Chapter 327
Now, in the prehistoric world, the situation of the Yaozu is very good, and the death of Haotian can also greatly shock the sects of the saints, revealing Dijun's fearlessness, although he made Haotian suffer through the hands of the Wuzu. Jie, but the cause and effect, the saints can naturally figure it out, as long as they don't want Di Jun to make such a noise, they will definitely not count the Yaozu again.

As for the human race, it is now in the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and the momentum is in full swing. Although millions of monks were beheaded by the monster race, there is still a possibility of recovery under the teachings of the saints, and because of this, the saints may also Vigorously cultivate the human race's own strength. After all, there is now a blood feud between the human race and the monster race, and they can only choose to support the human race and suppress the monster race.

Among them, I am afraid that Lao Tzu is the one who works hardest. Although the Renjiao has a detached position among the human race, the initiative is too big this time. In addition, the Renjiao only has an introductory disciple from Xuandu, and there are some registered disciples, but they are lost. At the root of the human race, luck has been greatly damaged. If Lao Tzu wants to make up for the loss, he will naturally spread the word when the five emperors are second, and restore the human religion to the root of the human race.

These did not have much impact on Emperor Jun. Anyway, he is rooted in the monster race. No matter how strong the luck of the human race is, he can't intervene. Instead of this, it is better to let the monster race rest and recuperate. The immortal way of the earth strengthens the luck of the monster clan, accumulates the merits of heaven and earth, and repays the karma of heaven and earth carried by the monster clan as soon as possible.

And now that the three corpses of Emperor Jun are all condensing their fate, it is still unknown whether they can get the opportunity to prove Hunyuan. If not, then his plan will be shattered. As long as he and the three corpses reach the quasi-sage limit, they can prove the Tao and become a saint in one fell swoop, and then the monster clan will be even more prosperous after all.

In the heavenly court, Yao Chi stared at the 33 days and the wild land. Although she watched Haotian die and reincarnated, her face did not show any sadness. Instead, she seemed to be relieved. She only heard her murmur He said to himself: "Haotian, you have hatched such a huge price for all your calculations, just for now, is it worth it?"


The voice was weak but firm, Yao Chi sighed slightly after hearing it, no matter what, the overall situation is settled now, that 'Haotian' has already been reincarnated, although I don't know if I can hide it from the eyes of Di Jun and the saints, but at least It can be regarded as understanding the cause and effect with Di Jun, and then, Tianting should be able to develop with peace of mind.

However, the heavenly court has been robbed repeatedly, and its power has long been inferior to before. Fortunately, there is Lao Tzu, the good corpse, and the Taishang Laojun. With the help of the Taishang Laojun's alchemy skills and flat peaches, it is still possible to cultivate some forces that truly belong to the heavenly court. Before 'Haotian' returns from the catastrophe, all the affairs of the Heavenly Court will be controlled by Yao Chi.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it was the time when Zhuanxu was proving the Tao. On the abdication ceremony, the merits and virtues descended from the sky, but the amount of the merits of the heavenly way was far less than that of the three emperors, and it was not even a star and a half, which was only enough for Zhuanxu to improve. At the initial cultivation level of Zhunsheng, his teacher Taiyi Zhenren also gained some morals, and he could break through to the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

After Zhuanxu proved the Tao, Gao Xin was the successor, that is, Di Ku, one of the five emperors in the future, and his teacher was the Xuandu of the Renjiao. For the vitality of the monks, Xuandu was not the only one who came out of the mountain this time, and the registered disciples of those people's teachings also came out of the mountain together to preach to the human race.

Emperor Ku widely applied benevolent government to the human race, which enabled the rapid development of the human race, and with the reintroduction of the Jindan Dao to the human race, it also made up for the lack of immortal inheritance of the human race. In addition, the human race now has their own characters. The recorded Jindan Dao will be passed on from generation to generation, and even if there are some missing parts, it will not be missing for the entire human race.

Emperor Ku reigned for a total of 810 years, the same as other human emperors, but the difference is that this time the human religion preached, which made the inheritance of the immortal way of the human race complete, and it can be passed down from generation to generation. But as long as the race is given enough time, they can still fully recover, and they may even go further.

After Emperor Ku proved the Tao, because of his selfishness, he passed the position of the co-lord of the human race to his favorite son Zhi, but Zhizhi was a man of great talent and lack of talent, with a tyrannical nature and bad governance. In just nine years, he caused resentment from heaven and earth. No one was willing to assist him anymore, and finally, under the pressure of all parties, he had to give up his position to Yao who was assisted by the Holy Mother of Jinling, a disciple of the Jiejiao.

After Yao ascended the throne, he reappointed his elder brother Zhi Yu Tang as the Marquis of Tang. Taking it as a lesson, with the help of the Holy Mother of Jinling, he began to quickly stabilize the human race, and personally went deep into the human race's market to investigate political gains and losses. The virtuous use the ability, lest the talents be buried, and finally nine capable ministers will be able to rule the world, so that the human race can grow further again.

When Yao was about to complete his merits and virtues, he began to look for a great sage who could inherit the position of co-lord of the human race, and finally chose Shun, and married his two daughters to him. After Yao proved the Tao, Shun became the new The co-owner of the human race, and his master is the sister-in-law of the Holy Mother of Jinling, the sister of Master Yao, which can be described as a lineage.

Having assisted two human emperors in a row, Jiejiao has also established a firm foothold among the human race, and has flourished in the world through this. At the time of its prosperity, it even overwhelmed Yuanshi Tianzun's interpretation of teaching, and it is no worse than Lao Tzu's human teaching , and with the prosperity of Jiejiao in the human race, the two religions of human interpretation will naturally decline.

I naturally don't care much about the prosperity of the Jiejiao. After all, most of the monks in the human race still practice the Jindan Dao that he taught, which is the most suitable immortal inheritance for the human race. , and will not shake the fundamentals of Renjiao in the human race, so I naturally don't care too much.

But Yuanshi Tianzun is different. Cutting off the teaching is prosperous, and explaining the teaching is the first to bear the brunt. The originally good situation developed by two generations of emperors has suddenly collapsed, which makes Yuanshi Tianzun really very angry, but now he has it in his hands. With the position of the Master of No Emperor, there is no place to start if he wants to change the situation. Therefore, the suspicion of explaining and intercepting has really begun.

(End of this chapter)

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