Chapter 336 Time Flows
Wahuangtian is the location of the Taoist temple opened by Nuwa in the past. At the beginning, Emperor Jun proved the Hunyuan, and Nuwa immediately became a saint. In order to prevent the monster race from being split, Nuwa chose to retreat. In this chaos Opened up a dojo, she is the only saint who opened a dojo in the chaos, and she is also the most leisurely existence among saints.

Sanqing and the two saints of the West have established orthodoxy. Even Lao Tzu, who is pure and inaction, often has to work hard for people to teach, let alone other saints. Later Tu is only thinking about revitalizing the Wuzu, and now he is developing the underworld. With the helper of Ran Deng, it will inevitably take some thought, so naturally it is not leisurely.

Tai Yi is a full-fledged cultivator. After he became a saint, he has not relaxed his practice. He always looks forward to everything, and naturally pays attention to the development of the monster race. On the contrary, Nuwa lives in chaos In the dojo, apart from comprehending the way of heaven, there is nothing else to do, so it is natural to be free.

And in this Wahuangtian, although there are some demon clans living there, they are all gentle-tempered monster clans. There is peace in Wahuangtian, and the Wahuang Palace where Nuwa lives, besides Nuwa, there are only It's just a boy who accompanied Nuwa. This boy was named Lingzhuzi, and it was a Lingzhu that was enlightened by Nuwa, and she was deeply loved by Nuwa.

Now, there is another Yang Chan in the Wahuang Palace, and Lingzhuzi is naturally the happiest one. Being reprimanded by Nuwa, but he never has a long memory, he still does his own way, now that there is one more Yang Chan, he finally has a companion.

But there is one thing that makes Lingzhu very depressed, and that is the problem of size. His body is a middle-grade innate Lingbao Lingzhu obtained by Nuwa on Fenbaoyan. He was refined, so he was turned into a boy, and he was always by her side. This is also the great fortune of Lingzhu.

Lingzhuzi is extremely talented. Although he is a little playful, his cultivation is astonishing. It is not inferior to Xuandu, Guangchengzi, Duobao and others. With the cultivation of a big Luo Jinxian, coupled with his spirituality, he can be placed in the prehistoric world. Among them is definitely a powerful one. Even so, because of the transformation of the innate Lingbao, the Lingzhu grows extremely slowly, and now it is only the appearance of a five or six-year-old child.

On the other hand, Yang Chan, in just a dozen years, has become a slim girl, causing Ling Zhuzi to change her name to Yang Chan's sister. Fortunately, Ling Zhuzi doesn't care about this. With him as a companion, his life in Wahuangtian has become a lot more interesting, and he has also become Yang Chan's little teacher, often teaching Yang Chan to practice.

In this way, the brothers and sisters Yang Jian and Yang Chan each started their own apprenticeships. On the other hand, after Yang Tianyou brought Yang Jiao back to the Western religion, he was also promoted from a registered disciple to a house disciple. Yang Jiao, who was brought back, was allowed to be taught by his disciple Maitreya. In the future, he may become a leader among the three generations of disciples of Western religion.

Time flies, and before you know it, tens of thousands of years have passed. The world has long been a sea of ​​vicissitudes. The original big business has become more and more powerful, occupying the most prosperous land in Kyushu, and there are many vassals around it. Submitting to the rule of the great merchants, the Jiejiao, which is closely related to the great merchants, has developed incomparably stronger because of this, and it is incomparable to the three Western religions combined.

During these years, people interpreted that the Four Western Religions had many conflicts among the human race. After a long period of time, it was no joke. In the past 10 years, the Four Religions also had several major conflicts. If the large-scale conflicts were not mediated by saints, I am afraid that the turmoil caused would not be as simple as conflicts, but a war between the four religions.

Compared with the development of the Four Religions, the Heavenly Court is far behind, and it is even said that it is still regressing. The Jade Emperor "Haotian" is weak and inaction, and most of them give in to the disciples of the Four Religions. , causing the majesty of the Heavenly Court to gradually disintegrate. If it were not for the town of Yaochi, the Heavenly Court would have become a joke in the prehistoric world.

Jinxia Cave in Yuquan Mountain, this is the residence of one of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, Yuding Daoist. Generally, they will live in their own mansions, where they will accept disciples to preach and expand their teachings.

In the mountains, a young man was practicing martial arts in the mountain stream with a three-pointed and two-edged knife in his hand. Although he didn't use any mana, he made a lot of noise. At the side, a black dog was lazily lying on top of a boulder. Going up, yawning, squinting at the young man, this person and dog are exactly the grown-up Yang Jian and his Xiaotian dog.

Having practiced with Daoist Yuding for so long, Yang Jian has already reached the late stage of Jinxian, and his combat power has few opponents among Jinxian. Among the three generations of disciples of Chanjiao, Yang Jian is also the most powerful, which makes Master Yuding show his face in a small way among all the brothers and sisters.

On this day, Master Yuding called Yang Jian, looked at the heroic Yang Jian, and said, "Disciple, this time I called you here as a teacher, for no other reason than to tell you your life experience. If you step into the Golden Immortal cultivation base, if you want to go further, there are some things you need to understand earlier, so as not to hinder your practice in the future."

When Yang Jian heard this, a trace of excitement appeared on his face, and he couldn't help asking: "Master, what is my life experience like, do I have any relatives alive?"

Daoist Yuding said softly: "Listen to me carefully, your mother is the younger sister of the Jade Emperor, Fairy Yunhua. She married others in private and gave birth to two sons and a daughter. You are Fairy Yunhua's youngest son." , when the Jade Emperor asked the teacher to inquire about the crime, your mother took advantage of the Jade Emperor's unpreparedness to send your brother and sister out, and you were suppressed by the Jade Emperor under the peach mountain."

When Yang Jian heard this, tears flowed from his eyes. As a son of man, he didn't know that his biological mother was still suffering, so he was naturally very ashamed, but then he asked, "Where is my father, and my elder brother and my younger sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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