Chapter 289 Development
Fubao gave birth to a son, so the son was born near Xuanyuan Hill, so the Shaodian family named it Xuanyuan family, and just after Xuanyuan was born, the Shaodian family received a report from the tribe that an immortal came outside the door, the Shaodian family Not daring to be negligent, he quickly came out to greet him, and asked, "I don't know if the immortal is coming, but if I miss you, I hope you will forgive me!"

The Taoist looked at Shaodian, raised his hand, supported everyone with mana, and then said indifferently: "Poverty Dao is Guang Chengzi, the great disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, the authentic Yuqing sage of Pangu, who was ordered by his master to look for a great sage of the human race. Pindao spreads auspiciousness in your tribe, it must be a great sage of the human race who came to the world, and he is here to accept him as his disciple."

When Shaodian heard this, he was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that the person who came was actually the eldest disciple of the sage Yuqing, which really surprised him, but both Fuxi and Shennong were adopted as disciples by the incarnation of the Hunyuan sage, while Xuanyuan's However, it was just a disciple of the saint's disciple who accepted him as a disciple. This realization was too great, but Shaodian was very satisfied to be able to worship under the disciple of the saint.

Mrs. Shaodian immediately ordered someone to carry Mrs. Xuanyuan out, and let Mrs. Guang Cheng take a look. Seeing Mrs. Xuanyuan who was just born, Mrs. Guang Cheng had a smile on his face, surrounded by auspicious aura, and there was a faint hint of human emperor. The aura of purple energy is exactly the appearance of a human emperor, so he exclaimed: "What a natural Taoist body, this son should be my disciple."

Guang Chengzi accepted Xuanyuan as his disciple, so he lived in a mountain in the Xiong tribe, waited for Xuanyuan to grow up, and then taught him how to cultivate immortals. Of course, Xuanyuan is not comparable to Fuxi and Shennong, after all They are also the reincarnation of the remnant souls of the congenital demon gods, and they are much stronger than the Xuanyuan family in terms of congenital status, and Guang Chengzi can't compare with Taoist Jinwu and Patriarch Bodhi.

After Xuanyuan grew up, he followed Guangchengzi to practice Taoism, took over the affairs of the Xiong tribe, and began to help his father, Shaodian, to deal with the affairs of the clan. Later, Shaodian simply gave up the position of patriarch to Xuanyuan. An Xin went to practice Taoism, and under the leadership of the Xuanyuan clan, the Youxiong tribe gradually developed and expanded.

Although there is basically no shortage of food among the human race, the battles caused by food are not small. The tribes have countless fields, but it is impossible to distinguish who owns a certain field. Therefore, the Xuanyuan family began to vigorously develop farming. Started to measure the fields with steps, and then distributed them to the clansmen, so that everything became orderly.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there will naturally be fights. Now that the human race has no food crisis, many tribes have developed and grown. In order to compete for a better living environment, naturally there will be fights. The Xuanyuan clan also had a foresight. Then vigorously develop the army, the military discipline is strict, and the combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of the surrounding tribes.

In the wars between the tribes, the Xuanyuan family stopped the wars with wars, quelled the wars among the surrounding tribes, and began to implement their own policies among these tribes, making all the tribes live in peace. This allowed Xuanyuan's name to slowly spread, which gave him the foundation to become the next co-lord of the human race.

On the other side, in Jiuli, after Chi You recovered the true spirit of his previous life, he began to act according to the plan designated by Houtu. The first thing he had to do was to unify Jiuli, but he is now a Xuanxian, but Jiuli There are quite a few masters among them, and even Jinxian exists, which is also due to the blood of the witch clan in their bodies.

Now in Jiuli, nine major tribes coexist. Although they are collectively called Jiuli, they are not actually unified. Chi You knew that he could not unify Jiuli at once, so he had to start with his own tribe first. To ascend to the position of patriarch, in order to achieve this goal, he must have strong strength as the foundation, and this foundation is another lineage of witches.

During the Lich Tribulation, the Witch Clan and the Human Clan intermarried, and many human-witch hybrids were born. Later, due to the natural disaster created by the Witch Clan, the Witch Clan split into two, and most of them joined the Witch Clan. , a small part remained in the human race, and then the lich fought a decisive battle. The witch clan of the witch clan suffered heavy losses, but there were still survivors.

This time when they were competing for the position of Emperor, Houtu sent these surviving witches out to obey Chi You's orders. Among them, there were ninety-nine 81 golden immortals. Chi You called them brothers and sisters. With the support of these witches, He quickly ascended to the position of patriarch, and shocked the whole Jiuli in one fell swoop, and from then on Jiuli was truly unified.

Afterwards, Chi You began to raise his troops, continuously strengthened Jiuli's strength, and at the same time slowly expanded his territory, massacred those who opposed him, and nourished his old weapon, Tiger Soul Saber, with his essence, blood, and spirit, and helped it recover its power. , increase one's own strength, and prepare for the future competition for the position of Emperor, this will be a battle of life and death.

It is said that Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs, and it took a full 49 years, and now he is finally done. After returning to Chendu, Shennong compiled the information he got from tasting all kinds of herbs into a book, so that it can be circulated to the entire human race. This book is also the first medical book in the prehistoric period, which is the famous "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic" in later generations.

With the spread of "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic" throughout the human race, the number of people who died of disease or poisoning has been greatly reduced since then, which has made Shen Nong's reputation soar to the extreme. In addition, Shen Nong also invented With slash-and-burn farming, agricultural tools and many other things that are beneficial to the human race, he, the co-lord of the human race, has completed his merits and virtues.

Seeing that he was about to become enlightened, Shennong also began to look for the successor of the co-lord of the human race after him, but after searching for a long time, he could not find a person who satisfied him. Finally, the names of Xuanyuan and Chi You were passed on to Shennong. Shi's ears, so he decided to consider Xuanyuan's and Chi You's.

As a result, Shennong found that Chi You was naturally warlike, and he didn't care about the people, so he didn't like it. Although Xuanyuan was also good at fighting, he knew how to appease the people. His rule was peaceful, which was more suitable than Chi You. Succeeding him, and being assisted by disciples of saints, although his reputation is not prominent in the entire human race, Shennong really has no choice, and he has no time to wait any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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