Chapter 308

Tai Yi looked at the worried Zhuanxu and all the disciples who explained the teachings, and said: "You are all juniors, and my emperor doesn't bother to bully the younger with the big. This time, my nephews, nieces and their subordinates will fight against you. If you can win, this matter will be over, if you lose, then you will have to die, Xiao Ya, let you make the first move!"

Hearing Taiyi's words, Lu Ya took a step forward, looked at the people of the Chanjiao, and said in a cold voice: "Pindao is the prince of the Yaozu, the emperor Ziwei, Luya, you wantonly killed my Yaozu people, as a demon clan Prince, of course you can’t just sit idly by, you must seek justice for the dead monster clan, and now you are punishing millions of human monks as sacrifices to the dead monster clan’s children, and it’s up to you next.”

The disciples of Chanjiao looked at each other for a few times, and finally they couldn't help but look at Randeng and Guangchengzi. Among all the disciples of Chanjiao, they were the only two who were Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base. There will definitely be no shortage of magic weapons, and only one of the two of them can fight against Lu Ya.

Ran Deng and Guang Chengzi looked at each other, and finally Ran Deng walked out. There is no way, although Ran Deng has the highest cultivation level, in fact, Ran Deng does not want to fight with Lu Ya. Don't be afraid, but the gap between the magic weapons in the hands of the two is too great. In this battle, Ran Deng doesn't have much chance of winning.

Thinking of this, Ran Deng became more and more dissatisfied with Yuanshi Tianzun in his heart. He worked extremely hard in the previous battle, but after returning to Kunlun Mountain, Yuanshi Tianzun still had no rewards. It's not necessarily impossible to defeat the Great Wu Jiufeng, and it's even more unlikely that he will encounter such an embarrassing situation now.

Seeing Ran Deng going to battle, Lu Ya raised his hand, and the Emperor Ziwei Seal appeared directly in his hand, surrounded by purple air, like a dragon hovering above it, it was so precious, as soon as it appeared, it seemed like an emperor in the world, giving Mo Da It's normal for Emperor Jun to raise this treasure for many years, so the Purple Myrtle Emperor Seal naturally has a little bit of Emperor Jun's aura on it.

Ran Deng general Lu Ya is the ultimate innate treasure as soon as he makes a move. A trace of envy can't help flashing in his eyes. He has seen the power of this treasure with his own eyes. With a firm mind, how could he be scared off by a mere magic weapon, and as soon as he raised his hand, he summoned the only magic weapon he could get.

The coffin lamp, a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, is the accompanying spiritual treasure of the lamp. There is a prehistoric top-level flame in the lamp, which is called the ghost fire of the ghost. Escaping, turning into Ma Shan, not afraid of beheading, invulnerable to water and fire, really took Jiang Ziya, Yang Jian and others a lot of effort, and finally they were taken away by the coffin lamp.

It can be seen from this that this coffin lamp is really extraordinary, but apart from that, the lamp has no innate spiritual treasures that can be used, only a Taoist robe on its body, which is still of the innate spiritual treasure level, but its defense is not very good. Qiang, facing the Ziwei Emperor Seal in Lu Ya's hands, Ran Deng still feels pressured, but now he can only fight with all his strength.

Lu Ya called out the magic weapon from the lamp, and didn't want to say anything. As soon as he raised his hand, the Ziwei Emperor's Seal was directly sacrificed. The body is as strong as before, and then it falls directly, and smashes towards the burning lamp. The pressure is like Mount Tai, which makes people daunting.

Seeing this, Ran Deng's expression froze, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, the majestic mana was sent into the coffin lamp. The gray flame in the lamp instantly became extraordinarily vigorous, turning into a fire snake and flying out of the waiting room, and the flame body kept changing. Big, at the same time, the lamp was driven by the law of extinction that he had comprehended, and the power of the fire snake increased a little, and it directly met the Emperor Ziwei's seal.

With a shocking collision, the Ziwei Emperor Seal was directly sent flying back, and all the purple energy around him dissipated, and the fire snake transformed by the ghostly ghost fire also scattered into the sky and scattered sparks, like dead leaves scattered in the world in late autumn, giving people a sense of death. , but the little bit of starlight transformed by the purple air filled the dead silence with a bit of life, so poignant and beautiful.

One miss, Lu Ya recalled Ziwei Emperor Seal, and raised his hand, the infinite sun fire flew out of his hand, and directly evolved a three-legged golden crow in the air, the blazing real sun fire seemed to dry up the earth Usually, the power is astonishing, with a long cry, the three-legged Golden Crow spreads its wings and flies high, directly killing the burning lamp.

Seeing this, Ran Deng's eyes froze. The real sun fire and the ghost fire are both top-level flames, one yang and one yin, restraining each other, but the real sun fire is Lu Ya's natal supernatural power, and the ghost fire is the magic weapon in his hand. If you want to tell the winner, it depends on each person's understanding of flames. On this point, Ran Deng knows that he is not as good as Lu Ya.

But in the face of the three-legged Golden Crow rushing towards his face, Ran Deng naturally had to fight back, and now he can only rely on his own strong mana to cultivate. , is definitely one of the best existences among the Da Luo Jinxians. If it is a competition of mana, the burning lamp is naturally worthwhile.

The ghostly ghost fire appeared again, turned into a fire snake and rushed towards the three-legged Golden Crow. At the same time, Ran Deng tried his best to activate the coffin lamp, and the ghostly ghost fire kept pouring into the fire snake, trying to annihilate the three-legged Golden Crow. Faxiang, after all, the real fire of the sun is Lu Ya's natal supernatural power, and his understanding of it is naturally extremely profound, so naturally, the burning lamp cannot be reckless.

At this moment, Guang Chengzi, who was watching the battle from behind, saw Lu Ya take out a golden gourd, pointed the mouth of the gourd at the burning lamp, bowed himself, and said in his mouth, "Please turn around, baby!" ', Guang Chengzi felt bad, so he immediately shouted at Ran Deng: "Teacher Ran Deng, be careful!"

When Ran Deng heard Guang Chengzi's voice, he felt vigilant in his heart, but it was a bit late. A white light flashed, passed through the ghostly ghost fire, and directly slashed at Ran Deng.

Ran Deng immediately vomited blood, his face turned pale, and there were cracks in the Taoist robe on his body, Ran Deng was shocked, and with just one blow, a low-grade innate spirit treasure was so severely damaged that he even got on Ran Deng What kind of treasure did Lu Ya use for his physical body and primordial spirit? This kind of power is really not much better than Ziwei Emperor's Seal.

Deeply wounded, Ran Deng naturally had no intention of fighting again. Turning around, he retreated directly to Guang Chengzi's side. Looking at the golden gourd in Lu Ya's hand, Ran Deng's expression couldn't help but change. It was another top-grade innate spirit treasure. The gap is really too big. Now that Lu Ya defeats him with three moves, I am afraid it will become a good story in the wild, and his burning lamp will also become a stepping stone for Lu Ya to become famous.

Thinking of this, Ran Deng's expression kept changing, and expressions of unwillingness, depression, and anger welled up in his heart. His defeat was really unjust.

(End of this chapter)

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