Chapter 318
Kong Xuan, now at the peak of Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation, with five-color magical powers, is said to be invincible among Da Luo Jinxians. Even in the face of quasi-sage masters, he can fight. After all, Kong Xuan has never heard of Hongjun's preaching, so naturally he does not have the method of beheading the corpse. If he can successfully behead the corpse, then there will be another quasi-sage master among the monster clan.

In the list of gods, Kong Xuan is a casual cultivator who joined the merchants as an official and served as the commander-in-chief of Sanshanguan. The Taoist Zhunti was unprepared, so he took the Taoist Zhunti with the five-color divine light, and finally the Taoist Zhunti broke through the five-color divine light, and was finally taken to the west, where he became the Peacock Daming King of Buddhism.

In this way, Kong Xuan can come to serve the Yaozu, Di Jun naturally thinks highly of him, and also intends to train him vigorously. Although Di Jun doesn't understand the five elements, he can teach him the method of killing corpses and the innate spirit treasure to help him. In addition to beheading the corpse, he can also be rewarded with the five elements of spiritual roots to help him condense supernatural powers. It won't be long before the Yaozu will definitely have one more master who can rival the old quasi-sage.

Compared with Kong Xuan, Yu Yixian has become much worse. Although he has yin and yang energy in his body, he has not evolved supernatural powers, and he is also tired by it. Now he is just a little golden fairy. Di Jun simply taught him the Dao of Yin and Yang, and asked him to teach him in the future, hoping that Immortal Yu Yi would also make some contributions to the Yaozu in the future.

The monster clan took in the dragon, phoenix, and kylin clans in one fell swoop, greatly increasing their luck and strength, and even took over the chassis of the four seas, the phoenix, and the kylin clan in one fell swoop. With such a development of the clan, Houtu, who is far away in the underworld, also looks very gloomy. After all, compared with the monster clan, the witch clan is still standing still.

Although both the Liches and the Liches retreated after the Lich Tribulation, the Yao Clan would still show up from time to time, taking advantage of various opportunities to develop and grow. As for the Lich Clan, although Houtu had plans, nothing had changed at all. Now, the strength of the Witch Clan has long been left behind by the Monster Clan. If the Monster Clan rises again in the future, the Witch Clan will not be able to fight at all.

Every time I think about this, Houtu becomes very anxious. Although she controls the underworld, she continues to repay the karma for the Wu Clan and increase luck, but the speed is extremely slow, and the Wu Clan has low fertility. Relying on their own development and growth, I don't know how many years it will take. If you want to change this situation, Houtu can only find another way.

The human race is now establishing the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. Although it is a great opportunity, Houtu is no longer able to intervene. After all, Chi You failed to compete for the position of Human Emperor. She has no way to intervene, and Sanqing will never allow her to intervene again. , weather, location, people and three things, she does not occupy any of them now, if she forces her to do it again, I am afraid it will only implicate the Wu Clan.

Judging from the current situation, the Wu Clan should be quiet and not move, and there is indeed no good opportunity. Since the Wu Clan cannot be developed quickly, Houtu can only focus on other aspects, but although the prehistoric is big, But there was no place suitable for her to intervene. After thinking about it, a sudden flash of inspiration flashed in Houtu's mind, and he set his sights on the underworld.

For a long time, Houtu has regarded the underworld as a place to accumulate merit and luck for the Wu people, but now she has seen a great benefit of the underworld. At the beginning of the opening of the sky, there were three books of heaven, earth and man. It is currently unknown why the heavenly book is Now, the book of the earth is in the hands of Emperor Jun, and there is an immortal way of the earth, but the book of man is in her hands, why can't she use it to develop and strengthen the underworld.

In the past, in order to manage the underworld, Houtu set up the Ten Palaces of Hades, Judges, Black and White Impermanence, Bull Head and Horse Face, etc., but he never really thought about developing them into a huge force to strengthen the strength of the Wu Clan. Now, as soon as he wakes up, Houtu immediately has this idea, and the conditions of the underworld are unique, and there is a lot to do.

After thinking about it, Houtu already had a general development direction in his mind, but as a saint, it was naturally impossible for her to do this in person, and since the last battle with Di Jun, Houtu also deeply discovered that In order to overcome her own shortcomings, she needs time to strengthen her own strength, so what she lacks is someone who can help her develop the underworld.

Chengtian imitated the emperor, one of the six emperors in the heaven, and was in charge of the underworld. He was the emperor of Fengdu. With her current status, she can stand on her own as the Great Emperor of Fengdu, and Haotian can't interfere at all, but Houtu really can't decide on this candidate for a while.

Emperor Fengdu is in charge of the underworld, and cultivation and ability are indispensable. Although there are some masters among the witch clan, they are not suitable for entering the underworld. Earth, if they entered it, those weak ghosts would probably be roasted to death.

But in the prehistoric age, there are really few candidates who have the strength to become the Great Emperor of Fengdu. Except for casual cultivators like Zhen Yuanzi and Ming He, the later natives really can't think of other candidates. After closing their eyes and thinking, Houtu kept thinking about the candidate, and suddenly, a figure appeared in her eyes, and a smile appeared on Houtu's face.

On Ziwei Star, Di Jun probably didn't expect that because of his actions, he aroused the idea of ​​​​developing the underworld, but what he was thinking about at the moment was the next move for Tianting. To be precise, Di Jun wanted to Attacking Haotian, subduing the dragon, phoenix and unicorn tribes, and isolating the power of Zhoutian and stars in the heavenly court are just small tricks.

Di Jun never thought of himself as a generous person, and he would never show mercy to someone who dared to betray him. If Haotian hadn't had any contact with him before, Di Jun would not bother to talk to him, but the position of Emperor Ziwei It was Haotian who came to ask for help and gave it away as a bargaining chip. Since he dared to repent, he would naturally have to pay the price.

Now that the dragon clan has returned to the demon, it is just that Dijun took back what he had paid at the beginning, but Haotian's behavior has really disgraced him, Dijun. Disdainful, now, what Dijun lacks is a knife, a knife that can deal with Haotian.

(End of this chapter)

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