Chapter 485

Xiniu Hezhou, Lingshan

All the disciples of the Buddhist sect looked up at the sky with solemn expressions, and there was also a little fear in this solemnity. There was no way, the demon world merged into the prehistoric land, and it came to the boundary of Xiniu Hezhou. Although Xiniu Hezhou would become wider because of this, But no one can feel at ease when they are neighbors with the most vicious demons.

What's more, the demons originally came to Xiniu Hezhou, and they have already declared war with Buddhism. Now that the demon world has come to the prehistoric, the millions of demon soldiers standing in the forest are obviously not prepared to show the strength of the demonic way. The front of the soldiers will point directly at the Buddhist gate, and Xiniu Hezhou will never have the peace of the past.

Under the Bodhi tree, the two saints, Jieying and Zhunti, Tathagata, Maitreya, and the four Bodhisattvas Ksitigarbha, Guanyin, Samantabhadra, and Manjusri stared at the demon world that was slowly descending into the prehistoric world. The war is inevitable, and there is not much time left for them to prepare.

With a bitter expression on Jieyin's face, he said in a deep voice: "It seems that the Demon Dao will not give us too much time to prepare. It will take at most a hundred years for the Demon Realm to merge into the prehistoric world. We must make all preparations within this hundred years. , and the eastward expansion of Buddhism must end within a hundred years, and then prepare for the decisive battle between Buddha and demons."

Tathagata recited 'Amitabha', and then said: "Master, don't worry, we will definitely complete the preparations within a hundred years. As for the eastward advancement of Buddhism, the disciples are ready and can implement it immediately. As for the decisive battle between Buddha and demons, disciples will also I will not slack off, and I will definitely prepare an army of Buddhist soldiers strong enough to fight against the demons."

The others nodded after hearing this, and did not say anything else. Their situation at the moment is like fighting with their backs. Not only will the luck of Buddhism be greatly damaged, but it will also lose the foundation of Xiniu Hezhou.

If that step is really reached, it may be difficult for Buddhism to have a foothold in the prehistoric. Today's prehistoric, all the regions have already belonged, the heavens occupy the 33rd heaven, the human race occupies the land of Kyushu, the witch clan occupies the underworld and some On the boundary of Nanbuzhou, there are still some small places occupied by the three religions.

And the rest are all the monster clan's chassis. The territory is wide enough to make all parties covet, but no one dares to do it. The strength of the monster clan is definitely the first in the wild, and there are also Emperor Jun, Taiyi, Nuwa and others. Di Junshan killed the four Hunyuan masters, and naturally no one dared to touch the eyebrows of the Yaozu.

Even if there are some areas under the Yaozu's command, such as the Four Seas, although they are occupied by the Dragons under the Yaozu's command, it can be said that the land is vast and the monsters are sparse, but if they want to occupy it, the Yaozu will definitely not sit idly by. It is almost impossible to find a place to survive in these places.

Therefore, in the battle between Buddha and demons, Buddhism can only win and cannot be defeated. If it loses, I am afraid that it can only learn from Nuwa, opening up a small world in the chaos, and Buddhism retreats into it, so that it can have a place to live, but if that Generally speaking, it is tantamount to giving up the prehistoric times, and it may be difficult for Buddhism to make a comeback.

It is precisely because of this that the Buddhism has shown an unparalleled cohesion. At the same time, as the entire Buddhism is operating, the strength of the Buddhism is gradually revealed in the eyes of all parties. One hundred thousand Buddhist soldiers directly appeared in Xiniu Hezhou. It is shocking, no one thought that Buddhism would have such strength.

The three religions of heaven and human beings are the most touching. The Buddhist sect has secretly accumulated such a huge Buddhist army, obviously not just to guard Xiniu Hezhou. The Buddhist sect has long wanted to go east, but it has never had a chance. Obviously, it was prepared for going eastward, and it was really a hidden evil intention, and even, this was not all the trump cards of Buddhism.

It's just that today's Buddhists have no intention of invading Dongsheng Shenzhou on a large scale. They only want to succeed in the eastward advancement of Buddhism. It is time to compete for the land of Dongsheng Shenzhou, but even if Buddhism goes eastward, it may not be smooth sailing.

Not to mention that the sudden exposure of so many hole cards in Buddhism will arouse the fear of Heavenly Court and human beings to interpret and cut off the three religions. Even the way of magic will not make the eastward advancement of Buddhism successful, although even if the eastward advancement of Buddhism is successful, it will not be able to succeed all at once. Increase the strength of Buddhism, but as long as it is beneficial to Buddhism, it is necessary for demons to destroy it.

What's more, this is an opportunity for the Demonic Dao. If Buddhism wants to advance Buddhism eastward, it must send a lot of people to protect it. Suppressing the morale of Buddhism kills two birds with one stone.

And the Buddha and demons made such a big move all of a sudden, and it really caused an uproar in the prehistoric. Such a situation has not been seen in the prehistoric for a long time. After the Lich War, even the Conferred God War Without such a dangerous scene, all living beings in the wild are naturally afraid.

In Daleiyin Temple

Two Buddhas, Tathagata and Maitreya, sit on top of it, followed by Ksitigarbha, Avalokitesvara, Samantabhadra, Manjusri and many other Bodhisattvas, followed by eight dragons, eight hundred Arhats, etc. Buddhist masters can be said to be gathered together. It was the sound of the Buddha, but now it was silent. Obviously, they had lost their leisurely mind to discuss the Dharma.

Tathagata looked at the people in the middle Buddhist sect, and said in a deep voice: "Amitabha, everyone, the way of the devil is coming fiercely, and it is difficult to keep Xiniu Hezhou intact. Our Buddhism must fight the way of the devil to protect the foundation of our Buddhism. It only takes a hundred years for the demon world to completely come to the prehistoric world. We don't have much time to prepare."

After hearing this, the faces of all the Buddhist sects became somber. The last calamity, the battle of conferred gods, was full of fighting skills. At that time, the Buddhist sect of the Western religion also suffered a lot. Now it is even more tragic to fight against millions of demon soldiers from the magic way. It is not comparable to the Conferred God War. Although the Buddhism has accumulated a lot of dark power over the years, it cannot be compared with the Demon Dao.

Maitreya looked at the dignified expressions of everyone, and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry too much. The demonic way came to the prehistoric world, and it is not my Buddhist family that is affected. The heavenly court and the three religions of human beings can't stay out of the matter. As long as you lobby , they are very likely to join forces with my Buddhist sect to fight against the Demonic Dao."

Tathagata also continued: "Not only that, the next eastward expansion of Buddhism is also an important measure for the prosperity of my Buddhist luck. As long as I can complete this move, I will be able to harvest a lot of luck, and everyone's cultivation base can also use this. Going one step further, and this is also a bargaining chip that the three religions of Heaven and Human Beings cannot refuse."

To fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside. Only when the Buddhist sect is united can it exert its greatest strength. Now there is no need to hide all actions. Everything is an important bargaining chip that can stimulate the morale of the Buddhist sect. With the confidence of the three religions, only by uniting them can the Buddhism truly have the strength to fight against the devil.

However, the dispute between Buddha and demon is a huge vortex. Even if there are some interests, it may not be able to impress everyone. The lobbying of Buddhism is just a form. At the critical moment of life and death, they can only put all their eggs in one basket and do their best.

(End of this chapter)

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