Chapter 313
"Hahaha... I'm Donghuang Taiyi!"

Tai Yi suddenly raised his head and laughed, the laughter was earth-shattering, spreading throughout the whole prehistoric world, the aura around him continued to expand and stir, and the aura of the majestic purple aura was also quietly mixed in his aura, as if Tai Yi might break through the quasi-sage's limit at any time. The threshold of the road, stepping into the realm of saints in one fell swoop, such a change, naturally attracted the shock of all saints and prehistoric creatures.

Could it be that the Ninth Saint of the Great Desolation is about to be born?

The eight sages of Honghuang, Hongjun is the first sage of Honghuang, after getting it, he taught Honghuang, separated the foundation of the eight ways, Nuwa created a man and became a saint, Sanqing and the two saints of the West established Taoism and attained the Tao, and later turned into reincarnation and accidents Sanctification, now only Taiyi has not yet proved the Tao, and some people even doubt whether Taiyi can prove the Tao and become holy.

Everyone knows that Tai Yi is Di Jun's younger brother. When the Zixiao Palace competed for a seat, Hong Yun's seat should have been forcibly given up by Zhun Ti, but because of Di Jun's intervention, Tai Yi was forced to be given to that seat. Only in this way did Tai Yi get a majestic purple aura. Although Tai Yi was also a top-level power in the prehistoric world, he looked very dim under the light of Emperor Jun.

After millions of years, Taiyi finally made a move, which really shocked the whole prehistoric world. Originally, the monster race was very powerful. With Emperor Jun and Nuwa, their power was stronger than the four religions and even the human race. Now if Tai Yi proves to be holy again and again, a family of three Hun Yuan will be unrivaled in the prehistoric world. Thinking about it makes people feel a little shuddering.

Of course, the most concerned are Sanqing, the Second Saint of the West, and Houtu. Now it is an important moment for the human race to be the protagonist of heaven and earth. If Taiyi proves the Tao at this time, will the status of the protagonist of the human race be shaken by this, and may even be rejected by the peak. , the Sanqing and the Western Ersheng established four religions, and the prosperity of the human race, they can revitalize the orthodoxy, which is closely related to their interests.

As for Houtu, he is naturally worried about the situation of the Wu Clan. Although the Wu Clan has a saint like her, it is difficult to support her alone. Moreover, in terms of strategy, she is not as good as Sanqing, and even less handsome than God. Although the Yao Clan is now retreating, The position of the protagonist of heaven and earth was given up, but its retained strength was higher than that of the witch and human races, and it was still in the process of recovery.

On the other hand, the Wu Clan, although they won a chance to revive the Wu Clan, failed in the end. Although there is a hell, the Wu Clan will not perish, but they don’t know how long they will have to wait to recover their vitality. It is also difficult for the Wu clan to return to the peak level of the past, which made Houtu start to ponder whether there are other ways to revitalize the Wu clan.

And Emperor Jun and Nuwa are naturally the most happy Taiyi. Taiyi's testimony and sanctification will definitely be a super help for the monster race. It can be tougher, but seeing Tai Yi's current state, Di Jun's eyes flashed a different kind of expectation.

As the opponent, Yuan Shi Evil Corpse, seeing Tai Yi realize the way of a saint because of the battle with him, this feeling is simply too uncomfortable. Yuan Shi Tianzun, who is far away in Kunlun Mountain, is also depressed. Originally, he wanted to suppress Tai Yi and The aura of the Yaozu actually helped Taiyi in the end. You must know that Yuanshi Tianzun has always regarded the Yaozu as his opponent.


Amidst Tai Yi's wild laughter, he shouted violently, and the breath in his body soared, as if he could prove the Tao and become a saint at any time, he saw a figure jumping out from the three flowers on his head, it was the self-dead body that Tai Yi had beheaded, looking at his own body Self-dead body, Tai Yi gradually restrained his smile, showing a hint of helplessness on his face, and then directly took back the self-dead body.

In fact, Taiyi's obsession is also very simple. It is also his determination when he was born in the past. It is enough to know that he is with his elder brother Dijun. Later, when the monster clan appeared, Taiyi hoped to help Dijun develop the monster clan to the peak of the wild.

But along the way, Taiyi was gradually overshadowed by Dijun's astonishment, and his original intention was also unknowingly forgotten, and gradually began to rely on Dijun, his heart became a little bleak, Today's defeat has reawakened Tai Yi's fiery heart and made him understand who he really is.

As soon as the obsession was cut, Tai Yi felt that the primordial purple energy in his body had become one with himself, as if he could directly prove the Tao and become a saint with just one thought, that feeling was too tempting, but Tai Yi still held back Well, my own corpse was just beheaded, and he and the two corpses of good and evil were injured. Now that the three corpses are combined into one, it is obviously unwise to proclaim the Tao and become holy.

When he reaches the peak state, his own corpse will also practice to the peak of the quasi-sage. At that time, the three corpses will be combined again to become the saint. It will definitely be better than the current sanctification. I have already waited for the time, and I am not in a hurry. After all, after sanctification, it is not an easy task to improve the cultivation base a little bit.

After Taiyi calmed down his mind, he looked at Yuanshi's evil corpse and said, "Although I lost to you this time, you have also become my emperor. After many years of heart knots, I finally opened up. The Holy Way can be expected. This time you explain the teachings." When you attack my Yaozu, stop here, if you dare to offend my Yaozu again, it will not be so simple next time, so leave."

After finishing speaking, Tai Yi took Lu Ya, Wang Shu and the others and left directly. There was no point in staying any longer, and Tai Yi also seemed to understand why Di Jun asked him to handle this matter. I am afraid that Di Jun had already guessed him. However, he still had to realize his way, and Di Jun couldn't directly point him out. Now that the goal has been achieved, the farce should be over.

Now that the self-dead body has been cut, Tai Yi will still have to retreat for a period of time to adjust his state to the peak, and the self-dead body also needs to practice. When everything is ready, it will be the day when he will become a saint. You must know that he However, after Hongjun, he was the second to testify to sanctification with the way of the three corpses, and Tai Yi was still looking forward to the situation after sanctification.

Looking at the figure of Taiyi returning, Di Jun also showed a smile on his face. From the initial hope that his brothers would escape from the calamity of the Lich, to now expecting Taiyi to become a saint, now it is finally his wish. Well, after Taiyi became a saint, he would have another helper, and he would be more confident when he competed with the saints in the future.

But before Di Jun was happy, a piece of news that made him very unhappy directly ruined Di Jun's rare good mood, which made Di Jun's brows reveal a murderous look.

(End of this chapter)

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