Chapter 456
Sun Wukong's sudden outburst really stunned everyone, especially the violent aura emanating from him, which is no worse than the real four ancient beasts, what's more, his extremely violent aura seems to be mixed with A certain kind of special breath, although extremely weak, is extremely powerful.

And Sun Wukong's abnormality is enough to attract the attention of many top figures in the prehistoric world, even the saints are no exception.

Kunlun Mountains, Yuxu Palace

The remaining five of the Twelve Golden Immortals and Shen Gongbao were listening attentively to Yuanshi Tianzun's sermon. Guangchengzi, Taiyi Zhenren and Yuding Zhenren had the calmest expressions. What is said is the Dao under Hunyuan, and they naturally understand it the deepest.

However, Chi Jingzi and Master Lingbao are stuck at the peak of Daluo Jinxian's cultivation base, and they have not broken through to the quasi-sage realm after years of hard work. Step into the quasi-sage realm.

And the last person to listen to Taoism was Shen Gongbao. He was the latest to start and his cultivation base was also the lowest, but his talent was really good. The battle of the Conferred Gods, but it is still highly regarded by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Now Shen Gongbao has also stepped into the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, and he has truly grown into a pillar of teaching. If he is given a little time, maybe he can step into the realm of quasi-sage before Chi Jingzi and Master Lingbao.

Suddenly, Yuanshi Tianzun stopped preaching, raised his head slightly, and looked ahead, as if something attracted his mind, and even frowned for a moment, showing that it was not a trivial matter that attracted him.

Guangchengzi and others saw Yuanshi Tianzun showing such an expression, and they also looked in the direction Yuanshi Tianzun was looking at. What caught their eyes was the scene of Tianting's crusade against Huaguo Mountain, especially when Monkey King suddenly broke out and severely injured Qingxu with one blow. When Daode Tianzun, their faces also revealed the color of shock.

Guang Chengzi stared at the slightly weird aura on Sun Wukong, and said, "Teacher... the aura of this stone monkey seems a bit weird, if not, I'm afraid Junior Brother Qingxu's Hunyuan Banner and Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan are enough to suppress it." He won't be seriously injured by it."

After Yuanshi Tianzun heard this, a trace of displeasure and anger flashed in his eyes, but it was not aimed at Sun Wukong, but because of the pure and moral Tianzun, as his disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, even if he was on the list of gods, he should not be so decadent , let alone be so careless, otherwise he would be hit hard by Monkey King.

Such a performance, in the eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun, is throwing away the alliance of his master, how could Yuanshi Tianzun have a good face, and after hearing Guang Chengzi's words, Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly: "The evil disciple... ·snort!"

Yuanshi Tianzun also did not continue to pay attention to the Qingxu Moral Tianzun. If they do not leave the list of gods, it will be difficult for them to return to teach. Although he is a saint, he has no other way.

Yuanshi Tianzun turned to look at Sun Wukong who was in a rage, with a strange look in his eyes, facing the doubts of the disciples, he said: "Indeed, there is indeed something weird about this stone monkey, and your uncle must have discovered it." Knowing this point, I just lured this monkey into the Taoshi Palace Pirate Pill, probably for the purpose of finding out."

After hearing this, Daoist Taiyi's face became more puzzled, and he asked, "Teacher, my master is pure and inaction, and my master's good corpse is too ungrateful, even if there is something left by the demon clan on this stone monkey." What secrets are there, but how can I get the uncle's attention?"

Yuanshi Tianzun smiled mysteriously, and said in a deep voice, "But what if this secret is about Hunyuan?"

When Guang Chengzi and others heard this, their expressions changed drastically. They would never have thought that a pawn that seemed to be abandoned by the demon emperor actually hides the secret of Hunyuan. How could they calm down? their lifelong pursuit.

Seeing the earnest look in the eyes of Guang Chengzi and other disciples, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't let it go, and said directly: "This stone monkey has a lot of luck, and it seems that there is something hidden in his origin that is similar to Dijun's Chaos Demon God." With similar strength, its cultivation method seems to be similar to Di Jun's body training method."

Hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's explanation, Guang Chengzi and others were horrified. The power connected with the Chaos Demon God is a thousand times more precious than the calamity luck.

However, problems also followed, and Shen Gongbao hit the nail on the head: "Teacher, since this stone monkey is so special, why does the Demon Emperor seem to... give it up? Is there any secret in it?"

Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head slightly: "As a teacher, I don't know. Dijun is secretive by nature, so it's hard to guess his thoughts. Maybe he has other plans. Now he just needs to watch quietly. If there is a chance, he can capture this stone monkey. Perhaps... it is also a great opportunity for you."

Big chance?
Hearing these words, Guang Chengzi and others showed fanaticism, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time. After all, this opportunity is related to Hunyuan, so how could they not be moved.

Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace

Haotian and Yaochi sat on the high throne, and the gods of the heaven stood below, all watching the battle against Huaguo Mountain in the heaven. They were shocked to see the sudden eruption of Monkey King.

Yaochi and Haotian said through voice transmission: "Haotian, this Sun Wukong is definitely not as simple as having calamity and luck, there is definitely a bigger secret hidden in him, should we continue to explore? What if we offend that person? bit, I'm afraid we..."

Haotian replied: "It's okay, I am famous as a teacher in Tianting, it's okay, not to mention that Sun Wukong has revealed such a big secret, I'm afraid many people are tempted, especially the one from Tushi Palace, I'm afraid he has already discovered the clue Otherwise, how could this stone monkey be allowed to enter the Doushi Palace to steal so many precious elixir."

Yaochi thought for a while, then agreed: "That's right, we don't need to take the lead now, I'm afraid there will be many people who can't help it, and even if that one gets angry, he won't come to my heaven. We can wait and see what happens, and maybe we can get a share of the secrets of this stone monkey."

After Haotian heard this, he smiled faintly, and turned to look in the direction of Tushita Palace, with a hint of inexplicable expectation in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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