The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 350 Reappearance of Heaven's Punishment

Chapter 350 Reappearance of Heaven's Punishment
Although he was a little thin and injured, Jieyin did not focus on himself, but quickly put away his nine-foot-long golden body. He looked at the void and looked straight at Honghuang. The place he was looking at was the West Where the Lingshan Mountain is located, at this moment, the Western Lingshan Mountain is surrounded by black clouds and the sky is rolling with thunder. It is even more terrifying than when the Lord Tongtian was wrathful. This is God's punishment!

Jieyin is like this, the leader of Tongtian will naturally not continue to shoot, he is also very curious, why the heavenly punishment suddenly came to Lingshan, just now he and Jieying were fighting fiercely in the chaos, and did not notice what happened in the wild, Jieyin just The avatar is also due to the sudden punishment of heaven, otherwise, if he wants to gain the upper hand, the leader of Tongtian may have to waste some effort.

Since the creation of Pangu to the present, this day's punishment has never appeared in the prehistoric times. Every time, something big happened. But now, the day's punishment suddenly descended on the Western Lingshan, and it was obviously aimed at Zhunti. After all This is the greatest possibility, but what prompted the Heavenly Dao to send down the Heavenly Punishment, and the reason, the Master Tongtian and the introduction were missed.

But what a sage is supernatural, although the secrets are chaotic, it is still easy to deduce what happened just now. After a little deduction, a smile appeared on the face of the master of Tongtian, and the expression of Jieyin changed drastically. , and no longer entangled with the leader of Tongtian, put away the magic weapon, and went straight to the wilderness, and the leader of Tongtian followed closely behind.

In Chaoge City, the sky and the earth mourned, the wind and cloud changed color, and the blood rained pouring down. Such a vision naturally made the people in the city feel uneasy. To ordinary mortals, such a vision seemed to be more like a harbinger of disaster. It makes people in the world uneasy, and there may be another storm in Kyushu. After all, most of the human race are mortals.

And some ministers in the Shang Dynasty were also worried, but some of them were people who had already embarked on the path of immortality. They naturally understood the celestial phenomena and knew that this was caused by the fall of mysterious powers. They have a close relationship, so they can naturally know the reason, and they can't help but gather in the palace one after another, intending to have an audience with the current great king, Emperor Xin.

Among these ministers, the head is Taishi Wenzhong, he is a disciple of the second-generation disciple of the Jinling Holy Mother, because of his innate Taoism, he was accepted by the Jinling Holy Mother, and he practiced Taoism for hundreds of years and became a celestial being. After fruit taste, he joined the merchants and became an official, and was reused by the second emperor. From the official position to the grand master, the luck of the dynasty was added to his body. After thousands of years, he became a Xuanxian.

Outside the Palace of Shouxian, Emperor Xin's bedroom, Grand Master Wen was waiting outside with a group of ministers. The faces of the ministers were all anxious. On the contrary, Grand Master Wen was as stable as Mount Tai, calm and not impatient. The Holy Mother knew what was going on, so she naturally knew that Emperor Xin was protected by the luck of the human race, and there was no serious problem, and the Ziwei Emperor Qi in the house was strong, condensed and not scattered, which showed that Emperor Xin was fine.

Suddenly, there was a burst of strong mana fluctuations in the Shouxian Palace, and a very oppressive atmosphere broke out, and all the ministers were pressed to their knees and bowed their heads, even the Grand Master Wen who was cultivated as a Xuanxian , Seeing such a situation, Wen Taishi condensed the gate of the Shouxian Palace, and he couldn't help but show a strong expression of shock on his face.

Hearing that the grand master felt the breath of Di Xin in the Palace of Shouxian, his face was full of disbelief. When Di Xin was born, the former emperor Di Yi had planned to let Di Xin worship him as his teacher when Di Xin was six years old. But Di Xin was smart and self-taught, and he was already proficient in both civil and military skills before he was six years old, so the matter of apprenticeship naturally came to an end.

But now, Grand Master Wen is even more aware of the strangeness of Di Xin at this moment. He has actually broken the "curse" of the king not asking about the immortal way. What's even more frightening is that it was an anecdote through the ages that such a mysterious fairy like him could be forced to kneel down with the coercion of his fairyland.

In addition, I heard that the Grand Master has heavenly eyes on his forehead, so he can naturally perceive things that other Dacheng can't. It is only in Xin's body that his coercion is so oppressive. This level of Ziwei's imperial aura is no longer possessed by ordinary kings.

Hearing that although the grand master knelt down to the ground, his face was full of joy. With such a king in the Shang Dynasty, naturally he would not decline. He was naturally worried when he learned about the calamity from his master, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit. He not only He is a minister of a great merchant and a disciple of Jiejiao. No matter which side goes wrong, the result may be the decline of both. How can he not be worried.

However, the sage would attack Di Xin, which also shocked Grand Master Wen. If it wasn't for the blessing of God, Grand Master Wen couldn't imagine what the consequences would be. Now that Di Xin stepped into the immortal way in one fell swoop, it was a blessing in disguise. Innate Dao body, Ziwei Emperor Qi, human luck, unparalleled talent, the combination of the four, the future of immortality is limitless from now on.

After a long time, the gate of Shouxian Hall suddenly opened, and Di Xin, who was full of heroic and domineering aura of an emperor, strode out. Wind, Di Xin glanced at the ministers such as Grand Master Wen who were kneeling on the ground, ignored it, and looked up at the sky directly.

The grand master and the others were quite puzzled by such a strange behavior. They saw Di Xin looking up to the sky and praying: "The way of heaven is above. Di Xin has been diligent in governing and loving the people since he was a child. Human Sovereign, intends to bring disaster to the human race, although the human race is humble, but all the people are of one mind, begging God to send down the punishment of heaven, punish the monsters, and rectify the hearts of the people, the way of heaven will learn from it!"

Di Xin's words were earth-shattering. Although the words were soft, their voices could spread throughout the whole prehistoric world. This made many great powers who were paying attention to the leader of Tongtian and the leading battle dumbfounded. The battle has not yet been decided. Xin actually made such a fuss again, asking heaven to punish the demon, this is really a big tone.

What shocked everyone even more was that as soon as Di Xin's words fell, the situation between the heavens and the earth changed immediately, and the thunder roared from above the nine heavens, as if in response to Di Xin's words. , it is the divine punishment that has not appeared in the prehistoric period for a long time, the words of the Little Human Emperor actually caused the divine punishment to come, how strange!Weird!

The continuous shocking changes made all the saints and many great powers in the wild have to look up at this Emperor Xin. First, the luck of the human race protected the body, so that the corpse of the saint fell, and now it is even more strange to ask for the punishment of heaven to come to Lingshan. At the beginning of the calamity, there were many changes. No one knows where the Conferred God War will go.

(End of this chapter)

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