Chapter 278
Among the Fengyan tribe, as soon as the child in Huaxu's womb was born, auspiciousness pervaded the entire tribe, like a miracle, and everyone in the tribe benefited a lot from it, which made the tribe believe that the child born to Huaxu's family would be a blessing. Among the great sages of the human race, the most excited one is probably the elder of the Fengyan tribe, who took this opportunity to take his immortality one step closer.

But at this time, a beast's roar suddenly spread into the Fengyan tribe. Although it was earth-shattering, it gave people a very peaceful feeling. Everyone looked at it, and saw that the divine beast Qilin who used to deliver food to the Huaxu family turned out to be Walking slowly with a person on his back, everywhere he passed, there was fragrance everywhere, flowers bloomed in full bloom, and auspiciousness descended everywhere. It is indeed the beast of auspiciousness, Qilin.

The Great Elder was also shocked when he saw the person coming. Even though he had broken through to the Realm of True Immortals, looking at the divine beast Qilin, he became more and more convinced of its profound cultivation level, which was definitely above Xuanxian, let alone the Qilin on its back. The man on the back was breathless, but it gave him endless pressure. In front of him, he didn't even have the right to move.

Seeing this, the Great Elder immediately led his people to pay homage: "I will pay my respects to the Immortal, but I don't know what the Immortal is here for."

On Qilin's back, Taoist Jinwu looked at the human race who bowed to him, so he said: "I am Taoist Jinwu. Although this place is full of auspiciousness, there must be a sage from the human race, so I live in Lei Ze. Mrs. Hua Xu sent food, the baby has been born today, so I came here to take him as a disciple."

Seeing this, the Great Elder couldn't help showing a hint of envy in his eyes. This child has great ability to come to accept disciples as soon as he was born, and he will surely achieve extraordinary achievements in the future. It's a pity that this is not his chance. He immediately ordered someone to bring out Hua Xu and the child After seeing Taoist Jinwu, Mrs. Hua Xu immediately thanked him and said, "Thank you for your kindness to the Immortal. The Immortal wants to accept a child as a disciple. Mrs. Hua Xu thank you again!"

Taoist Jin Wu looked at the child in Hua Xu's arms, and there was a flash of nostalgia in his eyes. The demon clan Xihuang who ruled the world in the past has now become a child of the human race. Fuxi, Taoist Jinwu said, "This son will be a great sage of the human race in the future. Since he is destined to be with me, then this name should come from me. Let's call him Fuxi!"

Seeing that Taoist Jinwu had named the child, Huaxu hurriedly thanked him. Seeing this, Taoist Jinwu said, "Fuxi was born just now, so it is inconvenient for me to go back to Lei Ze to practice with me. When he becomes an adult, let him come to the world again." Come to Lei Ze to see me, this unicorn will stay here, and it can be used as a substitute for Fuxi!"

After all, the Golden Crow Taoist turned into a rainbow and disappeared in front of everyone, leaving only Qilin standing there. Everyone was quite shocked when they saw this, such a divine beast wanted a newborn child as a mount, and Qilin didn't seem to be at all. She didn't even have the intention of wishing, but instead came to Hua Xu's side respectfully, and called out to Fuxi softly.

After Fuxi was born, he also behaved very abnormally. He was talented and intelligent. He could climb in three days, walk in five days, and speak in seven days. However, at the age of three, he was already able to help the patriarch handle the affairs of the clan.

With the help of Fuxi, the Fengyan tribe gradually improved. Seeing this, the patriarch simply gave up the position of patriarch to Fuxi, who had just turned five years old. After becoming the patriarch of the Fengyan tribe, Fuxi not only began to change The state of survival has also begun to gain insight into the sufferings of the human race. Although he is young, he is also worried about the human race.

In a blink of an eye, when Fuxi had reached adulthood, Hua Xu asked Fuxi to go to Lei Ze to find a teacher he had never met. Fuxi was also very curious about his teacher, and he was able to give a unicorn, the divine beast of Immortal Taiyi, to him. He is a mount, which shows that he is a very powerful teacher. It is also because of this unicorn that Fuxi can travel far to the human race and perceive the suffering of the human race.

Fuxi rode a five-virtuous unicorn to a mountain in Lei Ze. Looking at the mountain peak shrouded in clouds and mist and filled with fairy fruits, Fuxi got off the unicorn and walked up the mountain step by step. In a bamboo forest, a group of people sat cross-legged. Therefore, when Qilin saw it, he knelt down immediately, and Fuxi also followed him and said: "Disciple Fuxi, I pay my respects to the teacher."

Taoist Jinwu looked at Fuxi's appearance exactly the same as before, and felt a little emotional in his heart. With a wave of his sleeve, he held Fuxi and the unicorn up with mana. Looking at the unicorn, Taoist Jinwu waved his sleeve, and a fruit was sent to it In front of him, he opened his mouth and said, "Serving Fuxi wholeheartedly is considered meritorious service. This ginseng fruit is my reward, which can help you break through to the golden fairy realm."

Qilin looked at the ginseng fruit in front of him, and his eyes suddenly showed ecstasy. With his current cultivation base of the peak Taiyi Xuanxian, it would take at least thousands or even tens of thousands of years to step into the realm of the Golden Immortal. Obtaining this divine fruit can be called good fortune. After thanking Taoist Jinwu, he swallowed the fruit in one gulp, and then went to find a secluded place to break through.

After Qilin left, Taoist Jinwu looked at Fuxi and said, "Fuxi, now that you are an adult, your teacher should teach you the method of cultivation, but now that you are the head of the Fengyan tribe, you should not stay in the mountains for a long time. , after you get started, you will not be able to return to practice, if you have any doubts, come and find a teacher to help you solve your doubts."

As he said that, Taoist Jinwu waved his hand, and two silver rays of light entered Fuxi's body directly, and then he said, "Fuxi, the name of this cultivation method is "Yantian Heart Sutra", which is a cultivation method practiced by the powerful demon clan in the past. Adding improvements, it is suitable for you to practice, and besides, the master’s magic treasure Hetu Luoshu has been implanted into your body, you can use it to deduce the secrets of heaven, which will be of great benefit to your practice.”

After hearing this, Fu Xi couldn't help showing a gleam of joy on his face. Although the Fengyan tribe also had incomplete methods of cultivating immortals, he had never practiced it. Now that he has obtained the "Yantian Heart Sutra", it is naturally like a treasure. As for Hetu Luoshu Well, he has no cultivation now, so naturally he can't see it. When he steps on the road of cultivation, he will naturally be able to see this treasure.

Fuxi is worthy of being the emperor of heaven, and his aptitude is even more extraordinary. His cultivation speed is not inferior to that of innate demon gods. In just three months, he has already stepped over the threshold that ordinary human races may not be able to break through in a lifetime, and directly entered the world. Of course, this is also thanks to the fairy fruits planted by Taoist Jinwu and the "Yantian Heart Sutra".

Seeing Fuxi's rapid progress, Taoist Jinwu was also quite gratified, but as he got along day and night with Fuxi, Taoist Jinwu gradually discovered something that shocked him, and made him seem to be aware of what he lacked.

(End of this chapter)

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