Chapter 513

There was a loud noise between the heaven and the earth, and the whole world was shaken. The demon world finally merged into the boundary of Xiniu Hezhou. The area of ​​the entire Xiniu Hezhou fully doubled. Heavy blows were common, landslides and ground cracked, and countless creatures were killed or injured.

Not only that, the integration of the Demon Realm into the territory where Xiniu Hezhou is located divides the former Buddhist territory into two areas, one large and one small. The majority of the territory where Lingshan is located gathers almost all the strength of this Buddhist sect, while the small half of the Buddhist sect The territory naturally became a piece of meat in the mouth of the demons, which could be easily swallowed.

It's just that what Taoist Devourer of Heaven wants is not just the small half-Buddhist territory that is easily available, he wants the entire Xiniu Hezhou. According to the previous plan, as soon as the demon army arrives, it will be directly led by Monkey King, the Four Monkeys and Dapeng. , Go straight to Lingshan, the headquarters of Buddhism.

Along the way, it was true that the gods blocked and killed the gods, and the Buddha blocked and killed the Buddha. When the time came, the Buddhist sect was beaten to pieces. After all, the Buddhist sect did not expect that the magic way would launch a surprise attack. Although they were also prepared, they did not kill all of them. The strength is concentrated together, but scattered in the surrounding areas of Lingshan.

However, the reaction of the Buddhist sect was not slow. After a short-term defeat, they began to quickly gather Buddhist soldiers to gather towards Lingshan. Only by joining forces can the two sides be able to withstand the menacing demon army.

Moreover, in order to curb the momentum of the demon army, Tathagata, Maitreya, Ksitigarbha and other Buddhist powers all took action, stopping Monkey King, Liu Er and other Hunshi four monkeys and Dapeng, thus slowing down the demon army from attacking the Buddhist camp The momentum gave Fomen a chance to breathe.

Kunpeng stood in the sky, glanced at the Taoist who devoured the sky, then stared at the location of Lingshan, and said: "Mozu, it seems that the reaction of Buddhism is very fast. Although it has the upper hand for a while, but if it continues like this, I am afraid it will also be in the middle of a fierce battle." In the middle, I should take the first shot, and make a quick decision as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Taoist Devourer said with a smile: "Kunpeng, even if you make a move, I'm afraid it will be difficult to fight quickly. Although Haotian and Yaochi are not as good as you, they are not so easy to deal with, but you can just make a move. Delay Haotian and Yaochi, deal with them if possible, and leave the rest to me."

After Kunpeng heard this, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, he nodded slightly towards the Taoist Devourer, transformed into Kunpeng's body, and rushed straight to Lingshan, with a half-step Hunyuan aura undisguised, completely attracting Buddhism and Haotian Pay attention, this is his first battle after returning from the robbery, so naturally he has to play his prestige as a magician.

Under the bodhi tree, Taoist Bodhi saw Kunpeng coming straight to Lingshan, so he said to Haotian and Yaochi: "Daoist Haotian, fellow Taoist Yaochi, this Kunpeng is coming fiercely, and I ask the two fellow daoists to take action. I don't want to be able to defeat the enemy. , but I hope that it can be held back, and it is enough not to intervene in the battle of Buddhism."

After Haotian heard this, he was also slightly relieved. Compared with the demon ancestor, Taoist Devourer, it is obvious that Kunpeng is better to deal with. Although his cultivation base is even higher than that of him and Yaochi, but he and Yaochi teamed up. If you can't win, at least you can hold Kunpeng back, lest there be more powerful enemies in Buddhism.

As for the Heaven Devourer Taoist, it is natural to leave it to the Buddhist sect to deal with it themselves, and this is also the key to the victory of this great battle. The Buddhist sect still has the good and evil corpses of the two saints, even if they are all at the peak of the quasi-sage. The sage has a magic weapon in hand, but it seems a little bit reluctant to use it to deal with Taoist Devourer.

But judging from Bodhi Taoist's expression, it seems that he is not too worried about this matter. It seems that the two saints, Jieyin and Zhunti, have long been prepared, so they don't need to worry about it. Although they have an agreement with Buddhism, Haotian has not sacrificed himself for others He would rather face Kunpeng alone than join forces with Buddhism to deal with Taoist Devourer.

You must know that Taoist Devourer is Di Jun's evil corpse, and in the prehistoric world, anyone who has anything to do with Di Jun is very troublesome, let alone this is Di Jun's evil corpse, and his magic weapons are definitely the best in the prehistoric After all, in terms of magic weapons, who in the wild can compare with Di Jun!
Without thinking too much, Haotian and Yaochi turned into two brilliance of gold and silver, and headed towards Kunpeng. On the way, Yaochi sent a voice transmission to Haotian, saying: "Haotian, does this Buddhist sect have any trump cards? Even if the two saints and the four corpses hold the holy man's magic weapon, I'm afraid they will definitely not be the opponent of Dijun's evil corpse."

Haotian replied: "We don't need to worry about that. After all, Buddhism has a profound foundation, and the practice of receiving and guiding is even more hidden. Maybe they have already prepared a means to deal with Taoist Heaven Devourer. We just need to hold Kunpeng back However, if the Buddhist sect can defeat the Heaven Devourer Taoist at that time, it will be enough to determine the universe."

Although he has joined forces with Buddhism, Haotian still has some reservations in his heart. Although he has to participate in the battle between Buddha and demon, he still has a little care. If there is nothing he can do, he can only survive , Abandon the remaining forces under his command, and leave directly with Yaochi, in order to protect himself, maybe there is still hope of proving the Hunyuan.

It didn't take long before Haotian and Yaochi met Kunpeng directly in mid-air. Haotian glanced at the armies of the two sides that were fighting below, and said directly: "Kunpeng, we can't use our hands and feet here, why don't we go up to the nine heavens?" How about fighting, how about fighting like this?"

Kunpeng smiled lightly, and said: "Haotian, Yaochi, it's really the two of you who came to stop me. The Demon Ancestor was not wrong, but it's a pity that he failed to fight in the Heavenly Court last time. Let's compete, and let me see how capable you are that you dare to disobey His Majesty the Demon Emperor again and again."

As soon as the words fell, the three of Kunpeng, Haotian and Yaochi fled directly to the Nine Heavens, where is the boundary between the ancient starry sky and the Nine Heavens, and there are no living beings, but it is possible for the three of them to use half-step Hunyuan. It also prevents the innocent from being affected and causing any damage to Xiniu Hezhou.

Above the nine heavens, Haotian sacrificed the Haotian Mirror and hung it above his head, holding in his hand the only remaining whip from the Second Treasure of the Conferred Gods, and stood side by side with Yaochi, while Yaochi sacrificed a plain cloud flag, the weather is dense, and the world is bright , all evils retreat, ten thousand dharmas do not invade, a faint white light is like luck, covering the surroundings of the two of them, protecting them well.

Seeing this, Kunpeng also sneered. Both Haotian and Yaochi magic weapons were given by Hongjun. Although there are not many, they are all top-grade innate spirit treasures. They are richer in offense and defense than when he was in Heaven in the past. After returning from robbery, he was rewarded by Emperor Jun, and he retrained his old magic weapon. Now it is not bad, and he is also worthy of fighting treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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