, but if there are fewer people who set up the formation and the formation is incomplete, then it will be useless.

Since there is going to be a battle, it is natural to directly amplify the move as soon as it comes up. At this moment, everyone is in the peak state, and the formation can naturally exert the strongest power. However, two of the three great formations of the prehistoric and the wild appear at once. The decisive battle of calamity has reached its climax. Once one side shows signs of decline, it is undoubtedly almost lost.

Taoist Jinwu presides over the star position of the sun, Xihe presides over the star position of Taiyin, Taiyi presides over the star position of Ziwei, Taoist Taoist Eater of Heaven, Taoist Yinyang, Fuxi, Kunpeng, etc. also preside over the star position of the Lord of the week, and the whole formation also has emperors. Jun's good corpse is controlled by Taoist Jinwu. Although he doesn't move the law of the stars, he is Di Jun's good corpse, and he has the same heart with Di Jun. It is most suitable for him to preside over the formation.

As soon as Zhou Tian Xingdou moved, countless stars fell into the mortal world, and they all smashed towards the Wu Clan army. These fallen stars were all condensed by the purest power of Zhou Tian stars. They looked beautiful, but they contained infinite treasures. Murderous intent, when this infinite starlight fell into the camp of the Wu Clan and bloomed at that moment, countless people of the Wu Clan died together.

Seeing this, the Twelve Ancestral Witches suddenly became extremely ugly. They could naturally see that compared to the last time, the power of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation of the Monster Race this time was much stronger. Jun's three corpses, and Xihe, the lord of the Lunar Star, returned to his throne, the sun and the moon competed for brilliance, and the stars shone brightly, so the power of the formation was naturally stronger than before.

Even if the evil spirit of the Twelve Capitals Gods and Demons Formation was used to boost the army of the Wu clan, it was still difficult to resist the Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation. Seeing this, the Twelve Ancestral Witches did not hesitate at all, and directly activated the last part of the Twelve Capitals Gods and Gods Formation. The transformation brought countless evil spirits together, the bodies of the twelve ancestor witches merged together, and the true body of Pan Gu, who shocked the world in the past, reappeared between the heaven and the earth.

It's just that compared with the increase in the power of Zhou Tianxing's big formation, the power displayed by this Pangu real body does not seem to have increased much. Not only that, Pangu's real body seems to be showing signs of instability. There are some cracks on it, which seems to be disintegrating. It is not surprising that such a situation occurs.

Although the three drops of ancestral witch blood from Houtu successfully created a newborn ancestral witch like Chi You, compared with Houtu, Chi You's cultivation level is much worse, and the blood solubility is not as good as that of Houtu. Compared with the later lands, although Chi You made up for the lack of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but what kind of formation is the formation of the Twelve Capitals, the gods and gods, what is missing is a thousand miles away.

In Pangu's real body, Dijiang and other ancestor witches naturally also discovered this situation, but they had no solution, but Chi You said at this time: "Master Dijiang, let me burn the blood of Godfather to make up for Pangu's blood. It's a pity for the real body! Otherwise, I'm afraid Pan Gu's real body will collapse completely before the strongest blow is delivered."

Hearing Chi You's words, Di Jiang and other ancestral witches were also silent. The burning blood that Chi You said is indeed the only way now, but in that case, Chi You will also fall completely after a short period of prosperity. It can be said that Pangu The time when the real body disbanded was when Chi You died, but for the sake of the Wu Clan, this was the only way to go.

Up to now, everything is for the victory of the Wu Clan. Chi You has already made a decision in his heart. As soon as the words fell, the part of Pan Gu's real body that belonged to Chi You's blood began to burn crazily, showing his last glory, Pan Gu With the burning of Chi You's blood, the aura of the real body began to rise continuously, and the cracks on the body surface gradually disappeared.

The ax comes...
Hearing Pangu's real body groan, countless evil spirits gathered to condense the Pangu axe for him, Taiyi's chaotic clock, Laozi's Taiji diagram, and Yuanshi Tianzun's Pangu banner all changed, but they were suppressed by each of them immediately, and in While Pangu's real body continued to increase in power, the phantom of Pangu's ax gradually appeared.

At this moment, the power of Pan Gu's real body has surpassed that of the last time. The burning of Chi You's blood obviously made up for the lack of Houtu, and he exchanged his last moment of youth for the strongest blow of Pan Gu's real body. clan, or kill the elites and even high-level members of the monster clan, then Chi You's sacrifice is extremely worthwhile for the entire witch clan.

As the power of Pan Gu's real body continues to rise, the strongest blow he has accumulated has become more and more amazing. Just facing such an attack has already made people feel oppressed. This time, the attack of Pan Gu's real body has become It was even more frightening, after all, it was bought at the price of the fall of an ancestor witch, and this would also be Pangu's final blow in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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