The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 473 9nd Grade Black Lotus

Chapter 473 Ninth Grade Black Lotus

Sun Wukong actually fell into a demon. This is something that no one expected. There have been some speculations from the various forces in the heavenly court or the powerful casual cultivators. , but they did not expect that Sun Wukong would be possessed.

Not only that, but it is unbelievable that Sun Wukong is so decisive. You must know that Sun Wukong was cultivated by the demon emperor Dijun himself. Although it may be just a whim, it is enough to make Sun Wukong loyal to Dijun. It's unbelievable indeed.

What is even more shocking is that as soon as Sun Wukong uttered a word, all the great powers of the wild could feel a very special power suddenly bless Sun Wukong. Source, that is the power of luck, the power of luck in the magic way.

The God of War in the Demon World, Sun Wukong proclaimed himself the God of War in the Demon World, in the eyes of all the people watching the battle, this is just a joke, without the approval of Luo Hu, the Lord of the Demonic Way, naturally it is impossible to have more luck, after all, a God of War, that is not just a casual It can be sealed, it is not only a title, but also a symbol of strength.

But now that the magic luck is blessed on Sun Wukong, it is obvious that Sun Wukong's self-appointment in the eyes of everyone is like a joke, and he has been approved by the demon ancestor Luohu. According to rumors, there are three gods of war in the demon clan, each of whom is a quasi-holy-level power. I have heard his name for a long time, but I have never seen him in person, but now the three war gods of the Demon Race have become the four war gods.

Although the Demon Dao was only born after the Conferred God Calamity Tribulation, the development of the Demon Dao has shocked the entire prehistoric world. Although the Demon Dao is still hidden in the dark place of the prehistoric world, the confrontation between the Buddha and the Demon Dao gradually revealed the power of the Demon Dao. In Hong Huang's eyes, it didn't look like a revived force at all.

The four quasi-sages are powerful, the magician and the three war gods of the demons, dozens of Daluo Jinxian, and there are countless demon creatures under the Daluo. It is still easy to demonize them forcibly, but the meaning represented by quasi-holy-level power is different.

The three war gods of the demon clan have heard their names for a long time, but they have never appeared in the prehistoric world. After all, they are all quasi-sage-level powers, and they will not make a move easily. The strong one, once a shot is made, the sky and the earth will change color, the earth will shake, and people will definitely notice it.

As for the magician, it is obviously a more mysterious existence. It is rumored that this magician is under one person and above ten thousand people in the demon world. Although the teachers of all the demons have never shown up, they are said to be the existence of the pinnacle of quasi-sages. I don't know if it's true or not. If it's true, then where did Luo Hu find it? After all, there are only a few people who exist at the pinnacle of quasi-sages in the wild.

Not to mention the demon ancestor Luohu, since the last time he appeared in Honghuang, he has never been found again. Previously, there was a breath of divine punishment in Honghuang, so there was speculation that it came from the unborn demon world , It was caused by Luo Hu crossing the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, but there is no way to verify whether the guess is correct.

The Demon Dao has such strength, it is not inferior to any force in the prehistoric world except the Yaozu, even the Wuzu is no exception. After all, the Wuzu has only Xingtian who has the quasi-sage cultivation base, and at most the Houtu The two corpses of good and evil, as for the interpretation of the four religions of Buddhism, and the three corpses of the saints can compete with the evil way.

Now, one of the key existences in this calamity, Sun Wukong, who has the luck of calamity, has also joined the magic way, and he has broken through to the existence of quasi-sage cultivation. His fighting strength is obvious to all in the prehistoric world, and the Six Accurate Saints of Buddhism teamed up and couldn't beat him for a while, how amazing it is.

Sun Wukong's devilish energy soared into the sky, and he was able to stand against the Buddha's music and Buddha light. He had such power just after becoming a demon, which was really extraordinary. However, what was even more astonishing was that a black lotus flower suddenly appeared at the feet of Monkey King, and the flowers bloomed nine times. The first-rank, it is the ninth-rank Mieshiheilian of the top-rank Xiantian Lingbao.

The black lotus of exterminating the world is as famous as the blue lotus of good fortune, red lotus of karma, golden lotus of meritorious virtue, and white lotus of pure world. It is transformed from five lotus seeds of the chaotic green lotus. They can also breed lotus seeds and cultivate them into innate spiritual treasures, but the price is very high.

With Di Jun, Good Fortune Qinglian has already been promoted to become an innate treasure. Naturally, Di Jun will not waste the original source of Good Fortune Qinglian to breed lotus seeds. For the Qiankun cauldron to be refined, it only takes a little effort to refine a defensive magic weapon that is not inferior to the ninth-grade lotus platform.

As for the few remaining lotus flowers, the karmic fire red lotus is in Styx, and Styx has such a small family background, so he is naturally unable to cultivate lotus seeds, while the leader of Tongtian has the white lotus of the world, and Jieyin has the golden wheel of merit and virtue. Although the two are saints, their family The great cause is great, and there are not so many resources to cultivate lotus seeds, and only Taoist Devourer has the backing of Emperor Jun, so he can do this.

Moreover, to cultivate lotus seeds, you must first consume the source of the lotus platform. If you can't replenish the nourishment later, it will affect the power of the lotus platform. This alone has almost given up the thought of cultivating lotus seeds, let alone cultivating them successfully. It needs a lot of natural materials and earthly treasures similar to Sanguang Shenshui to breed.

Now a ninth-grade black lotus suddenly appeared under Sun Wukong's feet, which naturally surprised many people, and naturally they also felt envious. After all, there are basically no unowned innate spirit treasures in the prehistoric world, and Sun Wukong, a rising generation, can get it How can a ninth-rank black lotus, a top-rank congenital spiritual treasure, not be enviable.

Sun Wukong stepped on the ninth-grade black lotus and held the golden cudgel. The violent power began to gather on the golden cudgel, as if he was going to break out of the formation in one fell swoop. He looked at the big formation that trapped him and said with a grin: "The bald donkey You guys, if you want to trap your grandpa grandpa, you are still far away!"

In the big formation, the six members of the Buddhist sect saw that Sun Wukong had become a demon, and their faces changed drastically. Guanyin said anxiously: "Buddha, this monkey head has borrowed the magic to make a breakthrough, and even with this ninth-grade black lotus body protection, So I am afraid it will be difficult to surrender it quickly, not to mention that the ninth-grade black lotus shows that Luo Hu attaches great importance to this monkey, and it will change if it is too late."

Tathagata also said with a serious face: "Amitabha, since this monkey is stubborn, then we don't need to be polite, just suppress it and bring it back to Lingshan, and use Buddhism to remove the demonic nature in this monkey's heart."

At this moment, the Buddhist sect is not going to stay behind anymore. Previously they wanted to directly save Sun Wukong, so they never hurt him, but now they have to do so. If the demons come to help, I am afraid that a world-shattering battle will be inevitable. .

(End of this chapter)

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