Chapter 264 Situation
But Haotian also knows that he still has a long way to go if he wants to reach the level of Emperor Jun. Now, there are only two things he needs to do. Respect is based on strength. Although Da Luo Jinxian is strong at the peak, it is not enough. Under the saint, the quasi-sage is the respect. Only with the strength of the quasi-sage level, he can truly have some majesty of the Jade Emperor in the prehistoric.

After three calamities, although we have entered the age of saints, quasi-sages are rare in the prehistoric world, but there are still some. Haotian is now only the peak cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian, and Hongjun's order is here In body, he is still able to subdue the casual cultivator of Daluo Golden Immortal level, but the Quasi-Saint Realm is different.

Quasi-sages like Zhen Yuanzi and Styx, although they care about Hongjun's order and won't make Haotian look bad, they don't care too much about him, let alone the two clans of liches, He didn't even care about him, and Haotian didn't dream of being able to be compared with the two clans of liches. He just wanted to break through to the level of a quasi-sage, so that he, the Jade Emperor, could be more worthy of his name.

The second thing is to establish prestige and re-establish the Heavenly Court, but Honghuang is still shrouded in the power of Di Jun when he was the Emperor of Heaven. Although a lot of people were recruited, they were just small fish and shrimps. The Golden Immortal was already at the top level, and none of them had a cultivation level above the Golden Immortal.

So Haotian needs to stand up, but he didn't act too hastily. First of all, he had to break through to the quasi-sage. Secondly, the target of standing up also needed to be carefully selected. Naturally, he didn't dare to touch the two races of liches, and the human race was also boring, although the human race He has the appearance of aspiring to the top of the wild, but his overall strength is not very good, and he is not suitable for establishing his prestige.

After Haotian's careful consideration, he already had a suitable goal in his mind to establish prestige. Of course, to establish prestige does not have to be done. The first step of Honghuang, but whether he can take this first step well, Haotian is still not fully sure in his heart, and he still has to wait for his cultivation to break through.

After the Long Han calamity, the dragon clan retreated to the four seas, and the power of the dragon clan was gone forever. Although relying on the suppression of the four seas to continuously accumulate merits to repay the karma of the world, it is not a great merit to suppress the four seas. It can't be compared with the Immortal Dao or the Underworld at all, it is simply far behind, which makes the Dragon Clan fall into a downturn.

The karma of heaven and earth will continue to drag down the dragon clan for a day, natural disasters and man-made disasters, etc. Even if it is cultivation, it may cause the dragons of the dragon clan to fall. Naturally, they tried every means to solve this problem. For this reason, they tried many times.

The one that made them feel most hopeful was Hongjun's sanctification. At that time, Hongjun gave a lecture in Zixiao Palace, which made the dragon clan see hope, thinking that they could find a way to save the dragon clan from Hongjun, a saint, but That was also a time that made them desperate, almost ruining the masters of the entire Dragon Clan who survived the calamity.

Zixiao Palace listened to the Tao, and the dragons naturally wanted to go. Almost all the dragons of the Daluo Jinxian and some Taiyi Jinxians with advanced cultivation bases went, and then, there was no more, all the dragons who went to listen to the Tao fell into chaos Among them, this caused the dragon clan to fall into a trough completely, and its vitality was seriously injured. All the dragon clan even started to perish.

Among the current dragon clan, Da Luo Jinxian is already a top expert, there are only a few of them, and they basically don't come out, they are suppressing some dangerous places in the four seas to accumulate merit, and now the four dragon kings of the four sea dragon clan It is Taiyi Jinxian who is in charge of the affairs of the dragon clan. With their efforts, the dragon clan finally has a chance to breathe.

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas are Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East Sea, Ao Qin, the Dragon King of the South Sea, Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, and Ao Shun, the Dragon King of the North Sea. Let the dragon clan have a little improvement, and since then, few members of the dragon clan have fallen.

Not only that, but Ao Guang, the leader of the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, has found a good way to accumulate merit for the Dragon Clan, that is, to spread the clouds and rain. The two races have their own supernatural powers, so why do they need the dragon race to help them carry clouds and rain, but there are many ordinary people in the human race, and drought is even a life-and-death crisis for them.

Relying on the clouds and rain for the human race, the dragon race slowly accumulated some merit to repay karma. As the human race grew stronger, the dragon race also accumulated merit at a much faster rate, especially in the Jiuyao Hengkong and the floods from the sky. During the catastrophe, Ao Guang used the power of dragons from all over the world to save the human race, and he gained a lot of merit all at once.

Originally thought that everything would be fine, but who would have thought that the birth of the Earth Immortal Dao caught the Dragon Clan by surprise. Originally, the Dragon Clan was in charge of carrying clouds and rain for the Human Race, but now the Earth Immortals of the Earth Immortal Dao can also do the same. Moreover, the Earth Immortal occupies a favorable location, so the merit of flying clouds and raining is naturally divided by half of it at once.

Ao Guang has nothing to do about it. In terms of strength, even if Dijun and Nuwa are ignored, the strength of the Yaozu is far superior to that of the Dragon Clan. Naturally, it is impossible for the Dragon Clan to turn against the Yaozu. That's impossible, but things are not without a turnaround. Earth Immortals have the benefits of Earth Immortals, but Dragon Clan also has their own strengths.

Although the monster clan can turn the clouds and make rain, but it can't be as handy as the dragon clan, and not all the monster clan's earth immortals can do it. Besides, moving clouds and rain is very important. If you take it, it will also be contaminated with karma. Some Yaozu earth immortals gave up decisively after trying a few times.

But even so, nearly half of the virtue of flying clouds and rain has a great impact on the Dragon Clan. If you want to completely change this situation, unless the Monster Clan Earth Immortal gives up, the Dragon Clan has nothing to do. After all, this is indeed within the responsibilities of the earth immortals, and why should they give up the merit of cloud and rain for the sake of the dragon clan.

What worries Ao Guang even more is that once the Yaozu Earth Immortal gradually masters the skill of flying clouds and spreading rain, the Dragon Clan will even slowly lose the opportunity to accumulate merit by virtue of this, but the Dragon Clan is powerless at all, which makes Ao Guang really distressed .

(End of this chapter)

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