The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 257: Heavenly Court Changes Owners

Chapter 257: Heavenly Court Changes Owners
Yuanshi Tianzun was the first to object: "Teacher, the smoky land in the northern part of the prehistoric wilderness is vast enough to accommodate the remaining monster races. The ancient starry sky is a place of prehistoric desolation. The power of Zhoutian stars nourishes countless creatures in the prehistoric wilderness. How can it be occupied by the demon race? In addition to the problem of the starry sky, it will even affect countless creatures in the prehistoric world, and Di Jun's request is really unpredictable and cannot be agreed."

Zhunti also immediately said: "What Fellow Daoist Yuan Shi said is reasonable. If Fellow Daoist Di Jun thinks that the smoky land in the northern part of the wilderness is not enough to accommodate the creatures of the monster race, isn't there still the Wahuangtian of Fellow Daoist Nuwa? Besides, I am also thirsty for talents in the west, and I am willing to accept some monster races, and the ancient starry sky is a prehistoric place, and I must not mess around."

After hearing this, Emperor Jun snorted coldly, and said with a faint smile: "Yuanshi, Zhunti, do you think I'm really discussing with you? You still want to divide my monster clan, Zhunti, are you declaring war on me? If you I feel that my monster clan is weak now, so I can give it a try and see if I can destroy your Chanjiao and Xixijiao, how dare you?"

When Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti heard it, their faces immediately turned cold. Dijun's words completely hit their vital point. Saints are immortal, and Dijun can't be killed at all. Noticing their weakness, Emperor Jun dared to destroy their orthodoxy, but they were unable to attack the Yaozu. With so many creatures in the Yaozu, if they did, the karma they created could even pull them down from the holy throne.

At this time, Hongjun spoke: "Di Jun, Pindao agreed to your request, but the ancient starry sky is indeed a prehistoric place, and no mistakes can be made, and the monsters who enter the ancient starry sky are not allowed to do anything without any major incidents. You are in control, and you must not change its operating principles indiscriminately, so as not to cause chaos and chaos, and cause endless karma.”

After hearing this, Di Jun pondered for a while, and then said: "Pin Dao agreed."

Seeing this, Hongjun looked at the crowd again, and then said: "Since that is the case, after the calamity, the witches will enter the millions of mountains, and the demons will retreat to the ancient starry sky and the smoky land. On the important ground, it is necessary to re-establish the heavenly court to take over the duties of the heavens and deal with the prehistoric affairs. Who can you choose for the position of the emperor of heaven?"

When Di Jun heard this, he was silent. He naturally knew that the position of Emperor of Heaven was no longer related to the Yaozu, so he naturally didn't want to fight for it. However, Nuwa and Taiyi General Di Jun were silent and did not speak. According to their intentions, if Di Jun abdicated , then his son Lu Ya should be the successor, but now that the Yaozu have given up the prehistoric, it is meaningless to fight for this position.

The monster race does not compete, but among the other saints, there are some people who are very keen on the position of the emperor of heaven, acting on behalf of the heavens. Naturally, they don't want to miss such a right. If the emperor of heaven is chosen by them, their lineage will surely be carried forward quickly. , Picking up, the four of Zhunti intend to compete for this position.

Yuanshi Tianzun said first: "Teacher Qi, the disciples are full of talents in explaining the teachings. There are twelve disciples who have extraordinary talents. Now they have all achieved the position of Golden Immortal, especially the eldest disciple Guang Chengzi, who has outstanding cultivation. Chosen for the Emperor of Heaven."

Master Tongtian also did his part, and said: "Teacher Qi, the disciple's cut-off teaching has the appearance of ten thousand immortals coming to court. There are many disciples. The first disciple of the disciple is Duobao, who has a high level of cultivation. The emperor's choice."

There was a rare smile on the face of a bitter gourd, and he said in a deep voice: "Teacher Qi, the disciple's apprentice pharmacist, has a firm mind, is not weak in cultivation, and is generous, so he can be chosen by the Emperor of Heaven."

