Chapter 299
The black clouds condensed, the divine punishment came down to the world, and the power of God was like a prison, as if everything would be destroyed by it. The three thousand characters created by Cang Jie seemed so insignificant under the power of God, and this scene was watched by all the people. In his eyes, the terrifying divine punishment seemed to hold the hearts of all human races with a giant hand, making the entire human race feel extremely uneasy.

When this sense of uneasiness pervaded the entire human race, the seemingly weak human race seemed to become extremely united because of it. The weak will of all the races converged into a river and poured into the three thousand words, which immediately radiated colorful light , It seems to be declaring the unwillingness and determination of the human race, asking the sky with your heart, can it be destroyed?

The heavenly punishment fell, the seemingly incomparably powerful thunder punishment, even the saints dare not underestimate it, but the three thousand words seemed to build an indestructible barrier, he let him be strong, the breeze blew the hills, no matter the sky How violent the punishment was, the three thousand words that gathered the will of the human race were not moved by it at all. At that moment, the punishment of heaven seemed to be a cutscene.

Seeing this, all the saints couldn't help admiring inwardly, the human race is indeed extremely small in their eyes, but when the hearts of the human race gather together, even the power of heaven cannot be ignored, and under the punishment of heaven, the will of the human race is really overwhelming. People were amazed, at this moment, the saints couldn't help but think in their hearts, did the heaven choose the human race to be the protagonist of the world, or did the human race win the life of the protagonist of the world?
After the ninety-nine 81 heavenly punishment, the heavenly punishment dissipated, and a gap opened above the nine heavens, from which countless heavenly merits poured out. This is the heavenly reward for Cangjie for creating characters for the human race. The amount of merit is even greater than that of Fuxi. With Shennong, but when the merits are divided into three, the faces of all the saints can't help but change.

Cangjie's creation of characters, the largest share of nearly [-]% of the merits naturally belonged to him, and the [-] characters were passed on to the human race, which opened a chapter in civilization for the human race. Text, but whose last merit is it?What's more, that merit dissipated by itself out of thin air, how familiar this scene is!
The next moment, a figure suddenly appeared next to Cangjie who was absorbing the merits of heaven, and the expressions of all the saints couldn't help changing. Unexpectedly, Emperor Jun would use Cangjie to create characters to complete the last step of the three corpses' rebellion, even if they wanted to stop it, it would be too late.

A ray of white light shot out from Cangjie's body, and then entered Dijun's body. Dijun's expression remained unchanged, and he looked around the sky, as if directly meeting the gazes of the saints. Three thousand characters were left around Cangjie's side, and with the help of meritorious deeds, Cangjie cultivated to the peak of quasi-sage.

Seeing this, all the saints, except for Nuwa, obviously became more afraid of Dijun, and Nuwa was naturally happy to see this, the stronger Dijun, the brighter the future of the demon clan, and Nuwa, as a saint of the demon clan, Naturally, she also benefited accordingly, and she still has the luck of the human race. With the writing of the human race, the luck has greatly increased, and Nuwa has benefited no less than Lao Tzu.

But the rest of the saints are different. The stronger Dijun is, the greater the threat to them, and this matter makes them feel that Dijun's city is extremely deep, and it seems that they can always predict things in advance. It seems that the human race will establish three emperors and five emperors long ago, and now it is Cangjie who has his own corpse and created characters, which is even more unbelievable.

There is no trace of the secret of Cangjie’s creation of characters, otherwise the saints would not have missed such a great merit and did not do it. After all, being the teacher of Cangjie is no less than being the teacher of the emperor, but Dijun unexpectedly knew it in advance. He also allowed his own corpse to possess him. Of course, this is just a guess. After all, there is no trace in the heavens, so how did Di Jun know.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Dijun let his own corpse guide Cangjie to create characters. In comparison, this possibility seems to be higher. The Yaowen was created by Di Jun, and it seemed that it was not difficult for Di Jun to guide Cangjie to create humanities.

But just to allow the self-corpse to inject its breath into the long river of fate and condense its destiny, let Cangjie create humanity. Such a move is undoubtedly very crazy. The clan is trying to rise again, and the human race is regarded as the enemy of the monster clan. Di Jun's support is undoubtedly an aid to the enemy, and it is not an ordinary enemy.

No matter what, Dijun's plot was a complete success. The three corpses have already driven their luck into the long river of fate, and the next step is to slowly gather the power of fate. If Dijun's conjecture is correct, Then once the three corpses prove Hunyuan, Di Jun's combat power will be greatly improved. At that time, it will be very difficult to suppress Di Jun.

Now that the saints don't want to fight Dijun to the death, they can only hope that Dijun's three corpses will not be able to prove Hunyuan, but they will not be so stupid as to pin their hopes on Dijun's failure, only their own strength can do it. Let them be in an invincible position. Now that they are sanctified, it is very difficult to go further. The only thing that can help them is the luck of the human race.

Luck is illusory, but it is enough to make the hearts of the saints. Now the luck of the human race is the first in the wild, and there is still room for growth. It is like a plate of cakes waiting to be cut. If you put it in front of the saints, the saints will naturally want it. I thought I could get the biggest piece, and the conflicts caused by this led to the turmoil in the future.

As for Cangjie's creation of characters, although Emperor Jun took advantage of the loopholes, Yuanshi Tianzun was very angry, but at the same time, this matter was not a completely bad thing for Yuanshi Tianzun. Cangjie was a member of the Xiong tribe. , is a citizen of the Xuanyuan clan. Cangjie invented the writing, and his reputation in the human race has greatly increased, and the Xuanyuan clan has also gained some advantages because of this.

Originally, because the Xuanyuan clan was defeated by Chi You, the status of the co-lord of the Xuanyuan clan was obviously more precarious, but Cangjie was born out of nowhere. With the Bear Tribe, it can be seen that the destiny seems to be still on Xuanyuan's side, and it has also slightly stabilized Xuanyuan's current position.

But this is just a coincidence. In order to completely stabilize their position as the co-lord of the human race, the Xuanyuan clan must completely defeat Chi You, otherwise even if ten more Cangjies are born, they will not be able to help him win the hearts of the people. He knew this very well in his heart, in the next stop with Chi You, Xu Sheng was not allowed to lose, and if he lost, it would be tantamount to losing everything.

(End of this chapter)

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