The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 296 Xuanyuan's Great Defeat

Chapter 296 Xuanyuan's Great Defeat
Sure enough, after half a month, Chi You really led the army to attack Xuanyuan. After Xuanyuan learned about it, he immediately led the army to prepare for the battle. Ran Deng, Guang Chengzi and the Twelve Golden Immortals accompanied him naturally, ready to learn about Chi You Formation, hoping to find a flaw in it, defeat Chi You, and help the Xuanyuan clan truly aspire to the position of co-lord of the human race.

Before the two armies confronted each other, Xuanyuan stared at the tall and strong man holding a big sword in front of the Jiuli camp, knowing that it was Chi You, so Xuanyuan took a step forward and shouted loudly: "Chi You, I am Xuanyuan, the co-lord of the human race. Clan, you have recklessly used swords to bring disaster to the human race, it is a great treason, if you surrender quickly, I will let the past go and let you return to Jiuli."

After Chi You heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Hahaha... What a high-sounding speech, Xuanyuan, what achievements do you have to be the leader of the human race? In the position of master, I, Chi You, possess the purple aura of a human emperor, and I am a natural born king. If I am the co-lord of the human race, I will surely lead the human race to become stronger. You should give up your position quickly, so as not to die at my hands."

After hearing this, Guang Chengzi who was beside Xuanyuan clan said, "Chi You, don't be arrogant. Xuanyuan clan is the Emperor of Heaven. I will come to assist Xuanyuan clan in the name of Master Yuqing Sage. Now you are against the sky. , are you not afraid of being robbed? You launched a war for your own selfishness, causing chaos in the human race, but you only did it for the witch race, and your heart can be punished."

After Chi You heard this, he sneered and said, "Hehe...Guang Chengzi, I didn't expect you to be really good at speaking, and I don't bother to talk nonsense with you, Xuanyuan Shi, since you don't want to surrender, then see the real chapter in your hand Come on! Don't blame me for being rude, just let you experience the strength of my Jiuli, all generals obey orders, Xuanyin formation, rise up!"

Chi You gave an order, and a large formation suddenly rose from the Jiuli army camp, enveloping the armies of both sides in an instant. The formation covered the sky and sun, and the evil spirit surged. The army of Jiuli didn't seem to be affected by anything, but seemed to be stimulated by something, the crowd was excited and their fighting spirit was high.

On the contrary, Xuanyuan's army was greatly affected, and some soldiers even felt timid. Seeing this, Xuanyuan couldn't help being shocked, but at this time he had no choice but to choose to fight, because the Jiuli army had already Seeing them coming to kill, Xuanyuan could only let the generals Li Mu and Bai Jian lead the army to fight.

Xuanyuan's army collided with Jiuli's army, and there was a sound of shouting and killing. Randeng, Guangchengzi and others far behind saw this, and their faces were a little dignified. In the Xuanyin formation, the strength of Jiuli soldiers It is not affected at all, but has been improved, and the army of the Xuanyuan clan is different. If it goes on for a long time, the Xuanyuan clan will definitely lose.

For the current plan, the only way to find the flaws in the Xuanyin formation as soon as possible is to break through the formation, and the Xuanyuan clan will have the possibility of defeating the Jiuli army. Randeng, Guangchengzi and others looked at each other and looked around They set up the entire formation, trying to find the flaws in the formation, but Chi You would not give them such a chance.

I saw Chi You holding the Tiger Soul Saber, leading the two great witches, Feng Bo and Yu Shi, as well as many witches and masters towards Ran Deng and Guang Chengzi. Because it's too low, why don't you, the teacher, be my opponent, and let me experience the strength of the big disciple."

Seeing this, Guang Chengzi naturally didn't refuse, and he didn't have a chance to solve it. They wanted to find a flaw in the Xuanyin formation, how could Chi You let them do so, although this formation was derived from the Twelve Capitals Tianshensha formation in Houtu Yes, but Chi You's subordinates have only practiced this formation for a short time, so there are naturally many loopholes. If Ran Deng, Guang Chengzi and others are allowed to break through the formation, they will definitely be able to break through it.

Chi You is holding the Tiger Soul Saber, and the evil spirit is wrapped around his body. A fierce spirit erupts from him, which is really shocking, as if Chi You from the Lich War in the past has returned. cultivation base, but in terms of momentum, he even faintly overwhelmed Guang Chengzi.

And Guang Chengzi didn't give in at all. He was holding a middle-grade Xiantian Lingbao male and female sword in his right hand, a top-grade Houtian Lingbao Fantian seal in his left hand, and a top-grade Xiantian Lingbao clock hanging on his waist. , the sword qi criss-crossed between the heaven and the earth, and the Fantian Seal was thrown, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, hitting Chi You back again and again.

Although Chi You's combat prowess is extraordinary, but after all, he only has the mid-stage Taiyi Golden Immortal's cultivation, and he didn't get it step by step, but by external force, and the Fantian Seal in Guang Chengzi's hand is not an ordinary acquired magic weapon , this seal was refined by Yuanshi Tianzun from the two small pieces of Buzhou Mountain that he had collected at the beginning. Although it is acquired, its power does not belong to most of the innate spiritual treasures, so it is named Fantian.

More importantly, Fan Tianyin was refined from the broken Buzhou Mountain, which naturally carried some of the atmosphere of Buzhou Mountain, and Buzhou Mountain was transformed from Pangu's spine, which belonged to the same origin as the Wu Clan. Being able to use the same origin to hit Buzhou Mountain, and now Guang Chengzi is also relying on Fan Tianyin to suppress Chi You, who made Chi You have the blood of the Wu clan in his body!

And Ran Deng fought with Feng Bo and Yu Shi. Feng Bo and Yu Shi are both new great witches. Although there is no good magic weapon, but with one against two, it is still more than rubbing, and vaguely has the upper hand.

As for Yu Ding and the others, they fought together with those witches under Chi You. These witches were no taller than the peak of the Golden Immortal, and they could only compete with Yu Ding and others by joining forces and ignoring the Xuanyin formation. , It was really a chaotic battle, and for a while, neither side could do anything to the other, but the situation of Xuanyuan's was not so good.

Under the influence of the Xuanyin formation, the soldiers of Jiuli gained the upper hand not long after. Although the Xuanyuan family tried their best to stop it, the army under his command was already defeated. When some soldiers started to flee backwards , Xuanyuan knew that this battle was powerless, so in desperation, he could only organize the army to retreat while fighting, until he withdrew from the scope of the Xuanyin formation, and the decline stopped.

But even so, looking at the exhausted army under his command, Xuanyuan knew that he was powerless to fight any more, so he immediately ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops, while Ran Deng, Guang Chengzi and others who were fighting with Chi You, Feng Bo, Yu Shi, etc. in the big formation listened. After that, naturally, he no longer loves to fight, so he can only withdraw from the formation and return to the barracks with Xuanyuan.

As for Chi You, although he won this battle, he did not order to continue the pursuit. Although the Xuanyin formation enhanced the combat power of his Jiuli army, it consumed a lot of physical strength, and it was not easy to fight for a long time. Ran Deng, Guang Chengzi and others are indeed very strong, and he is not sure that he can defeat them at all, so he can only regroup and fight again in the future.

However, Chi You was very happy to defeat the Xuanyuan Clan this time. Now among the human race, many tribal leaders are waiting and watching. If the Xuanyuan Clan loses today, Xuanyuan Clan's reputation in the human race will inevitably decline again. What face does Shi have to continue to be the co-lord of the human race, but the position of human emperor will definitely belong to him, Chi You.

(End of this chapter)

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