Chapter 306

Taiyi looked at them and said: "Well, you are all very good. Now my demon clan is retiring and cannot be taken lightly. You will be the leader of the demon clan within the territory of the human race. The fate of the human race, it is really abominable to kill my monster people at the same time, you are willing to take the lead and teach them a lesson."

The thirteen leading demons replied in unison: "I would like to follow the orders of His Majesty the Demon Emperor, and we will surely let all religions and human races know that our demon clan is still the most powerful existence in the prehistoric world."

After Tai Yi heard this, he nodded, then waved his sleeves, and thirteen white lights fell in front of them. Seeing this, the thirteen demons showed excitement on their faces. Seeing this, Tai Yi said in a deep voice: "Wait! That is to say, the leader of the newborn monster clan, you should have some magical weapons for self-defense, these are the thirteen innate spiritual treasures, and they are considered as rewards from the emperor."

Seeing this, the thirteen great demons all showed excitement on their faces. After receiving the hair, they all thanked Tai Yi. Now in the prehistoric world, the ownerless innate spirit treasures are almost extinct. Although they have good cultivation, they use But they are all acquired spirit treasures that they refined by themselves, and now that each of them has obtained an innate spirit treasure, they are naturally delighted.

At this time, hundreds of figures descended from the sky and landed on the mountain peak. It was Lu Ya, Wang Shu, and Zhou Tianxing officials who had just descended from the Ziwei Star Palace to Honghuang. Said: "Xiao Ya, Xiao Shu, you are not staying in the Heavenly Court, why come here when you have time, could it be that you also want to play with Chanjiao?"

Lu Ya bowed his hands and said: "My nephew pays respects to my second uncle. The second uncle's eyes are as bright as a torch. Naturally, my nephew can't hide his thoughts from the second uncle. Now the general trend of teaching and education suppresses the demon clan and the immortal way, killing many monster creatures. Nephew As the prince of the Yao clan, how could he sit idly by, now that the second uncle is out of the mountain, my nephew and younger sister are willing to be the vanguard of the second uncle, and give Chanjiao a head-on blow."

After Tai Yi heard it, he naturally understood what Lu Ya and Wang Shu were thinking. No wonder they were so eager to express themselves. After all, they were named princes and princesses of the demon clan, and they had a father like Di Jun. Naturally, they were under a lot of pressure. It was Lu Ya and Wang Shu, even he himself was not under the halo of Di Jun, which made him a little bit eclipsed by the demon emperor.

Now that Lu Ya and Wang Shu have come, Tai Yi will naturally not let them go back. Now that Di Jun has broken through, even if he is stabilizing his cultivation, Lu Ya and Wang Shu's every move will not escape his eyes. Di Jun Since there is no stop, Tai Yi will naturally not refuse, and it happens to take this opportunity to let them sharpen it, which is really good for their future growth.

Now both Lu Ya and Wang Shu are in the mid-term cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian, and they are definitely considered powerful in the prehistoric age, and they have various innate magic weapons. Even the masters of Da Luo Jinxian may not be able to beat them, but After all, they haven't experienced any sharpness, and with the luck of the monster race and the luck of the heavens, it may not be a good thing if their practice is too smooth.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, it would be good to let them sharpen it, so Taiyi said: "Okay, if this is the case, then you two will be the vanguard, leading the demon clan to give Chanjiao a head-on blow. In addition, the human race Within the territory, those human monks who hunted and killed my monster clan must not be let go, except for the monster clan who faced the elucidation, the rest of the monster clan will return to their caves and kill the invading enemy."

Following Tai Yi's order, all the monsters in the Ten Thousand Monster Mountains moved quickly. This time to face the disciples of Chanjiao, Tai Yi did not intend to form any monster army. As long as Lu Ya, Wang Shu, Zhou Tianxing Lord and Ten The three major monsters are enough, and the rest of the monster races are going to give those human monks who shouted to kill demons and defend the way a head-on blow.

The monster clan moved, and the wilderness was shocked. Although it was only these new monster clans, it was enough to attract the attention of the saints, and there were also the figures of Taiyi and Dijun's sons and daughters. They couldn't help but pay attention to them. The reaction will be so big, it will almost be a war between the human race, the teaching and the new monster race.

In the Kunlun Mountains, Yuanshi Tianzun stared at the prehistoric world, his face was a little ugly, originally it was just to suppress the monster race, but he didn't expect it to evolve to this point. As soon as Tai came out of the mountain, Lu Ya and Wang Shu descended to the mortal world. Behind this is definitely Emperor Jun's instruction , this made Yuanshi Tianzun a little upset, seeing that Zhuanxu was about to prove the Tao, but he didn't expect such a big commotion suddenly.

As soon as the newborn monster race moved, it immediately showed a very strong background. Those human monks who hunted and killed the monster race all became the targets of the monster race for a while, and suffered heavy casualties in a blink of an eye. The small-scale wars between the human races, but it seems that the people who suffer the most are the human races. Suddenly, the human races become turbulent.

What makes Yuanshi Tianzun even more troublesome is that now Taiyi is heading towards Chendu with Lu Ya and Wangshu. The goal is naturally self-evident, which is his teaching. Don't worry, he immediately recruited all the disciples from the sect, and sent out all the disciples to help Master Taiyi. This time, the Chanjiao was mobilized in full force, even the disciples from the outer sect were sent out.

But this does not make Yuanshi Tianzun completely at ease. Although the number of Taiyi and his party is small this time, it should not be underestimated. Although Taiyi is the leader, he will not bully the juniors, but Lu Ya and Wang Shu are different. , They are the children of Emperor Jun, and their treasures are richer than any of his addresses. I am afraid that few of his disciples can be their opponents.

For the current plan, Yuanshi Tianzun can only wait and see the changes, and only hope that his disciples can give him a surprise. After all, if he loses, Yuanshi Tianzun's face will not look good, and this battle will be somewhat dangerous. He has to be careful, he is very precious to his disciples, otherwise, Yuanshi Tianzun would not attack Sanxiao in the battle of Conferring Gods.

In Wanling Pavilion, Di Jun stared at Hong Huang with deep eyes and a look of anticipation on his face. This time the monster clan's big fight will inevitably lead to many adverse consequences, but as long as there is the reward he expects, no matter how big the loss is, Emperor Jun Jun doesn't care either, he can afford to lose, and the Yaozu can also afford to lose. If there is a loss, there will be a gain. Between gains and losses, it depends on what happens.

(End of this chapter)

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