Chapter 490
Heavenly Jade Pool
Haotian and Yaochi looked at the movement in the ancient starry sky with solemn expressions. No wonder they were like this. They had to be vigilant about everything related to Emperor Jun, especially now that Tianting had just joined forces with Buddhism, and at this moment Xihedu Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, they will naturally think of other places.

Yaochi looked worried, looked at Haotian, and said softly: "Haotian, do you think it was the arrangement of the Demon Emperor for Xihe to go through the Primordial Tribulation at this moment? If so, I am afraid that the purpose of the Demon Emperor is not only It's so easy for Xihe to prove the Dao Hunyuan, and I'm afraid it's also a signal to attack my heavenly court and Buddhist sect."

Haotian said in a deep voice: "Who can guess all the demon emperor's intentions! But no matter what, the demon emperor has already planned to regain the heaven, and we have no way out. If we can't prove the Hunyuan before then , then after losing the Heavenly Court, I am afraid it will be even more difficult for us to prove the truth, and we have no choice."

Yaochi looked at Haotian, a complicated expression flashed in her eyes, she hesitated to speak, but she still couldn't speak in the end, she has been with Haotian for hundreds of millions of years, and she knows Haotian's character and character very well, there are some things She can guess Haotian's answer without asking, and the only thing she can do is support him silently.

After a long time, in the ancient starry sky, the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation finally condensed and formed, thunder roared, and its power was astonishing, which was a bit stronger than the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation experienced by Di Junshan's corpse. It was the end of the calamity at that time, but now it was the beginning of the calamity, and the evil spirit of the calamity was even stronger.

The Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation is obviously more violent under the blessing of the stronger amount of evil energy, and people feel fearful when they look at it, and Zhen Yuanzi, Minghe and others are also deep in thought when they look at this situation It is really difficult to decide whether to learn from Emperor Junshan's corpse to cross the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation at the end of the Measuring Tribulation, after all, if you make a wrong step, you will lose everything.

No matter what they think, Xi He's Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation has already taken shape, and everyone's eyes are on Xi He who is preparing to cross the catastrophe. They also want to know what kind of means Di Jun has prepared for Xi He That's why Xi He was so relieved to let Xi He choose to cross the catastrophe at this time.

Seeing the thunderous Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation above her head and the nine heaven and earth shackles around her, Xi He smiled gently, and as soon as she raised her hand, tens of thousands of flags flew out of her palm, and in a blink of an eye, it was covered all over the place. Her whole body seemed to envelop Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation. Looking closely, these flags and banners were exactly the set of celestial and star banners used by Di Jun himself.

This set of Zhoutian Star Banners is the first set of Zhoutian Star Banners refined by Di Jun. He has always kept them in the blood holes of his body. Over the long years, the power of this set of Zhoutian Star Banners Performance is no longer comparable to what it was in the past, and the banners are already stained with the aura of Emperor Jun and a little Hunyuan charm.

As soon as the Zhoutian Star Banner came out, the power of the stars with a radius of tens of thousands of miles involuntarily gathered towards the banner. It is inferior to any Xiantian treasure, and if it is in the hands of Di Jun, it may not be inferior to the Xiantian treasure.

"Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array, get up!"

Xihe gave a coquettish shout, and tens of thousands of Zhoutian star banners began to dance and spread in all directions. She stood in the center of many Zhoutian star banners and controlled many of them. Slowly, a large Zhou The Heavenly Star Dou Formation has already taken shape, although it is far from the complete Zhou Tian Star Dou Formation, its power already has a hint of Hunyuan charm.

However, the formation of the Great Zhoutian Star Array is only the beginning. With the movement of the seal in Xihe's hands, this Great Zhoutian Star Array has also begun to change, and each Zhoutian Star Banner began to emit a unique The original breath of the stars echoes the Zhoutian stars in this ancient starry sky.

"The wish is echoed, Zhou Tian blesses!"

As soon as Xihe finished speaking, he saw the power of the infinite stars in the ancient starry sky surge towards the Zhoutian star formation, and even contained traces of the original energy of the Zhoutian stars. With the blessing of the stars, the power of this Great Zhoutian Star Dou array becomes stronger and stronger, and the charm of Hunyuan on it becomes more intense.


All of a sudden, there was an extremely subtle sound of whispering in the ancient starry sky, which caused everyone to be dumbfounded. No wonder, with the infinite blessings of the stars in the sky, the Great Zhoutian star formation formed by Xihe was actually the same as that of the ancient starry sky. Zhou Tianxing's infinite fit, showing the power of Hunyuan that was only available in the complete Zhou Tian star formation in the past.

It can be said that with this large formation in hand, Xi He doesn't need to care about the threat of the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation at all. After all, the Heavenly Tribulation is just a Heavenly Tribulation. Although it is blessed by the power of the Dao of Heaven, it is only a test for those who overcome the Tribulation , the power of Hunyuan contained in it is pitifully small, and it is impossible to break through the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation with the power of Hunyuan.

This is also the place that everyone envies very much, how is this a crossing robbery!It's more like 'bullying' Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, the right time, place and people, Xihe took it all at once, and with the support of this Zhoutian Star Dou array, she doesn't have to care about Jielei at all, she just needs to cut off the wounds on her body with peace of mind. The shackles of heaven will do.

Looking at the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation that had completed its formation and displayed the power of Hunyuan, Xi He showed a slight smile on his face. She glanced at Di Jun in the distance, and saw Di Jun nodded slightly towards her, Xi He immediately made a decision. She saw her hands forming a seal here, and the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation also began to undergo drastic changes.

"Seal the sky and lock the earth to determine the universe!"

With Xi He's coquettish shout, the originally stable Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation immediately began to undergo earth-shaking changes. The formation ran crazily, and the power of Zhou Tian's stars began to riot. Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation shoots away in all directions, endlessly.

The people watching Xihe's crossing the catastrophe couldn't help but gasp, what is Xihe going to do?You must know that even the former Emperor Jun Shanshan was not so arrogant. Running the Zhoutian Star Dou array and banning the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation is definitely provoking the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, and it can even be said to be provoking the way of heaven.

Hunyuan Tianjie seemed to feel Xihe's 'provocation', thunder shot out, destroying countless star chains, but the star chains are really endless, even if Hunyuan Tianjie tried his best to resist, he was still blocked by countless star chains , lost its original powerful power.

"Large formation reverse transformation metamorphosis!"

Xi He shouted again, Zhou Tian Xing Dou, which had originally blocked the Primordial Tribulation, started to run in reverse. The large formation was refined, turned into the purest power, and instilled towards Xihe.

(End of this chapter)

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