Chapter 458
During the chaotic battle, Sun Wukong was suddenly hit by King Kong, and he roared in pain immediately. His violent aura was like a barrel of explosives being ignited, exuding a dangerous aura of choosing someone to devour, and the tyrannical power exploded Kailai forced back Yang Jian and others who were besieging him.

Sun Wukong's eyes were bloodshot and bloodshot, like an angry beast, staring straight at Vajra Zhuo floating not far away, a fierce light flashed, and regardless of Yang Jian and others, the golden cudgel in his hand directly swept towards Vajra Zhuo, trying to kill him. Vajra cutting is destroyed.

In the Heavenly Court, all the gods were surprised to see that Sun Wukong seemed to be fine after being hit by King Kong Zhuo. After all, this is the magic weapon of Taishang Laojun. Even if it is a casual blow, it is definitely not an ordinary big What Luo Jinxian can bear.

The Taishang Laojun was very indifferent, without the slightest surprise in his eyes. In Tushita Palace, he had a deep look into Sun Wukong's secrets. Although he didn't do his best, he knew something. The existence of the top of the cultivation, the unknown kung fu practiced is somewhat more powerful than the eight or nine profound kung fu of the Taoist sect.

Now it suddenly broke out, the restriction in the body was opened, the power increased greatly, and the physical body became even more terrifying. Vajra Cutting is not a magic weapon for attacking, and he just hit it casually, so naturally he couldn't succeed in one blow and subdue Monkey King.

Taishang Laojun watched Sun Wukong hit his magic weapon, King Kong, and was not in a hurry to take it back. Instead, he manipulated it from the air. The most powerful thing about King Kong is not to attack, but to receive all kinds of magic weapons.

I saw that the diamond was exuding a purple-gold light, and a strange suction came out from the circle. Monkey King, who was about to destroy the diamond with a stick, immediately felt this strange suction, and the golden cudgel in his hand seemed to be lost. General control, to be sucked into the circle.

When such a situation happened, Monkey King was also shocked, and immediately wanted to back away to prevent the golden cudgel from being taken away, but unfortunately, the weird and powerful suction force firmly held the golden cudgel, and Monkey King who didn't want to let go naturally couldn't retreat.

Seeing this, Yang Jian, Huanglong Zhenren and others stopped their hands one after another. Although they didn't mind teaming up against the enemy, they didn't dare to participate in the air-to-air combat before them. If you make a move, you will definitely hate Taishang Laojun, they don't have the guts yet.

Sun Wukong tightly held the golden cudgel in his hand, looked at the weird diamond cut, and couldn't help roaring angrily: "Who the hell is attacking my grandson, get out for your grandpa! If you have the ability to fight your grandpa for three hundred years!" Round, don't be that shrinking turtle!"

A loud shout really shocked the entire prehistoric world. No one thought that Sun Wukong would dare to insult Taishang Laojun in public. He is really ignorant and fearless. Taishang Laojun is the good corpse of Lao Tzu, the elder brother of all saints. That is tantamount to insulting a saint. In the whole world, only Di Jun dared to do this.

There was a cold snort from Heavenly Court, Sun Wukong immediately spit out a mouthful of blood as if he had been hit hard, his hand relaxed slightly, and the golden cudgel was immediately sucked by Vajra Zhuo and disappeared without a trace.

Before Sun Wukong could react, he saw that King Kong Zhuo was directly trapping Sun Wukong.

Looking at the King Kong who bound him, Monkey King was very angry, and his figure kept getting bigger and bigger. He wanted to destroy King Kong, get rid of the bondage, find the golden cudgel, and then hit the heaven to see who attacked him.

It's a pity that no matter how big Sun Wukong becomes, Vajra Takumi will also grow bigger together. No matter how small Monkey King becomes, Vajra Takumi will also become the same size. Even though Sun Wukong is ever-changing, he still can't get rid of the shackles of Vajra Takumi.

No matter how Sun Wukong cursed and resisted, it was useless in the end. He could only watch himself being bound by King Kong Zhuo and flying to the heavenly court.

In Huaguo Mountain, the Bull Demon King and other demon kings watched Sun Wukong being captured to the sky, but they didn't dare to make any changes, because in that cold snort, they felt the supreme majesty, which is definitely the ability of quasi-sages. Possession of power.

In the Heavenly Court, the only known quasi-sage masters are the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, and several special lords of the Supreme Being. Any of them can easily suppress them. How dare they rescue Sun Wukong? Expect Sun Wukong's own good fortune too.

In the ancient starry sky, Tai Yi saw Sun Wukong captured by the magic weapon of Taishang Laojun, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he said: "What is this Laozi going to do? Is it possible that I want my good corpse to conspire to steal Sun Wukong's origin or something?" Anything else, and then prove Hunyuan? The way of heaven will not allow the three corpses of the saints to prove the way."

Although the saint is immortal and has a respected status, he is governed by the way of heaven after all. Obviously, the way of heaven will not allow the saint's three corpses to prove his way, so as not to lose control and disrupt the order of the prehistoric world. Punishment, when the time comes, not only will the three corpses be destroyed, but I am afraid that I will also be implicated.

Di Jun smiled lightly, and said softly: "I'm afraid it's just what you think, but I won't let his good corpse break through that hurdle easily. This may be preparing for the immeasurable calamity in the future, or Or Lao Tzu intends to leave the way of heaven, which is a bit interesting, but unfortunately, Monkey King is valued by my evil corpse, not everyone can move it."

Above the Lingxiao Palace, Sun Wukong was bound by King Kong Zhuo, escorted up by two heavenly generals who were cultivated by Taiyi Golden Immortals. The terrifying aura of choosing someone to devour really made many gods in the hall feel a little scared, even The eyes of the two heavenly generals who escorted him were also frightened, for fear that Sun Wukong would suddenly explode and hurt others.

Haotian looked at Sun Wukong slightly, then Tianwei became self-confident, and softly shouted: "Monkey monkey, are you guilty?"

Faced with Haotian's questioning, Sun Wukong roared with dissatisfaction on his face: "What's wrong with my old grandson? This heaven used to belong to my monster clan. Old Jade Emperor, you have occupied it for millions of years, and now you should It’s still coming, the flat peach elixir is just a little interest collected by my grandson’s generation of monsters, what can you do to my grandson?”

When mentioning the monster clan, fear flashed in the eyes of all the gods. The real monster clan has retired, and now they are active in the prehistoric wilderness, but they are all newborn monster clan after the Lich's calamity. Compared with the ancient monster clan Clan, they are too weak to pose any threat at all.

(End of this chapter)

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