Chapter 452
The Jade Emperor’s Danyuan Festival and the Queen Mother’s Pantao Festival are the two major festivals in the heaven. At this time, gods with names and surnames from all walks of life in the prehistoric region will receive invitations. For those gods with lower cultivation levels, it is undoubtedly an opportunity, which can save them years of hard work.

And Sun Wukong, following the example of the Jade Emperor, also held a Danyuan Grand Meeting, inviting all the demons from all over the world, and the entire demon clan in Dongsheng Shenzhou was moved. Anyone with a little strength wanted to share a piece of the pie, and it was Dongsheng. There are also some demon clans outside of Shenzhou who are excited, and come here from thousands of miles away.

After Sun Wukong made such a move, the monster clan of Dongsheng Shenzhou became a big hit. The gathering of monsters, such a grand event, naturally attracted the attention of all parties. The most worrying thing is whether there are other powerful monsters standing behind Monkey King. This is the most worrying thing.

And Sun Wukong stole flat peaches, stole elixir, and went down to heaven, which undoubtedly slapped heaven in the face. In this era when saints retired, heaven was naturally the first force in the prehistoric world. The teaching is even stronger, if the heavenly court is angry, it is not something that a mere Huaguoshan can bear.

Of course, they also know that Sun Wukong can steal flat peaches and elixir, and then go down to the Heavenly Court safely. What the hell are those bigwigs thinking, but this is definitely a calculation.

Regarding Monkey King's calculations, and Monkey King may still be kept in the dark, there may be a good show to watch next.

Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace

Haotian and Yaochi sat on the high throne, and below stood several rows of gods in the heavenly court, most of them were famous gods in the old battle of conferring gods, but these people had different expressions, it can be seen that even if they were conferred gods, He also didn't turn his heart to the Heavenly Court, so that the Heavenly Court is also full of factions.

It's just that today is a little different. All the gods felt a strange atmosphere, especially the Jade Emperor, which was quite different from before. After the reincarnation, the Jade Emperor was calm and introverted. Now, it seems to be the Emperor Haotian in the reincarnation, majestic and domineering.

Just as they felt, Haotian came out in person this time. At his level of cultivation, it is no longer possible to break through that barrier through retreat and hard work. Now that the saints have retired, the scruples in his heart are naturally less Many, now it is time to reproduce the majesty of his Jade Emperor.

Looking at the gods in the heaven, Haotian's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp. Although the aura of a quasi-sage peak did not deliberately oppress the gods, it also made the gods feel great pressure. At this moment, for the gods For immortals, Haotian has become extremely strange, or in other words, what they are in contact with now is the real Haotian.

Among the ranks of immortals, a white-haired old man stood there indifferently, as if he didn't feel the coercion of Haotian at all, with a relaxed expression. He is Laozi's good corpse, Taishang Laojun, Taishang Laojun Glancing at Haotian, a faint smile flashed in his eyes, as if he had seen through everything.

Haotian seemed to feel the gaze of the Supreme Lord, the sharpness in his eyes suddenly subsided, and his aura gradually disappeared, then he looked at the immortals, and said: "My dear family, the Huaguoshan stone monkey, I Thinking of the birth of heaven and earth, he kindly named him the great sage equal to heaven, but he didn't think of the king's kindness, stealing flat peaches and elixir, which is a great rebellion."

Taibai Jinxing on the lower side came out and said: "Your Majesty, Sun Wukong not only stole the Peach Stealing Pill, but also took away the weapons and armor of a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals. After returning to Huaguo Mountain, he invited all the monsters in the world The Danyuan Grand Gathering has been held, this is a great provocation to our Heavenly Court, I implore Your Majesty to send troops to attack it."

As a close minister of Haotian, Taibai Jinxing can be regarded as Haotian's most trusted subordinate. He is naturally the clearest about Haotian's thoughts. As soon as Haotian opened his mouth, he understood what Haotian meant, and he naturally agreed. It's none of his business to defeat Sun Wukong, after all, he is not a general of the Heavenly Court.

After Haotian heard this, he really said: "The monster monkey is bold and doesn't care about God's grace. It should be captured and sent to the Demon Slaying Platform to be executed. Ladies and gentlemen, who is willing to send troops to attack Huaguo Mountain and capture the monster monkey?"

Hearing Haotian's words, the immortals couldn't help but look left and right. Obviously, they all had some fear in their hearts. Not to mention whether there were other people behind Monkey King, the Seven Great Sages alone would not be easy to deal with.

All the immortals are basically true spirits on the list. In the millions of years after the end of the Conferred God Calamity, their cultivation base has not improved much, and the strongest is only Da Luo Jinxian, who wants to capture Monkey King and his sworn brothers. Unless heavy troops are deployed, there will be no good results at all.

At this time, Li Jing, the Heavenly King of Tota, came out and said: "I would like to report to the Jade Emperor that I am willing to lead the army, but the strength of the monster monkey should not be underestimated, and the group of monsters gathered in Huaguo Mountain are not easy to deal with. Therefore, I need to mobilize all the great immortals in the heaven to help me."

Li Jing, one of the few physical beings in the Western Zhou camp in the Battle of the Conferred Gods, has been in the high position of the Heavenly King for many years, and his cultivation has improved. Now he has reached the realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, but he is still not enough to deal with the Seven Great Saints such as Monkey King. Naturally, it needs the help of the big Luo Jinxian masters in the heaven.

Haotian said indifferently: "Quite! I named you the Grand Marshal of the Army and Horses, commanding millions of heavenly soldiers and generals, who are fully responsible for the crusade against monster monkeys, heavenly generals, and Ai Qing. I hope you will not disappoint me."

When Li Jing heard it, a look of ecstasy flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "I take orders!"

Li Jing understands the difficulty and risk of crusade against Huaguo Mountain, but as a disciple of Renjiao, he also learned some secrets of this calamity from his teacher, Dao Er, if he wants to go further in this calamity , it is natural to participate in this turmoil, to seek the way of Taoism, if you do not advance, you will retreat.

With Haotian's order, Li Jing immediately began to dispatch troops and generals. In the heavenly court, he invited five or six masters of Da Luo Jinxian, and he persuaded all the disciples of the human religion in the heavenly court. In addition, he also Yang Jian, the god of Erlang who was in Guanjiangkou, was called to help.

Erlang God Yang Jian and Li Jing are also listed on the list, the difference is that he has already stepped into the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and his mother is not dead, so the relationship with the heaven is not too rigid. There is no excuse.

Not long after, the Heavenly Court army rushed towards Huaguo Mountain in mighty force.

(End of this chapter)

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