Chapter 483 Prologue
After the Buddhism left, the gods in the heavenly court also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, if the fight continues, it is hard to predict who will win and who will lose. More importantly, the heavenly court, which is the main battlefield, will inevitably be hurt by this. It is inevitable that it will be affected, and if you are not careful, you will die, but there is no reason for it.

When Kunpeng saw the Buddhism leaving, he glanced at the Taoist Devourer, and after getting a look from the Taoist Devourer, he took the four monkeys of Hunshi and left directly. The Buddhism has already left, so there is no need to continue entanglement, after all this In the second calamity, the heavens are not the main enemy of the magic way.

After Kunpeng and the four monkeys left, Heaven Devourer took a look at Haotian and Yaochi who were sitting on the thrones of the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, then turned around and wanted to leave, but suddenly stopped, turned his head, and glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. To the two of them, he said in a deep voice: "Haotian, Yaochi, you are really good, and the future may be limitless.

But you started too late and missed too much. Even if you can prove Hunyuan, it is difficult to do anything. This heaven has belonged to the monster race since ancient times, and it belongs to the deity. You have been the masters of the heaven for so many years, but you don’t know How long can we continue to do this, but I have a proposal, I wonder if you two would like to listen? "

Hearing the words of the Heaven-eating Taoist, the faces of Haotian and Yaochi immediately became serious. Not only the two of them, but even the saints were also affected, let alone the heavenly court and the forces of the prehistoric world. Although Tian Daoren's words are plain, there are too many involved in it.

The belonging of the heavenly court, these words come from the mouth of the Taoist who eats the sky, so naturally it cannot be ignored. The Taoist who eats the sky represents not only the way of magic, but also the meaning of Di Jun, the leader of the demon clan. It has the meaning that the demon emperor wants to regain the heaven, how can this not make people feel terrified?

Haotian looked at Taoist Devourer with a serious expression on his face, and said in a deep voice: "What is the meaning of the Demon Ancestor? My Lord of the Heavenly Court was conferred by Hongjun Taoist Ancestor, and he acts on behalf of the Heavenly Court. This Heavenly Court is created by the will of Heavenly Dao." How can it be arbitrarily determined to belong to something that is not a demon clan, if there is a change in the heavenly court, presumably the Taoist ancestor will not sit idly by."

Taoist Devourer smiled lightly, and said: "You can think whatever you want, but there is one more thing that I still want to say, Haotian, you and Yaochi have good aptitude, and it should be easy to prove Hunyuan, but I'm afraid it will be difficult." What a big move, I cherish my talents and want to recruit two of you on my behalf, are you willing to join the demon clan?"

The words of Taoist Devourer really shocked the entire prehistoric world. In front of all the saints and other forces in the prehistoric period, Taoist Devourer of Heaven actually recruited the current Lord of Heaven for Di Jun. If Haotian and Yaochi really agreed, That is bound to bring about earth-shaking changes in the prehistoric situation, and the momentum of the monster clan will be unstoppable.

But now, everyone's eyes are on Haotian and Yaochi. After all, the decision of the two is enough to affect or even determine the future direction of Honghuang. I also don't want to see the power of the monster clan expand wildly again.

Haotian stared at Taoist Devourer, frowned, but did not directly refuse, Yaochi on the side couldn't help looking at Haotian, with some inexplicable expressions in her eyes, obviously she was waiting for Haotian to make a decision, even though she was in charge of the Heavenly Court Lady Xian, sits on an equal footing with Haotian, but Haotian basically makes decisions on major matters in the heavenly court, and she will only support Haotian unconditionally.

After a long time, Haotian frowned, looked at the Heaven Devourer Taoist, and said in a deep voice: "Thanks to the Demon Emperor and the Demon Ancestor, I was ordered by Hongjun Taoist Ancestor to be in charge of the prehistoric, how could I switch to the Demon Clan? Hope, like this, how can I face the prehistoric sentient beings?"

After hearing this, Taoist Devourer did not show any disappointment, instead he said with a smile: "As expected of Haotian, who dared to plot against me back then, he was so proud, which is a bit interesting, but it's a pity... I hope you won't regret it!"

After all, Taoist Devourer disappeared into the Heavenly Court as soon as he moved his body, but he only spoke half of what he said, but Haotian, Yaochi, Zhusheng, Minghe, Zhenyuanzi and others fell in love with him.


What a pity?
Could it be that there will be other changes in this calamity, or is there some shocking secret that they don't know?

With the character of Taoist Devourer, he showed up directly because of Haotian's guess, and he didn't seem to be suspicious, so it is very likely that Di Jun discovered something, otherwise, why did Taoist Devourer suddenly mention the belonging of the Heavenly Court? , and even want to recruit Haotian and Yaochi, it can be seen that Dijun seems to intend to take back the heaven.

Although the Heavenly Court is good, it seems to be nothing to Di Jun. Even if the monster race reoccupied the Heavenly Court, it seems to be just icing on the cake, or even just a small flower, but if it can make Di Jun think about it, then it will definitely not It's that simple. After all, with Di Jun's current state, there are very few things that can catch his eyes in the prehistoric world.

Taoist Devourer of Heaven is gone, but Haotian and Yaochi's hearts are extraordinarily heavy. They stepped into the half-step Hunyuan and looked down on the prehistoric. The heavy pressure of countermeasures is enough to make them a little breathless.

Dijun can be said to be an insurmountable mountain in the wild. Although the saints can still compete with Dijun, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Dijun has not paid too much attention to the saints from the beginning to the end. In his eyes, the only one who can be his opponent is probably Hong Jun who is already fit.

Now that Dijun is staring at the Heavenly Court, how can Haotian and Yaochi not be worried? Even though Daozu Hongjun once said that the Hunyuan Saint can no longer fight in the prehistoric, and those who violate it will be punished by heaven, but for Dijun who has now become the Chaos Demon God As far as he is concerned, this is not very restrictive at all. As long as Di Jun is willing, can he change the world in an instant? What can heaven do to him!
Ask the saints for help?

This seems to be of no avail. All the saints and primordial spirits are entrusted to the Dao of Heaven, and the Dao of Heaven has far more constraints on them than Di Jun. Di Jun dares to attack, but the saints may not dare. Don't count on it, in the eyes of Daozu Hongjun, why aren't they just a small flag?
Haotian and Yaochi don't know what the future will be like. Facing the crisis that may come at any time, they don't have any countermeasures. The current plan seems to be to prove Hunyuan as soon as possible. If they succeed, even if they lose the Heavenly Court It's nothing.

Above the heaven, the clouds are gloomy, and Xiniu Hezhou is not like this. The demonic way is high-profile in the world, and the spearhead is directed at the Buddhist gate. The war is imminent. The Buddhist sect is in the whirlpool. Naturally, it is difficult to escape, and there is only a deadly battle.

The amount of robbing, the killing of maneuvers, the new chapter is about to kick off!

(End of this chapter)

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