The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 333 Di Jun's Madness

Chapter 333 Di Jun's Madness

Di Jun doesn't care about Haotian, even if he can really prove Hunyuan in the future, it will have no effect on Dijun. When he proves Hunyuan, he believes that he has broken through to a higher cultivation level. With the sword array in hand, it is not difficult to kill a Haotian who has just proved Hunyuan, and it is not difficult for Di Jun to verify his conjecture.

The divine mind directly invaded the depths of the 33rd layer of Heavenly Court, and Di Jun really found the real body of Haotian who was recuperating. It seems that his conjecture was not wrong at all, but it seems that Haotian paid a lot for this, and Haotian Tian seems to think that Tianting can completely hide him, but he seems to have forgotten whose chassis Tianting originally belonged to.

The Heavenly Court is a prehistoric place. It was not formed after the day after tomorrow, but conceived by the Heavenly Dao. It can be said that it is a part of the Heavenly Dao. It was discovered that Haotian was able to help Haotian hide his aura and cover up the secrets of the sky, and that the saints didn't pay much attention to Haotian, so Haotian was able to hide from the sky.

But don't forget, the Heavenly Court was under the control of Di Jun in the past, and Di Jun knew everything about the Heavenly Court like the back of his hand, and as early as when the Lich was robbed, Di Jun already knew that the monster race could not occupy the Heavenly Court forever. But one day, the Heavenly Court will still fall into the hands of the Yaozu, so the most in-depth research on the Heavenly Court has been done in advance.

Haotian is naturally unable to detect when he is investigating the Heavenly Court at this moment, but seeing Haotian's state at the moment verifies the conjecture in Di Jun's mind, and also makes Di Jun make a decision in his mind. The corpse replaced one's own Heavenly Emperor's destiny, thus freeing oneself from the vortex, so that one could practice more focusedly.

But Di Jun's thinking is just the opposite. Although his three corpses have already injected their breath into the long river of fate, and have begun to gather their fate, it is too difficult to create something out of nothing. Until now, the three corpses None of them could successfully condense their fates. In this case, Di Jun simply let them enter the endless cycle of reincarnation, and condensed the most suitable fates for them.

There is no other way, maybe in the endless cycle, the three corpses can each find their own opportunity to prove the Hunyuan. After all, the three corpses have reached the limit of the quasi-sage, and when the Hunyuan is hopeless, There is no way to make progress. Instead of consuming it like this, it is better to sink the boat and seek a breakthrough.

However, it is not a trivial matter for the three corpses to enter reincarnation. This matter must not be known by Sanqing, the Second Saint of the West, and Houtu. Therefore, when the three corpses enter reincarnation, they must seal all their cultivation bases and condense all their Taoism into the real world. In the spirit, unless the fate is successfully condensed, otherwise the true spirit will never be restored, and the sealed cultivation will be recovered.

In order to ensure everything is safe and not to be discovered by others, Di Jun found Tai Yi, and together with him, he sealed the three corpses, and then sent them into the world, turning them into mortals. It is in charge of Houtu, but she will not check every reincarnated soul after all, so naturally she will not find out.

However, this move is also very risky. If the three corpses cannot successfully condense their fates, they may fall into endless reincarnation. After all, in order to hide the truth from the eyes and ears of the saints, the seal imposed is very thorough. Once the reincarnation begins, unless the fate The neighbors succeeded, otherwise Dijun would have no way of finding their location, let alone rescue them.

If the three corpses fail, then Di Jun may lose the three corpses. Maybe he will be able to find the three corpses again after he breaks through to the realm above Hunyuan, but Di Jun doesn't care about this huge risk, after all If the three corpses can't prove Hunyuan Dao, it's useless to stay by their side, so it's better to take a risk and win a Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

Di Jun did this matter very secretly. Except for Tai Yi, he didn't tell even Xi He. He only hoped that in the endless cycle of reincarnation, the seeds he planted would bear fruit and bring him a different kind of happiness. Surprisingly, after doing all this, Di Jun began to practice in seclusion, but it won't last long, after all, the Conferred God Calamity is not far away.

In the heavenly court, since Haotian reincarnated and returned, he naturally began to take over the affairs of the heavenly court again. Yaochi had to give up his rights very simply, except for the fairies in the heavenly court, the rest would no longer interfere, and Yaochi began to live in seclusion in the fairyland of Yaochi , the relationship with Haotian seems to have become a little bit alienated.

All these fall into the eyes of the immortals in heaven and the disciples of various religions. Although Haotian is still Haotian, he is a reincarnated body after all. What's more, Haotian's return this time is not alone, but with his family. There is one more sister and seven daughters. Fortunately, Haotian's reincarnated wife passed away, otherwise it would be even more embarrassing.

The younger sister and seven daughters brought back by Haotian are also very famous in mythology. The younger sister was named Yunhua Fairy, and the seven daughters were named Seven Princesses. Let them play around in the heavenly court. After all, in addition to dealing with the affairs of the heavenly court, they also need to restore their cultivation, so naturally they have no time to care about them.

Tianting is indeed a beautiful fairyland, and it is also an excellent place to practice. After Haotian reincarnated and returned, Tianting's luck has deepened, and with the help of many golden pills and flat peaches, coupled with his past practice perception, his cultivation base has naturally improved Quickly, and there is no danger of unstable realm, so he naturally overlooked some things.

Although the Heavenly Court is good, its rules are strict. Although Fairy Yunhua has a high status in the Heavenly Court because of Haotian's relationship, she still cannot escape the Heavenly Court's rules. However, Yunhua was still very afraid, after all, she was only a little Xuanxian, facing a quasi-sage master like Yaochi, she was naturally under great pressure.

Gradually, Yunhua began to miss the life in the world. Although the heaven was good, it made her feel restrained and uncomfortable, and the Seven Fairies were also kept by Yaochi's side. Because of her fate, she quietly went down to the prehistoric world and returned to the mortal world, but she didn't know that there was no way back after this trip.

However, the news of Yunhua's departure from the Heavenly Court has never been spread. Haotian is busy with government affairs and practice, and Yaochi lives in seclusion in the fairyland of Yaochi, so naturally they didn't find out. There was a mortal mated in the world, after learning about this, Haotian and Yaochi were naturally very angry.

(End of this chapter)

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