And Zhunti also said impatiently: "Teacher Qi, my disciple, Maitreya, has extraordinary talent and is quite tactful in dealing with people. He must be able to manage the prehistoric affairs well. He is indeed the best candidate for the Emperor of Heaven."

Seeing the Four Sages Qiqi recommending his disciples, Di Jun couldn't help but smile a little, explaining that the two religions each proposed a candidate, while the Western religion pushed out two people at once, it seems that there is a discrepancy between the introduction and the quasi-promotion But in reality, he was deeply thoughtful. If Hongjun could choose to teach two people at the same time, it seemed that the chances would be greater than the two teachers at the same time.

As for Lao Tzu, he stood still and didn't care about the position of Emperor of Heaven at all. Under his sect, the only disciple who entered the room was Xuandu, and his way was in the same way as Qingxiu. , and Hou Tu don't even need to think about it, the Wu Clan has already withdrawn from the prehistoric era, and they don't want to be contaminated with karma anymore, and the Wu Clan has no primordial spirit, and they are not qualified to compete for the position of the Emperor of Heaven.

Di Jun looked at the situation where the four saints were fighting each other, smiled coldly, and said directly: "The little golden fairy also wants to ascend to the position of emperor of heaven. Hong Huang, the candidate for the Heavenly Emperor must at least have to be a Daluo Jinxian, from the perspective of a poor Taoist, your boy is a good one, Daoist Hongjun, and he can be called the candidate for the Heavenly Emperor."

Yuanshi Tianzun, Master Tongtian, Jieyin and Zhunti frowned slightly when they heard Dijun's words. They didn't expect that Dijun would not compete for the position of Emperor of Heaven, but recommended the boy next to Hongjun instead. The words are also to the point, Jinxian is indeed too weak, and it is impossible to subdue Honghuang.

In today's prehistoric times, quasi-sage masters are very rare. Taiyi, Xihe, Changxi, Zhenyuanzi, Minghe, Baize, Jimeng, and Dijun's Wanling Temple are full of spirits. It's just a human being, and Da Luo Jinxian is very rare. With the cultivation base of Hongjun Boy Da Luo Jinxian's peak, he is qualified to ascend to the position of Emperor of Heaven.

But the position of the emperor of heaven is so important, and they are not willing to take advantage of a boy for nothing, but they dare not open their mouths to refute. Jun, a look of gratitude flashed in his eyes, and at the same time, there was also a trace of expectation and ambition in his eyes, obviously he was not content with his current life.

Hearing Di Jun's words, Hongjun glanced at Di Jun, and then said: "In the newly established heaven, there should be six emperors, and the emperor of heaven is the head of the six emperors, the Jade Emperor, and the other five emperors are Dongji Qinghua who controls the growth of all things The Great Emperor, the Changsheng Emperor of the Antarctic who controls longevity and fortune, the Emperor Gouchen who controls the military revolution of the West Pole, the Ziwei Emperor who controls the sun, the moon and the stars, and the Emperor Chengtian who controls the Netherworld of the Underworld."

In the six palaces of heaven, all the saints were silent. In this way, the power of the emperor of heaven was greatly dispersed, and among the six palaces, Emperor Ziwei and Chengtian followed the example of the emperor, it was just a decoration, Zhou Tianxing was under the control of Dijun Among them, the underworld and Youming are the things of the later earth, and these two guards are completely vain. In the end, it was Lao Tzu who said: "The teacher is still in charge of such a big matter."

Seeing this, Hongjun said, "If that's the case, then so be it! Haotian, Yaochi, you have served the poor for millions of years, today the poor will give you a chance, Haotian can be the Jade Emperor, In charge of things in the heavenly court, Yaochi is the golden mother of Yaochi, in charge of the female immortals in the heavenly court, assisting Emperor Jun, and managing prehistoric affairs."

After all, Hongjun stretched out his hand so lightly that a burst of white light was emitted from Haotian and Yaochi, and when the white light dissipated, Haotian and Yaochi had turned into adults, and there were several items in front of them, obviously It was the treasures given to them by Hongjun. Even a saint would be moved by these treasures when they saw them.

(End of this chapter)

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