The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 454 Yang Jian VS Sun Wukong

Chapter 454 Yang Jian VS Sun Wukong

Sun Wukong was dressed in golden armor, and the golden cudgel in his hand exuded an extremely cold murderous intent. The violent and raging breath rushed straight to the camp of heavenly soldiers and generals. Existence, as if Li Jing was the only one in his eyes.

Sun Wukong was violent and attacked Li Jing, but as the king of Tianting Tota, he has been fighting in the south and north for millions of years. Facing the violence of Monkey King, although his cultivation is not as good as that, Li Jing did not show any embarrassment phase.

You know, there are millions of heavenly soldiers and generals by his side, and there are also great Luo Jinxian masters among them, especially Erlang God Yang Jian, who is known as the God of War in the Heavenly Court, is standing by his side, so he naturally doesn't need to be afraid of anything.

Although Yang Jian is the same as Li Jing, they are all three generations of Xuanmen disciples, one is teaching and the other is teaching, but there is indeed a big difference in cultivation level between the two, and Yang Jian is following the way of physical cultivation, and he is cultivating by the Wu clan. The "Eight Nine Mysterious Kungfu" modified from the "Nine Turns of Mysterious Kungfu" is difficult to practice, but it is extremely powerful and invincible among the same rank.

"Monster Monkey, Hugh is rampant!"

Sun Wukong's stick fell, and it was about to hit Li Jing. At this time, Yang Jian made a move, and the three-pointed and double-edged knife in his hand swept away, directly blocking the violent blow of Monkey King. The two weapons collided with each other, and there was a huge blow shock wave.

Countless heavenly soldiers and generals were blown away by the aftermath, and even Li Jing and the gods around him retreated far away. Everyone looked in the direction of Monkey King and Yang Jian, their eyes full of shock and surprise.

Yang Jian was only born in the Conferred God Quan Jie, and Sun Wukong was born just this time, but the strength of the two has surpassed most of the creatures in the prehistoric world, and their strength can be called quasi-sage. Invincible, with such cultivation, who would underestimate them again.

Sun Wukong looked at Yang Jian who blocked his attack, and grinned: "Hahaha... who is my old Sun Dao? Is it Erlang Xiaosheng, who was born to the Jade Emperor's sister? His strength is not bad, but... ···”

Hearing the words "private match with mortals", a cold light flashed in Yang Jian's eyes. For him, his mother was his taboo. Sun Wukong actually mentioned this matter, which already made Yang Jian really angry, but he didn't wait for Yang Jian to get angry , Sun Wukong continued to say what he didn't finish.

"It's still a little bit worse!"

A strong force came from the golden cudgel, but Yang Jian didn't react at all, and his whole body was directly blown away. Seeing this, the gods in the heavenly court also showed a hint of horror in their eyes.

They still know a little about Yang Jian. Yang Jian practiced eighty-nine profound arts, and when it comes to martial arts, almost no one is his opponent. Unless there is a magic weapon that can restrain Yang Jian, even a master at the peak of Daluo Jinxian will find it difficult to defeat him. .

Now that Yang Jian lost to Sun Wukong in terms of strength, how could they not be shocked, but after thinking about it, it seems that it is not too surprising. After all, it is rumored that Sun Wukong has the inheritance left by the demon clan. How could it be worse than the eighty-nine profound arts of Taoism.

Seeing the horrified expressions on the faces of the gods in heaven and Yang Jian, Monkey King couldn't help laughing wildly: "Hahaha... have fun!"

Then he waved the golden cudgel, pointed at Yang Jian, and shouted loudly: "Yang Jian, come, come, continue to fight my old grandson!"

Hearing this, Yang Jian's face turned cold, his whole body's aura increased wildly, and his arrogant fighting spirit permeated the sky, and he and Monkey King gradually formed a rivalry. It permeates, like the coming of winter and the twelfth lunar month, making people shudder.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong laughed, swung the golden cudgel in his hand, and went straight to kill Yang Jian. The law of war loomed all over his body, making him more powerful. From a distance, it seemed like an ancient beast was raging. .

Yang Jian didn't give in at all, the same law of war broke out, and with a wave of the three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand, the sky eyes on his forehead suddenly opened, and golden rays of light shot straight at Monkey King, and then the whole person also greeted him.

The two fought back and forth in the air, and the blows were earth-shattering, and the aftermath of the shock had already caused the heavenly soldiers and generals to retreat far away. After all, the aftermath of the battle of Da Luo Jinxian was not something anyone could bear.

The collision between the golden cudgel and the three-pointed double-edged knife will emit strong mana fluctuations almost every time. Monkey King and Yang Jian are also fighting more and more fiercely, and the momentum of the two is also getting stronger and stronger. People can't help but feel a great power. pressure.

In the Tianbing camp, Li Jing watched the battle between Sun Wukong and Yang Jian, frowning slightly. He thought that Yang Jian could suppress Sun Wukong, and even defeat Sun Wukong. Naturally, I was a little anxious.

For his own future, he took the initiative to invite Ying, and invited many gods in the heaven to come to help. If he can't win, even if the Jade Emperor doesn't blame him, I'm afraid his wish to use the luck of the calamity to break through will come to nothing. This opportunity, I don't know when I will be able to step into the realm of Daluo.

Must be quick, must win!
Li Jing secretly made up his mind, he turned his eyes to the few gods in the heaven around him, they all have the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian, and they are all people who are a generation higher than him, Li Jing did not waste much time talking about them .

Li Jing stared at the battle situation, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, this battle is related to the majesty of my heavenly court. This monkey head must be captured back to the heavenly court and handed over to the Jade Emperor. However, Zhenjun Erlang may not be able to subdue this monstrous monkey for a while. I wonder who is willing to help?" A helping hand from Erlang Zhenjun?"

A Da Luo Jinxian who was on the list of People's Education said: "Li Jing, I'm afraid I won't be able to intervene in their battles. Since Monkey King left the station, several Da Luo Jinxian's auras have locked on us in Huaguo Mountain. It should be The remaining six of the so-called Seven Great Sages, if we make a move, they will definitely not sit idly by."

Li Jing frowned when he heard this, and asked in a deep voice: "Then I don't know what you can do to resolve the previous stalemate. Don't we have to wait for them to decide the winner? With their cultivation base, I'm afraid it may take several years." Can tell the difference."

The person on the list of Chanjiao who had been silent on the side suddenly spoke. Li Jing saw that that person was the most unlucky Chanjiao and one of the first Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, Daoist Huanglong.

Master Huanglong stared at the battle situation, and said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid it won't take so long to decide the winner. Although Yang Jian is still on par with Monkey King, his momentum has reached its peak, and he is in danger of declining. But Sun Wukong is different, his strength seems to be constantly improving in the battle, and the situation may change in a short time."

(End of this chapter)

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