Chapter 250 Lich Showdown ([-])

In the chaos, Hou Tu frowned when she heard the loud noise from the prehistoric, and swept away her divine sense, everything was in her perception. This is the power of a saint. After the battle between the two clans, a trace of worry appeared on her face. Obviously, the current situation is not good for the Wu clan.

Chi You died, and Pangu's real body and Zhou Tianxing fought in a big battle, and both were injured, but there were three corpses of Emperor Jun among the monsters, and the appearance of the witch-slaying sword also made the ancestors feel a little palpitating. One against two, without losing the slightest bit of wind, it is a bit relying on the strength of the witch-slaying sword, such a magic weapon, it should not be inferior to the reincarnation disk in her hand.

In this Lich decisive battle, the witch clan has gradually lost the wind, and Houtu's situation is obviously not good. Her attacks were blocked one by one by Di Jun, and she didn't take advantage of it at all. You know, Di Jun is He has been fighting her with bare hands, until now, Di Jun has never used a single magic weapon, let alone such innate treasures as Zhuxian Sword Formation and Qiankun Ding.

Di Jun naturally also felt the Lich war situation in the prehistoric, and the three corpses were connected with him, so he could naturally feel everything. The advantage of the Yaozu will be greater, and at that time, the Wuzu will naturally have no power to recover.

Dijun doesn't need to worry about the battle situation in the wilderness. What he cares about now is the outcome between him and Houtu. Now that he has made a move, Dijun will naturally show his prestige. He hasn't shown his strength for a long time. Perhaps the saints They thought they could surpass Di Jun by becoming saints, but now Di Jun wanted to tell them that this was simply impossible.

Di Jun has already experienced Houtu's magic weapon and supernatural power, and it is indeed very good, but he is still far from defeating him. Of course, Di Jun also knows that this is not Houtu's strongest combat power. After all, Houtu is A saint can borrow the power of heaven, and her combat power will be improved at that time, but since Houtu didn't use this method from the beginning, it can be seen that this method must have side effects.

Di Jun stared at Houtu, and when he raised his hand, a formation map and four fairy swords suddenly appeared in his palm. Immediately, a fierce murderous aura shot straight into the sky, causing the aura of chaos to riot again. Di Jun smiled lightly and said: "This is the treasure of Rahu in the past. It is called the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Today I will set up this formation. Please come and try the power of the sword formation."

Dijun threw the Zhuxian sword formation into the air, and the Zhuxian formation immediately stretched out, and the Zhuxian sword, Slaughter sword, Zhuxian sword and Juexian sword immediately flew into the formation, and the Zhuxian sword formation immediately appeared in the chaos , the strong murderous aura, the sharp sword aura, and the terrifying power all show the strength of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

As soon as the Zhuxian sword formation came out, the saints couldn't help but frowned. In the past, Luohu formed a formation to absorb the evil spirit of hundreds of millions of souls after death, and he didn't have such power. Now that the Zhuxian sword formation is in the hands of Emperor Jun, the power displayed is too great It was too powerful, the saints asked themselves, but found that if they were alone, they might not be able to break through the formation at all.

The Immortal Jade Formation fell into the hands of Emperor Jun after the robbery of the Long Han Dynasty. It did not fall into the hands of Hong Jun, nor was it given to the Master Tongtian. Naturally, the saints could not know one of the strengths of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, that is, the non-four The sage is unbreakable. Now that Emperor Jun is setting up the formation, it is undoubtedly wishful thinking to break through the Zhuxian sword formation only by Houtu alone.

But Houtu is not that stupid, naturally he will not take the initiative to enter the Zhuxian Sword Formation, if she is trapped by the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and Di Jun takes the opportunity to enter the wilderness and kill Di Jun and other ancestor witches, then Houtu will regret it to death Therefore, when Dijun set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation, Houtu would directly retreat to avoid being drawn into the formation by Dijun.

Seeing this, Di Jun smiled faintly. Houtu's vigilance was indeed very high. He really wanted to involve Houtu in the Zhuxian sword formation just now. In this way, the Lich Tribulation could have ended early, but it's a pity It didn't come true, but the Zhuxian Sword Formation is not just a formation, it is a real innate treasure, and it can not only be used as a formation.

As soon as the Zhuxian Sword Formation was set up, Di Jun made his move directly, and saw that he activated the Zhuxian Sword Formation with supreme mana, and the hanging Zhuxian Sword Formation immediately changed, and four portals immediately appeared on the surface of the formation. There is a big Dao text written on it, 'Zhu', 'Kill', 'Trap', 'Jue', and in each of the four gates hangs a fairy sword, which is the Zhuxian Sword, Killing Sword, Trapping Sword and Juexian Sword. Four swords.

At the same time, in the four gates, countless killing and killing auras gathered in them, and the four chaotic sword auras gradually condensed and formed, and each chaotic sword aura exuded an extremely terrifying killing aura. He didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, what's more, the attack Di Jun condensed was four chaotic sword qi at once.

Seeing the appearance of the four chaotic sword qi, Houtu's face immediately became dignified. She immediately sacrificed the disk of reincarnation, and the infinite reincarnation aura evolved into six reincarnations. At the same time, the earthy yellow light appeared on Houtu's body, It was obvious that Houtu was preparing for defense according to the law of soil, which showed that Houtu was not fully sure of receiving Dijun's attack.

Of course, this is not over yet. As soon as Houtu stretched out his hand, the judge pen, one of the treasures of the underworld, was directly held in Houtu's hand, and countless reincarnations were also condensed on the judge pen. In the air, write down the Dao characters of 'Heaven', 'Human', 'Sura', 'Hell', 'Beast', 'Hungry Ghost', and then submerged into the six realms of reincarnation.

Immediately, the Six Paths of Samsara evolved from the Disk of Reincarnation shone brightly, and its power increased greatly. At this time, Hou Tu raised his hand, and the Disk of Samsara was directly submerged in the evolved Six Paths of Samsara. For a moment, it seemed to be the real Six Paths of Reincarnation Seeing this, Hou Tu knotted the magic seal in his hand, directly urging the six reincarnations, and blasted towards the Zhuxian sword formation.

Seeing this, Di Jun also showed a dignified look on his face. Houtu's attack was obviously much stronger than the previous attack. It can be seen that Houtu, a saint, is really not in vain. The power of a saint should not be underestimated, Di Jun immediately stretched out his hand, and the four chaotic sword qi shot at the six reincarnations together.

There was a loud sound, and the chaos boiled again. The huge impact engulfed the boundless chaotic air, which spread to the surroundings like a storm, and the four chaotic sword energy also shattered in this blow. , but Houtu's reincarnation disk was also repelled by the four chaotic sword qi, and returned to Houtu's side.

(End of this chapter)

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